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Not a changeling.

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Gosh, this hill is starting to look awfully flat · 6:52pm Jul 18th, 2017

(art credit: flamingbreeze)

Guess where I'm going to be spending my 40th birthday! :D

At work! [1] :raritydespair:

But the day after my 40th birthday? Ah, now that's where the fun comes in!

A group of fun-loving folks called The Barcast do a two-hour podcast every week, and have asked me to join in as this week's special guest! On Friday, July 21, from 6pm-8pm Central time (that's 4-6pm Pacific, or 11 pm-1 am GMT), you'll be able to tune in to their livestream and hear me answer questions and shoot the shit.

(There will, in fact, be shit-shooting. They advertise themselves as "Casual, relaxed, and completely not PC, be ready for fun and vulgarity in equal parts." Each podcast also has a special drinking word, so if they choose, for example, "changeling", buy a couple of extra bottles of booze — and be prepared to wake up with no memory of last night, face down in your neighbor's petunias, wearing only a printed copy of My Harshwhinnial duct-taped together into underwear.)

You — yes, you — can also pose questions for them to ask me on the show! Go check out this thread in the Barcast FIMFic group to contribute. "In general, no question is too weird, obscene, or funny for us to ask," they say, and I'm ready to roll with that, so consider this an opportunity for a Horizon AMA!

Comments ( 13 )

[1] I'm not actually scheduled for July 20, but I've been asked into the office to cover for my coworkers who are giving a presentation on our fiber-optic network to a bunch of realtors. I half-suspect this to be a pretext for closing down the office and taking me out for a party. My boss definitely knows when my birthday is, and almost always does something special to mark the occasion. Still, until I know for sure, I'm going to treat it like a workday.

Happy whelpday! :pinkiehappy: You're Admiral Biscuit's age, two years younger than me.

It's weird being the old one in the group, but all you have to do to get there is wait! Easy peasy. :raritywink:

Happy B-day! With age, comes wisdom. Or in my case, just age. :pinkiegasp:

Site Blogger

July 20

*files this away*

Happy birthday! :pinkiesmile:

(Insert Time Enough For Love release question here) :derpytongue2:

Site Blogger

You too? They've got me lined up for August. Perhaps I should watch yours and see how much armor I should be putting on.

Wait, wait wait, This will be the day after your BIRTHDAY?? Well shit, we gotta plan something special then!
Where's my vodka and fireworks...

Happy birthday!
And do I spy a new user icon? At first glance I thought "whoa, the site redesign makes Horizon's icon look kind of… oh… ooh"

You have no idea how much this footnote not being in the body of the blog bothers me.

Aside from that, happy upcoming birthday! I can't guarantee that I'll be listening to the podcast—indeed, I'll be driving home from work for a large chunk of it—but I hope you enjoy it.

Happy birthday! In two days, anyways.



--Sweetie Belle

Awesome! The more, the merrier. :twilightsmile:

Ask on the thread! The more public humiliation, the merrier. :rainbowwild:

FORTIETH birthday, no less! I only get one of those!

(The year I had three birthdays is a tale for another time.)

Yep! It's from the Barcast art. I figured that people would notice the new icon, maybe check my user tab, and see the Barcast plug there. I'll change it back later. (No slight on the Barcast artist; I just really enjoy the Onnanoko/arcum42 art I usually use.)

It'll be posted to Youtube afterward!

And re the footnote: It was something of an experiment. Figured I'd try to keep the text body a little cleaner. Eh, I'll fix it in post.

Is it just me, or does that banner art make it look like everypony at that table is planning to grab that glass of milk as soon as the others blink? :rainbowhuh:

Anyway, happy b-day to you, and many more! :pinkiehappy:

I'm not convinced it's milk. :trixieshiftright:

And thank you!

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