• Member Since 28th Oct, 2012
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Particle Physics and Pony Fiction Experimentalist

More Blog Posts441

  • 8 weeks
    Eclipse 2024

    Best of luck to everyone chasing the solar eclipse tomorrow. I hope the weather behaves. If you are close to the line of totality, it is definitely worth making the effort to get there. I blogged about how awesome it was back in 2017 (see: Pre-Eclipse Post, Post-Eclipse

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    10 comments · 197 views
  • 16 weeks
    End of the Universe

    I am working to finish Infinite Imponability Drive as soon as I can. Unfortunately the last two weeks have been so crazy that it’s been hard to set aside more than a few hours to do any writing…

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    6 comments · 195 views
  • 19 weeks
    Imponable Update

    Work on Infinite Imponability Drive continues. I aim to get another chapter up by next weekend. Thank you to everyone who left comments. Sorry I have not been very responsive. I got sidetracked for the last two weeks preparing a talk for the ATOM society on Particle Detectors for the LHC and Beyond, which took rather more of my time than I

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    1 comments · 180 views
  • 20 weeks
    Imponable Interlude

    Everything is beautiful now that we have our first rainbow of the season.

    What is life? Is it nothing more than the endless search for a cutie mark? And what is a cutie mark but a constant reminder that we're all only one bugbear attack away from oblivion?

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  • 22 weeks
    Quantum Decoherence

    Happy end-of-2023 everyone.

    I just posted a new story.

    EInfinite Imponability Drive
    In an infinitely improbable set of events, Twilight Sparkle, Sunny Starscout, and other ponies of all generations meet at the Restaurant at the end of the Universe.
    Pineta · 12k words  ·  51  0 · 913 views

    This is one of the craziest things that I have ever tried to write and is a consequence of me having rather more unstructured free time than usual for the last week.

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Science Festival Fun · 4:26pm Jun 23rd, 2016

This weekend I will be running a Particle Physics themed stall at the Oxfordshire Science Festival, and thus busy trying to grab the attention of any passing civilians in order to enthuse to them about how awesome fundamental physics is. This requires a fair amount of organisation, so I am now in triple-check-the-checklist-to-make-sure-we-didn't-miss-anything-when-we-double-checked-the-checklist mode. To start, we need certain toys professional equipment:

- Cloud Chamber – a small container filled with a bit of isopropanol. Cooled so it creates a super-saturated vapour layer, so when a cosmic ray or other particle passes through it makes a line of tiny droplets. Must remember to pick up the ice on Saturday morning.

- Silicon Detector. This is the modern digital-camera version of the last one. But instead of having to peer closely at a faintly illuminated volume waiting for a glimpse of transitory line of droplets, you can just watch the picture appearing on a laptop screen. Not quite so exciting, but rather more up-to-date technology.

- Build Your Own Universe Lego. The yellow bricks are the up quarks, the red ones are the down quarks. All the Universe is made of elementary building blocks, so we can start off making the proton and neutron, then move on to deuterium, helium and heavier elements…

- Particle Zoo toys. The entire Standard Model of Particle Physics in plushie form. So make friends with a charm or strange quark, or try to recreate a mid-air proton-proton collision. Unfortunately someone has walked off with the Higgs Boson so I need to find it. The eyes have fallen off the tau and anti-muon... and the tachyon (but that’s not real anyway).

If anyone lives near Oxford (the one in England, not the one in Mississippi) and wants a fun day out, do come along. There is a lot going on. Some ticketed events, but also lots of free stalls on the streets and in the town hall. The weather forecast is not looking good, but hopefully the post referendum despair, chaos, and economic collapse will hold off, at least until Monday.

Comments ( 8 )

I miss the good old days when the teacher in teh physics lab at school would build a cloud chamber in front of us. Then use a sock and the CO2 fire extinguisher to make the dry ice to cool it, then open the lead box containing the school radiation sources, because this was before the ready availability of the same source in the common cheap smoke alarm.:pinkiecrazy:

Maybe a table with magnets and ball bearings, like pinball, but the game is to ballistic the marble round the magnet into the target?

Or pull out the really old Dudeney Collection, like the shove hapenny where the odds of winning are 1/pi?

Laser pen and carboard sheets to make interfeerence patterns? Where to get the plastic A4 magnifier though for making things more compact, and maybe even try and demonstrate with a ballpoint pen telescope how you can cause an intereference pattern to collapse by observation, but its too small?

Or use a Bluetooth node as a microwave source for intereference pattern generator, after checking if the mains testing screwdriver with microwave oven leak detector is sensitive enough to light up along the pattern? Or even the headphones, so they lose and regain the signal due to interference, showing why your router positioning at home is so important etc?

Sorry Ic ant think of anything, Im not very good at the imagination thing. :pinkiesad2:

Unfortunately someone has walked off with the Higgs Boson so I need to find it.

Oh the irony :trixieshiftleft:

That Lego molecule is the greatest feat of scientific manchildery I have ever seen. :pinkiehappy:

Unfortunately someone has walked off with the Higgs Boson so I need to find it.

I suppose that in England, the search for the Higgd-Boson continues. :trollestia:

Also in their defense, there is a lot of stuff for it to hide in.

4044561 And I was so sure of myself! :raritycry:

That sneaky Higgs! Always running off, needing to be found! :twilightblush:

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