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Tv Tropes entry for Fall Of Equestria: Judgment · 4:49am Jan 24th, 2017

So I just read Fall Of Equestria: Judgment a Hate-fic against the whole Fall Of Equestria-verse.
For those who don't know, Fall Of Equestria is about a bunch of misogynist Caribou that ends up conquering Equestria and corrupts it's inhabitants with mind-control magic, the mares are turn into mindless sex-slaves while the stallions into abusives masters. The whole concept is abhorrent on every level, and deserves all the hate it gets.

FOE: Judgment is about Spike going on a roaring rampage of revenge that ends with all of the Caribou on the edge of extintion, this is not a spoiler since it's on the description.

Now, since I discovered that Tv Tropes won't allow me to put a story with such amount of explicit, sexual, Not Safe For Work content I'll put something similar on this blog down below.

* Adaptational Heroism: Prince Blueblood, who is a full-on traitor in Fall-canon, manage to surprise Spike and the readers by revealing that he's a mole working for Queen Chrysalis..

* Adaptational Villainy: King Dainn and the Caribou are far crueler than the original canon.

* All Your Powers Combined: During the final fight, Spike realize that King Dainn has absorbed the power of the four alicorns of Equestria, finally justifying his Invincible Villain status.

* Always Chaotic Evil: Caribou are depicted as an irredeemable specie that must be exterminated. It's later reveal that they are actually corrupted by the very same dark magic they use to mind control the equestrian, and because their level of corruption is so high that is irreversible, Spike kill them all knowing there's no salvation for them.

* And There Was Much Rejoicing: Exaggerated. Equestria is still celebrating the death of all Caribou even three months after their extinction. Also an example of And The Fandom Rejoiced.

* Anti-Magic: The armor and weapons used by the caribou have runes that neutralize magic, yet another reason with they were be able to conquer Equestria so easily. See Fantastic Fragility for it’s weakness.

* Asshole Victim: It’s very hard to feel any sympathy to the Caribou, no character in the story mourn their demise, even the judges lose sympathy for them after they hear Spike story.

* Authority Equal Asskicking: King Dainn, turns out he's as powerful as an alicorn and as tough as one.
** Spike is an extremely capable warrior when he's general of the Caribou and later leading the 'Rise of Equestria' army.
** Queen Chrysalis, once the conflict goes full-scale war, she decide to stop hiding behind-the-lines and goes to the front lines armed with an enormous scythe.

* Big Bad: King Dainn is the tyrannical, misogynist, sex-addicted, complete monster, patriarch and Alpha-Male of the Caribou.

* Big Good: Queen Chrysalis, of all people. She's one of the leading forces of the 'Rise of Equestria' army.

* Bittersweet Ending: Equestria is saved, a new alliance between nations is formed, King Dainn and his Caribou are extinct, but Spike perished as a result of using the Crystal Heart, a new Crystal Heart is born and everyone mourns his death.

* Blood Knight: Spike enjoy killing and torturing the caribou, he wants to make sure they suffer.

* Bondage Is Bad: One of the many ways the caribou torment the females.

* Brainwashed And Crazy: Anyone who is mind controlled by the Caribou. There are two types: the Enslaved and the Corrupted.
** The Enslaved still has part of the original consciousness of the victim but is controlled by a voice insisting them to follow the way of the Caribou. The enslaved can eventually break free from the mind control.
** The Corrupted have their mind completely consumed and controlled by the spell. It's irreversible so the Rebel usually put them out of their misery as a result. Twilight gets saved thanks to the Tree of Harmony. Many Corrupted get free once the Crystal Cock is destroyed.

* Break The Cutie: All characters in the story, but special mention goes to Spike; he goes from a nice, harmless dragon, to a merciless, cold-blooded monster.

* Broken Angel: The entire equestrian female population is quite literally brought down to their knees by the caribou; they cut of their horns, any flier has their wings plucked and encased, and they degrade their minds until they break.

* Broken Bird: Most of the mane 6 are in this state after they are free from the brainwash, the only ones that aren't are Rainbow Dash and Applejack as they were never brainwashed in the first place. They slowly start to recover as the story advanced.

* Chekhov's Skill: At one point, it's reveal that the changelings can regrow their missing horns. Later on, the Rebels start using magic in order for female unicorns to recover their severed horn.

* Cluster F-Bomb: Expect to see A LOT of swearing in this fic.

* Cold-Blooded Torture: The Caribou enjoy torturing females by raping and humiliating them.
** Spike later starts enjoying torturing Caribou in cruel and gruesome ways, much to the horror of his companions.

