• Member Since 23rd May, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 14th, 2019

Red Bomber

More Blog Posts5

  • 364 weeks
    Please Don't Neglect Your Friends or Run Away From Them Like I Did

    It's been about a month now since the break up between Redskin and the co-writers, Redskin giving his story just so they can write story their way without him, and Redskin leaving fimfiction forever... a month where I got involved with this incident and try to be the middle man or hold some sort of middle ground wanting for both sides to work out a more favorable compromise but... left before

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    2 comments · 799 views
  • 394 weeks
    Did Anyone Get a Chapter Update for Harmonious Stronghold?

    I'm just checking to see if I did something wrong when I uploaded the latest chapter to this story. If at least one person got the notice for this then I know that I didn't do anything wrong when trying to upload it.

    6 comments · 455 views
  • 581 weeks
    Today's My Birthday But I Have a Tiny Present For You Guys.

    A small draft about Twilight seeing Rarity for the first time in the third chapter of Dark Alternative:

    *~A Month Ago~*

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    1 comments · 528 views
  • 591 weeks
    Rough Draft of Dark Alternative Ch. 3: How Twilight Meets The Little Girl

    Edit: Might as well add the part before Twilight meets the little girl because the conversation between Lyra and Fluttershy will change as well (and to give you more than two paragraphs to read), since I don't like the way of how they say their words in this scene.../Edit

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  • 612 weeks
    Dark Alternative Extras Unlock

    Hey everyone I've been having trouble with continiuing on with the story from time to time due to my fatigue and work. So I've made this extras page for deleted scenes from Dark Alternative and a place for my soon to be side stories that I will be placing when I'm done with chapter 3. There's a really good story that I wanted to write with but first I'll be writing the extra scenes and stories

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Please Don't Neglect Your Friends or Run Away From Them Like I Did · 5:54am Jun 5th, 2017

It's been about a month now since the break up between Redskin and the co-writers, Redskin giving his story just so they can write story their way without him, and Redskin leaving fimfiction forever... a month where I got involved with this incident and try to be the middle man or hold some sort of middle ground wanting for both sides to work out a more favorable compromise but... left before doing anything... And to make things worse, during the few times I was here on the internet Redskin and I kept missing each other like we're trying to meet up at a park only for one of us to get there and then leave before the other shows back up. I could've kept trying throughout the month but I didn't... I don't even have a good excuse other than "waiting for the right day to spend all of it on trying to make sense of this mess" but I just ended up spending most of my days playing a new video game called Akiba's Beat and spending the weekends playing with my brothers and picking them up from work.

What's strangely ironic about this is that most of the character arcs in Akiba's Beat deal with abandonment, running away, and neglect from friends, which is... what I've been doing... Now I haven't actually beaten the game since I just finally got the all main party members together, but so far that's what's been happing with 3 of the main characters or 2 of the main characters besides the protagonist, Asahi. I'm not going to spoil much of the game in the next few sentences but I'm still going to put spoiler tags over it so read at your own risk Anyway in the game Asahi's been dealing with the main game's problem with the repeating Sunday and as one of the few people who knows that he's living in an eternal Sunday, he realizes that he's going to keep getting the same "reminder" message from his best friend so he decides to block him, believing that he'll forgive him when the whole mess is finally over but that only kicks off the arc or was the final straw that broke the camel's back that made his friend very antagonistic toward him. Asahi's friend was so antagonistic toward him that when he made a mistake that resulted in a man finally taking the plunge to kill himself, his friend takes it upon himself to make him feel worse about this by telling him that it's ALL HIS FAULT that the man is going to kill himself now even though this is happening in a repeating Sunday and he can use this chance to save that man which he and his friends figure out a couple days later. So long story short, Asahi made a friend so mad at him, that he was willing to make him miserable on purpose.
Now how does this particular plot of the game that has kept me from trying to go back to Redskin and the others to help them out? Well it's because I became afraid of them, especially after a week and a half has passed since then. To make matters worse, on the one night I actually decided to get back and try to contact everybody I had to stay with my brother since his meeting with his friends moved into an entirely new location that I'm not familiar with that I had to stay with him so I can use his GPS to help me get back (I don't have a smartphone), but I digress. I became afraid to go back to this site to the face the same kind of anger that Asahi's best friend had with him that Redskin and the others would've most likely had but with the same amount of malice that this character to cruelly make me miserable on purpose. No, I was afraid of a fury of a different matter...

I was afraid that I would've gotten the same kind of speech that I've saw on a clip of a show called Bojack Horseman. I would link this clip but they say the "f" word and I can't very well link that to this site so you're going to have to look it up yourself on YouTube, luckily I have the title of the clip right here in the spoiler line: Bojack Horseman, Episode 8 (The Telescope) - Harsh Words with Herb So it shouldn't be too hard to find, though I may have to look up the FAQ if that's also alright. Anyway what happens in this clip is that the titular character tries to apologize for abandoning his friend when he needed him the most and that friend refused his apology and deny him the right of any closure and letting him know he'll never forgive him for leaving him like that and the friendship they had was effectively over the moment he ran from him and took too long to make his apology for that. I'm afraid of getting this kind of response Redskin mostly because we were kind of getting along pretty well up until the last few months where I become a no show to any of the projects we're working on and barely stayed there when I showed up. Redskin breaking up with his friends over the creative differences in Spectrum is basically that moment that he needed his friends the most, maybe and I couldn't be there for him... So I'm afraid of getting this kind of speech or finding out that kind of speech is sitting there waiting for me because I was so absent from everything. I still want to be his friend but I don't want to do about this other than apologize and I apologize way too much about this kind of thing, what can I do besides that and be prepared to be emotionally killed if it come to that? "Emotionally killed" as in become extremely sad and/or depress for a few days or a week or two after something traumatic or in this case getting "The Reason You Suck Speech."

