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Important update -- MUST READ · 10:45am Apr 1st, 2017

Today is the BEST DAY OF THE YEAR.

And what way could there possibly be to celebrate this magnificent day than a blog post.

I bring you...

FimFiction 2.0

"What could this be?"

I hear you say. Well, let me explain to you what Fimfiction 2.0 entails. Imagine, if you will, the perfect fanfiction website. Clean, elegant, fast, with all the features you could possibly want as an endearing fan of the My Little Pony franchise.

Also imagine a site filled with nothing but the finest fanfiction literature, by the finest authors one could imagine, all working towards the common goal of making out world a happier place through the art of writing, reading, and books. But not just My Little Pony, but every fandom. SU, HP, DBCZ, WNOF, OWINVFEUI, EGGPLANTS, and S-- Not sonic, but you get all the rest.

Yes, the perfect fanfiction website.

There is only one catch. Since the site is only in the beta stages, you're going to need to install a little script in order to enable the advanced features and experience the unparallelled awesomeness that is FimFiction 2.0.

I assure you it is perfectly safe, and what follows is a full list of changes that I'm sure you're all dying to love.

- Bigger, Greater Avatars

I think we can all agree that we absolutely hate the allusion of choice. That's why we took it all away. From now on, every user will be assigned a pre-determined avatar based on your previous activity, and our advance user-behavioural analysis algorithms.

What image you receive will be a direct, absolute, honest reflection of who you actually are. And you can all rest assured that our extensive database of possible avatars will ensure that everypony gets the correct, unique image that they absolutely deserve, all without having to make a single decision.

- Greater, Cover Art

Our new avatar system went down so well with the test groups, that we decided the next possible solution was to apply it to more parts of the site, both for the benefit of the user, and for improved consistency across all of Fimfiction 2.0. Thus, cover art will function the exact same way.

- Emoticons

Deeming them too 'choice heavy', we've opted to remove all emoticons except for one, the unanimously, agreed upon, most loved and used emoticon in the history of the entire human race.

- Voting

The same preference has also been extended to all parts of the site, to further satisfy users. Yes, say goodbye to the dry, overused, 'upvotes' and say hello to the dry, overused, :eggplants:. Share your love with everypony by eggplanting their stories, and posting an eggplant to their profile page.

Once again, you can get the enabler script for FimFiction 2.0 right here.

Note that you will need to have one of the following browser addons in order to enjoy today's shenanigans: Greasemonkey for Firefox or Tampermonkey for Chrome, Opera, Safari or MS Edge

Comments ( 7 )

I am not going to download anything that is linked on April 1st. It might have been made by the sweatshop children, and you can't trust Asian communists.

Okay, fair enough.

There's no way you can tell I'm not asian, or a communist, or a children, or an asian communist chilldren.

4479625 Yeah, this is me, too.

Sorry, Sollace.

If you'd rolled this out yesterday, or even tomorrow, I'd have added it.


You future Mao Zedong

*gasp* D:

Eh, I tried.

It's 8:18 PM, so the day's pretty much done for me. For anyone who doesn't want to try it: Eggplants, eggplants EVERYWHERE!

4479823 Well, it almost is here for me, too. (Thank GOD!!!)

As to that last:


You almost had me. If you had removed the choices behind voting, and let the algorithm determine for me if I had liked or disliked a story I read, then I would have been on board.

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