* Create Your Own Hero: Dainn actions to Equestria are the reason of his downfall; Queen Chrysalis, who doesn’t care about anyone other than her changelings, becomes the Big Good of the Equestrian forces knowing how dangerous Dainn is; and he made Spike a vengeful monster that cries for caribou blood.

*Curb-Stomp Battle: King Dainn and the Caribou very easily conquered the Crystal Empire and Equestria by brainwashing most of the population through a surprise attack. Later, Spike and the ‘Rise of Equestria’ army turn the table against them and completely massacre the entire Caribou race and kill anybody who sided with them.

* Defiant To The End: Black-Collars are generally this. Most notably are Rainbow Dash, Lightning Dust and Princess Luna. Their stubbornness helped them resist the mind break.
** Members of the Resistance are this when they are captured.
** Filthy Rich, after he was discovered to be a ally of the resistance, he ran home and kill himself and all of his Black-Collar slaves, all of them choose death over becoming a slave to the Caribou.
** Subverted with the Caribou prisoners, at first they seems very defiant and highly tolerant to the torture that the changelings are giving them, but once Spike starts torturing them in far more gruesome ways, they breakdown and start begging for mercy. His actions horrified every expectator in the room, from the mane 6, the changeling guards, to Chrysalis herself.

* Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Spike just barely manage to defeat a Windigo after pulling out a Heroic Second Wind.

* Do Not Taunt Cthulhu: Once Discord is free from the mind control, he suffers a severe case of My God, What Have I Done? before rebooting into full Tranquil Fury mode and proceed to single handedly takes out all the Caribou from Manehattan. We don't get to see what he did to them, probably for the best.

* Domed Hometown: King Dainn uses the 'Crystal Cock' to created an impenetrable dome that doesn't let anyone in or out of Equestria and the Crystal Empire. It doesn't stop Queen Chrysalis from successfully contacting Saddle Arabia and other nations for help.

* The Dreaded/Terror Hero: Spike becomes feared by the caribou for his brutality when killing them, he even earned the title “The Reaper”.

* Dumb Muscle: According to Soaris, the Caribou aren't very smart, but they're strong and muscular enough to put the minotaurs into shame.

* Empty Shell: Females that makes great offences has their mind wiped clean and they become this, some of them were males turned into females. After Celestia is free from the brainwash, she's in such a deep state of shock that she essentially this. It takes two months for her to snap out of it.

* Enemy Mine: Queen Chrysalis realize that the Caribou are a major threat and that she needs to help save Equestria in order for her and the changelings to survive. She even managed to make contact with Saddle Arabia, asking for help. She remains an ally of Equestria even after the war is over.

* Everyone Has Standards: It's safe to say that almost every character in the story is disgusted by the Caribou misogynistic actions, except the Embracers.
** Even Evil Has Standards: Queen Chrysalis is absolutely horrified of their actions and knowing that they're a threat to her and her changelings, she becomes Equestria resistance first major ally since the Fall.

* Face-Heel Turn: The Embracers. Mostly males and some females that not only openly accepted the Caribou traditions, they also betray Equestria and the Crystal Empire by allowing the Fall to happen. At the end of the war, Spike has all of them publicly executed.

* Fake Defector/Pretend To Be Brainwashed: Appropriately named the Fakers. Many males that weren't affected by the mind control, or where freed from it, are forced to act like abusive masters in order to avoid capture, same goes for the unaffected females, they pretend to act like obedient mindless slave in order to avoid punishment or worse. They're also server spies for the resistance.
** Notables Fakers are Spike, Big Mac, Soaris, Filthy Rich, Cranky Doodle, Caramel, Thunderlane, Bulk Biceps, Pokey, nurse Red Heart and Zecora.
** Prince Blueblood is an example of a Faker that faked being an Embracer. This allowed him to get vital information for the Rebels.

* Fan Disservice: Due to how deprived the Caribou life of style is (note: sexual slavery and absolute discrimination of the female populace), any form of sexual content comes off as completely disgusting and disturbing.

* Fate Worse Than Death: Living in the Crapsack World created by the Caribou is so deprived than many committed suicide right after the Fall started, the surviving characters view their world as worse than hell.

* Flat-Character: The Caribou don't have much personality in them; they're just racist assholes that enjoy raping mares. Same goes to anyone who is brainwashed.

* Fantastic Fragility: The armor and weapons used by the Caribou have runes that make them immune to magic, however attack it with a powerful enough spell and the runes will ignore the attack. This is exemplified in the story by a recently-freed and extremely furious Shinning Armor, who use his magic to crush caribou soldiers while he’s screaming in pure rage.