Now about Spectrum in general, what I wanted to do was at least to give out all of my suggestions to make a compromise between Redskin and his friends' creative differences of the story they wanted to go. What I was able to figure out before I disappear for long like this is that is that two of the many main differences is that Redskin was going to put someone's characters under the bus, I didn't really get them to clarify or not if that meant Redskin planned to have them killed. From the way I see it in my attempt to see what Redskin was thinking, it was part of his effort to shift the story focus back to Marcus and Celestia and Discord, and maybe the Mane 6 while making the Loads of Loads of characters that appear recently to fade into the background and back to their own respective stories. If he wasn't going to kill someone else's characters, I believe that is what would've happened to them. I could be wrong here but that's what I see when the infighting started about giving Marcus back his main focus on the story. Since I still don't know the full story I can't give a good suggestion that will be a good compromise for both sides about trying to give everyone equal spot lights.
Another one of the contentions of the fight between the crew is Chrysalis' behavior during the story. From Redskin's last blog post and what I heard from someone on the crew, it seemed like he was fed up with being reminded that Chrysalis is evil and enjoys being evil. While there really shouldn't be nothing wrong with Chrysalis mentioning that she did brainwash Lyra during her first appearance while pretending to be Cadence- I wonder how they plan on her saying that- I guess having Chrysalis frequently saying along the lines of "Hey, I'm only helping you because this is an Enemy Mine situation. That doesn't mean I won't try to take over the world again once this is over." Is kind of annoying and, kind of dumb. I'm pretty sure she would be more smart about it and wait until sometime waaaaaaayyyyy after the war before pulling schemes like that. Though I guess it's more of "she thinks this way for now, but when the battle is over, she'll definitely change her tune" kind of logic. Still though I'm honestly surprise things escalated from this point on. Why did the fight started out like this? What was the actual difference on what Redskin's Chrysalis is supposed to be like is what the rest of the crew's version of her supposed to be like? Why did everyone split up like this? Why can't they get along? What's everyone's side on this? I haven't been able to answer that last question and I still want to find out if I could if the blogs are still here. Though I'm not so confident that I will get these kinds of answers anytime soon and that there are no new PMs when I got back here tonight does not help matters even further.

I'm uncertain and afraid and I can't just use false bravado and say everything is going to be okay when I don't know what's going to happen. Especially about the future about this story in general. If I could, I would try to contact Redskin and see if he's still okay with me doing Harmonious Stronghold with him I mean even if he is out of this writing fanfiction business, I'd still really appreciate his input on that. If I can't do that at all then I'm afraid that has to be it with the story. Especially since this story is supposed to be a preview of the future battles that are supposed to come. You were supposed to see how aerial battles will work with guns, and how the soldiers will use weapons and magical weapons on the ground and that's basically it. That's basically what the whole story is supposed to be about. But with the crew fractured like this, I'm not even sure how the story is supposed to go anymore....

This.... is why... I want anybody that gets far into this paragraph or starts here I want you to try to not to neglect your friends and hang out with them as often as you can even if you have little time in your schedule. I don't want anybody to become like me who becomes friends with someone and then just "fade" out of existence overtime. Try to do other things besides one thing and always, always cherish your time with them. It's about to be 2:00AM where I'm from and it's getting harder to type clearly even though I started at 11:30PM. I think I've said all I can say without it being too, sad... and depressing I guess. Good night

Comments ( 2 )

Reading this, I do feel sorry hearing how you feel that you've been left by the wayside. I hope this is a feeling you can soon recover from, and place yourself back on track. Although, if I may, I believe your time away was better spent with your family and other hobbies than getting caught in the mire.

It's curious you should mention that scene of Herb rejecting Bojack, since this very scene briefly flashed through my mind during the lowest point of the fallout, though the actual parallels with our own circumstances are, to be honest, rather thin.

However, consider this line delivered by Herb.

"I'm not going to be your prop so you can feel better."

You have your choices as to who you wish to be friends with, which is how it should be, but my opinion is that if you want to tread carefully around Red, it shouldn't be because you're afraid of being the Bojack to his Herb. Quite the opposite. More than once he has expected others to make him feel better while offering very little in return, and I don't see any sign of that changing.

I’ve been largely quiet and stayed out of making any public statements, but I want you to know that you really don’t have to blame yourself for anything. I wouldn’t say “there’s nothing you could’ve done”, but this split was kind of a long time coming in hindsight, which as they always say is 20/20. And God knows that I, the most neutral party here (who’s still friends with Red even after the others cut ties with him), really honestly did try to smooth things over for everyone so we could get the ball rolling. If you have questions, you can PM me. I know it’s a bit out of the blue, as we barely interacted much before, but just know that you shouldn’t have to beat yourself up over the way things played out.

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