* Full-Frontal Assault: Sometimes female slaves will attack Caribou completely naked.
** After Spike obtains the Crystal Heart he stop using any kind of armor or even a weapon, he attack naked and with his bare claws. A sign of his losing sanity.

* Gender Bender: Any male that tries to defend a female gets turned into one as punishment. The term used by the Caribou is “switched”.

* Genius Bruiser: Spike, apart from being a powerful dragon, he's also a tactical genius.

* Kill Em All: The mentality that Spike and the 'Rise of Equestria' army has against the Caribou race. They success in wiping the race into extinction.

* Happily Adopted: Spike Solaris is the adoptive son of Princess Celestia. It becomes a massive Tearjerker after he's forced to see that Celestia has been successfully brainwashed, and he has to rape her in order to keep his cover.

* Happiness In Slavery: The Caribou wants the female population to believe that being a sex slave is their form of life, only the ones that are "happy" are under Mind Control or willingly submit, and they have it in the form of Stepford Smile (fake or unsettling).

* Hate Fic: The author makes it very clear that this is a hate fic, however he actually put enough effort in making a good fic too.

* Heel-Face Turn/Fire-Forged Friends: Queen Chrysalis became an ally of Equestria largely for pragmatic reasons, but over the course she ends up making a permanent alliance with Equestria and other nations and become close friend with Spike. The sequel shows that she’s very close to Cadence and Shinning Armor.

* Heroic R.R.O.D.: Spike gains amazing powers after he obtain the power of the Crystal Heart, he later realize that his life is actually deteriorating because of it, and he only has a few months left to live.

* Heroic Sacrifice : Happens very frequently.

* He Who Fights Monsters: Spikes slowly becomes a merciless, cold-blooded, mass-murderer Caribou killer as the story advance; the other characters don’t stop him, only lament that the once cheerful, innocent child has become a monster and the hero that Equestria was asking for.

* How We Got Here/This Is My Story: The story starts out with Spike being judge for all of his crime against the Caribou, Spike decide to tell them his story why he started his crusade of revenge.

* Hypnotize The Princess: Cadence and Twilight were easily corrupted by the mind spell. Celestia and Luna are immune so they proceed to abuse, humiliate, rape and degrade them until they mentally break and give in, Celestia becomes a obedient Red-Collar, but Luna remains a defiant Black-Collar for 4 years before they're rescue.

* I Did What I Had To Do: Spike has to become the best slave trainer in order to climb in the Caribou social status, he success in getting the King attention just like he planned. His rampage against the Caribou species can also be consider one.
** Many male equestrians were forced to do horrible things in order to survive.

* Immune To Mind Control: 1 out of 12 males are unaffected by the Crystal Cock, 1 out of 3 females are immune as well. The changeling themselves are immune.

* Innocence Lost: The very first chapter is called "Innocence Lost". Is represent as Spike losing his virginity by raping a corrupted Twilight.

* Know When To Fold 'Em: Once Prince Blueblood realize that King Dainn suspecting that there are spies among his ranks, he decide to stop being a Double Agent, fake his death and becomes a fighter for the Equestrian army.

* La Résistance: An entire force against the Caribou and their wicked way of life, they consist of members of both sexes and many species, ponies, griffons, minotaurs, buffalos, changelings, zebras, saddle arabians and many more.
** The Alliance: Late in the story, it becomes the 'Rise of Equestria' army and start gaining allies from other nations.
** After the war, Equestria and it's allies sign an official alliance to protect each and to prevent a disaster like the Fall from ever happening again.

* Laser-Guided Karma: The Caribou, forcing their ideals to a entire population through forceful brainwash, among other moral event crossing actions, get a well-deserved punishment by getting themselves killed by a vengeful dragon.

* Lawful Stupid: Subverted, while the judges are completely right that Spike has committed crimes that would make him the worst criminal ever, they not seem to comprehend why he committed them, as if they’re completely unaware of the atrocities that the Caribou made to Equestria, but as Spike tell his story about his crusade, their opinion of Spike and the Caribou change over the course of the story.

* Lightning Bruiser: After Spike obtains the power of the Crystal Heart, he becomes an unstoppable killing machine, fast, strong and nearly invulnerable.

* Mass Hypnosis: The Caribou use mind control spell using the corrupted Crystal Heart (now reshaped as the 'Crystal Cock') to force their ideals into the entire equestrian population.

* Mercy Kill: When Spike tries to remove the mind control spell from some of the prisoners, he realize that the Corrupted, the ones that has their completely consume by the mind control, has become too corrupted to be saved so giving them a painless death is the most ‘humane’ option. Twilight is be able to recover thanks to the Tree Of Harmony. Once the Crystal Cock is destroyed, some corrupted were freed from the spell, other weren't so lucky.
** He sometimes gave this to certain Caribou that are sympathetic enough to deserve it.

* Mook Horror Show: Spike becomes feared by many for his brutality when killing caribou, Equestria eventually follow his example.

* My God, What Have I Done?: Any male character that breaks free from the mind control will suffer from this since they are forced to remember all of the thing that they did under the influence of the Caribou, some of them are Driven To Suicide, other go into Unstoppable Rage.
** The allied nations that abandoned Equestria and the Crystal Empire during the Fall started to regret their decision once they start hearing about the suffering that the equestrians are going through at the hands of the Caribou, they all join forces in order to save Equestria and take down the Caribou. They become even more remorseful once they get to see their atrocities at first hand.

* A Nazi By Any Other Name: King Dainn and the Caribou are what the Nazis would be if they were misogynistic and had a very deprived way of life.

* No Kill Like Overkill: After Spike finally defeat King Dainn, he proceed to brutally torture him for two weeks until he goes completely insane (apparently he now worship the female gender), Spike then realize that torturing him any longer would be pointless so he decide to burn him alive, then he burn his ashes and burn the torture room that he was in.

* No Sell: Somewhat of a Running Gag, every time a caribou tries to hit Spike with a warhammer on his head will result in the hammer getting destroyed and Spike mostly unharmed.
** Once Spike got close enough to meet King Dainn, he realize that his skin is tougher than his and attacking him would be useless. The final battle reveals why.
** After he get the power of the Crystal Heart, he's immune to most attacks and can regenerate.

* No Woman's Land: The culture of the Caribou is this trope taken to its Logical Extreme. They force their culture into Equestria were the females are nothing more than a mindless sex slave and the males are abusive masters that treat the female like worthless objects.

* Not So Invincible After All: King Dainn first appears to be invincible due to multiples failed attempts against his life, but once Spike acquired the power of the Crystal Heart he managed to harm Dainn and finally defeating him with the help of Chrysalis and the mane6.

* Pay Evil Unto Evil: Spike commits genocide and perform multiples war crimes against the caribou race, while the story makes it clear that genocide is horrible, from Spike and Equestria’s point of view, he’s bringing justice to them.

* Rape And Slavery Are A Special Kind Of Evil: One of the many reasons why the Caribou race is so despised by everyone in the story, even the readers hate them.

* Rape As Drama: More like played as tragery, the story is really that dark.

* Revenge: The main theme of this story.

* Roaring Rampage Of Revenge: After Spike breaks free from the mind control, he spent the next two years carefully planning his revenge on the Caribou that destroyed everything he ever loved. You think Spike will be okay by just exterminating the Caribou from Equestria? Think again, he takes his entire army and attack their homeland to make sure they're bring to their absolute extinction.
** The entire 'Rise of Equestria' army are fighting for revenge for all the horrible things the Caribou has done to them, their loved ones and the entire nation.

* The Scapegoat: Invoked. Spike reveals that he choose to take all blame for himself for all of the war crimes committed against the Caribou so that his compatriots goes unpunished.

* Screw This, I’m Outta Here!: Played for Drama. Part of the reason why the Fall happen was because Equestria’s allies abandon them after the Caribou conquered Equestria without any effort, later they change their mind once word about the atrocities of the Caribou and some join forces to help liberate Equestria and the Crystal Empire. But the equestrian still have resentful feelings about their “betrayal”.

* Sex-Slave: If you're a woman under Caribou rule, this is your fate, alongside absolute deterioration of your mind. Also if you're a unicorn or any species with magical horns, they cut your horns off; and a pegasus or any flyer have their wings completely plucked and stuffed in wing-sheath, permanently restraining their wings.

* Shameful Strip: All female slave are 24-hours naked, they are not allowed to wear any clothes.

* Shell-Shocked Veteran: Every surviving character in the story has become this, the suffering they were forced to endured in the Crapsack World created by the caribou.

* Slave Collar: All female slave have one. Different colors represent different categories.
** Black means the slave is still defiant and rebellious.
** Red means that they have become obedient slave either by brainwash, breaking them or by choice.
** Purple...
** Sliver means that it's elite, they’re Extreme Dormant and they are the only ones that get to keep their horns or wings.

* Straw Misogynist: The Caribou are possibly the most extreme example of this trope.

* A Taste Of Their Own Medicine: Defied by Spike himself. When the Flower Girls Trio were ready to torture a caribou, who tormented and humiliated them in the past, by making him go through the same torment that the girls went through, Spike forbids them and he starts a speech about not becoming one of them and instead they should just kill them all. The Flower Trio agreed and instead they torture him the gruesome way before killing him.

* That Man Is Dead: Big Mac states that Spike is no longer the dragon that he used to be. Spike himself is aware of it.
** The mane6 has this reaction after they witness Spike torturing Caribou prisoners in the cruelest way possible, they too knew that the Spike they used know is dead and never coming back.

* Then Let Me Be Evil: Spike is fully aware that his actions are horrible and that he has become a monster in the process, but he doesn’t care. The only thing he wants is revenge.

* There Are No Therapist: Played straight for the Caribou society, for them the male is an abusive master and the female a mindless sex slave. Everything else doesn't matter. Averted for the resistance, they offer therapy sessions for the survivors that still suffers from traumatic experience from the Caribou.

* Unstoppable Rage: Some of the Enslaves have rather violent reaction once their free from the corruption, Spike for example, he kill two caribou soldiers the second he gets free.

* Uriah Gambit: When Spike becomes general of the Caribou army, he takes this opportunity by making well-thought out plans that involve getting many Caribou kill without raising suspicion.
** Whenever he's task by King Dainn to investigate areas where Caribou soldiers mysteriously disappears, he takes his Caribou army knowing full well they're going to get killed by whatever mysterious force is attacking them.

* War Is Hell: Downplayed, maybe even subverted. While the war between Equestria and the Caribou has death on both sides (especially on the later side), all characters describe the Crapsack World created by King Dainn as a place worse than hell. For many, the war for liberation was just a walk in the park in compare to the deprived world they were forced to live in.

* What The Hell, Hero?: Spike and the equestrian in general, including the princesses, are very angry over the fact that their allied nations abandoned them before the Fall of Equestria. While there's some justification on their actions, including the fact that Equestria and the Crystal Empire where trapped in a impenetrable magical dome created by King Dainn, didn't stop the fact that it could've avoided, and as a result Equestria suffers 4 years of complete misery at the hand of the Caribou.
** Spike is on the receiving end of it a few times. When he decided that he needs to become the best slave trainer in order to meet King Dainn, his Fakers companions call him out of it. Later when one of his plans to kill multiples Caribou troopers literally involves getting at least 400 resistance fighters sacrifices in order to success, Queen Chrysalis is completely unhappy about it and threaten to kill him if the plan fails.

* Woobie, Destroyer Of Worlds: Spike, while he’s actually a hero, his murderous rampage against the caribou brand him as a monster by everyone even his allies and close friends, and they feel sorry of what he has become.

* Would Hurt A Child: Yes, not even the female children were safe from the Caribou. According to Spike, many of the children did not survive getting raped.

* You Are Too Late: An humorous example in an otherwise serious situation. Right after King Dainn has been defeated and dragged away by Spike, Discord appears, ready to kill Dainn only to be interrupted a tearful reunion with Fluttershy.

* You Cannot Fight Fate: It's reveal late in the story that the male Caribou has somehow become sterile, meaning that even if Spike hadn't wipe out the specie they still would've go extinct. Also, the power of the Crystal Cock has been weakening even before the start of the story; the mind control spell would've failed even if the Crystal Cock had not been destroyed. Ultimately their downfall was inevitable, Spike just speed up the process.

* Complete Monster: King Dainn might be one of the most deprived monster in fanfiction.

* Fridge Horror: So, how many equestrian where killed during of the Fall? Spike mention that their graveyards are full of ponies and other species that were killed during the Fall.

* Magnificent Bastard: Spike, not only is he be able to gain trust of King Dainn, his position as Caribou General allowed him to plan gambits that favor the Equestrian army while he remains unsuspected from his Caribou superiors.
** King Dainn is an In-Universe example. Many characters point out how flawless his invasion of Equestria was. Of course, that's where the praise ends.

* Moral Event Horizon: The Caribou specie crosses the MEH really deep, the use brainwash to force their ideals to the population and enslave all females to be sex object with absolute discrimination of them.

Comments ( 6 )

Thank you for taking your time to write and categorize all of this. It really warms my heart.:moustache:

You're welcome. And if there's anything you want to change, tell me.

Can your favorite journals? I love TvTropes and I love anti-Fall content. This is perfect.

I grant you permission. :)

Thanks a lot for this. I was hoping to find more about the story of this thing without having to look at porn.

On a side note, is there anything at all that can happen in a story that isn't called a trope on that website? Seeing as trope is an insult (right?), I think these people just hate stories.

Know this is old but TV Trooes hypocrite if they have a full page about sex slave and there is one page about fall of equestria

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