• Member Since 1st May, 2013
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Knight Breeze

Just your average gaming geek/college student. I study computer science, play pathfinder, and write stories, and have a patreon!

More Blog Posts223

  • 53 weeks

    Hey, you guys ever hear of Xlibris? I've got an offer from them to publish my book, but I'm getting some shady vibes from some of the reviews I've read about them. Any thoughts?

    14 comments · 521 views
  • 54 weeks
    Amazon's changing it's print costs.

    So, as of June 20th, Amazon will be changing its print costs. Specifically, everything is going to be a bit more expensive. If you were on the fence for buying a physical copy of my books, now's the time to change your mind, seeing as how the price is going to increase in a couple of months. Thought I'd give you all the heads up.

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  • 55 weeks
    What I Am: Aftermath chapter.

    Hey, guys, I'm writing a conclusion chapter for What I Am. Nothing too substantial, given that a sequel and spin off already exist, but I thought I'd put it down as both a way to let those that don't exactly follow me (or, at the very least, don't follow my blog) know that the second book is out, and also know that A Darkened Sky is about to get a whole lot of chapters.

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  • 56 weeks
    Fool's Gambit.

    Man, did you ever go back and just... cringe at what you did before? That happened to me with Fool's Gambit. The story has plenty of potential, that's not the problem. My problem is with how it's written. The prose is off, there are numerous errors, and I feel like the whole thing is rushed. Like, that first part could have easily been 4-5 chapters longer, and it would have been better for

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  • 56 weeks
    Live on Google Play!

    Hey, guys, just wanted you to know that What I've Become and Nightmare of the Past is now live on Google Play! So, if you didn't have a kindle-compatible device before, you can buy both books for 3.99 each right now on Google Play! I'll be working to get them into more outlets during the next couple of days, so keep an eye out for them!

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It exists. · 1:56pm Oct 19th, 2018

Comments ( 42 )

since you're selling it I assume ponies aren't in it by name? gonna wait for that hardcover, don't have a kindle. But I will buy.

Any chance for it to land on Google Books sometime in the future?

Well, I bought mine. Can't wait for the sequel. :pinkiehappy:

Will the hard copy be at Barnes and noble?

Any chance for an iTunes version no kindle sadness ;(

4955277 I'm self publishing, so that is probably going to be much further down the line.

4955278 I'll see what I can do.:pinkiehappy:

4955272 I'll see what I can do.:pinkiehappy:

Congrats, dood. I'm with the people who are waiting on a hard copy, since I don't have a kindle or anything (and I just prefer actual books), but I'm looking forward to seeing how it's different from the pony version.

Congratulations! I'll wait for the hard copy and the illustrations. I'm really looking forward to it.:pinkiehappy:

Got the Ebook, I'll give it a read after dinner. Once the hard cover comes out I'll get that too, Ebooks are convenient, but I love the feel and smell of a real book.

I’m going to wait for the hardcover.

I presume there will be an announcement when that is available for preorder/purchase

Congradualtion on publishing your story I wonder what do the alien that are hosting Alex are going to look like, I take it that they aren't eve quadrupeds? Will look into it soon.

I don't have a kindle.. so not sure how I would read it as I don't know what format that is.

4955339 I'm pretty sure you can read it on your computer. I mean, it'd be pretty stupid of amazon to make it so you HAVE to have a kindle to read it.

I'll be keeping an eye out for that! :twilightsmile:

I just bought it. Oh man, can't wait to read it!


Yup, you can use the Kindle Cloud Reader at https://read.amazon.com :pinkiehappy:

Ok, this is awesome. Any chance of an iBooks release at some point? Don’t know how easy or hard it is to get them to carry a self published book, but would be awesome to have it right alongside my biggest collection of ebooks.

Nice. I just brought it.

There is a Kindle app for PC/Smartphones.

There is a free kindle app for both PCs and smartphones. Just bought it and am reading it on the kindle app on my iPhone

Just started reading the Amazon version. Umm... where should I report typos?

4955533 don't really have a place for that, and I apologize for any typos in advance. I don't exactly have an editor.
You can probably just pm me about any typos you find.

Purchased. Does the Amazon eBook come drm free, or does it require their app to read or something? I enjoy archiving things so... :rainbowdetermined2:

4955597 amazon gave me the option to add DRM, but I chose to avoid it. I'd like people to buy my work, but I'm not going to be a dick about it.

Sweet! Good Luck! :scootangel:

Ahh. Good point. Never dealt with ebooks things. Didn't know if the format was similar to the epub thing they have here which I don't have the software to read.

Anyways, bought it. :)

Since you're book is now official to the world, does this make you're original story with ponies a crossover?

4955624 Yes, I'm pretty sure that's exactly what it makes it.

I just bought the book. I didn't have a kindle, but I had a third party e-reader.

A heads up, apparently Amazon now by default encrypts every e-book downloaded by default. (makes it hard to convert to epub for my old e-reader) I was able to work around it, but I'll probably avoid amazon e-books in the future to avoid the hassle. https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=283371

Once I've finished reading it, I will write a review on Amazon for you. :-D

4956032 Sorry about the hassle, but thanks a ton for the support! You rock!

Will there be an audiobook I will buy that in a heartbeat.

4956074 Eventually. Right now I'm working on an audio version for youtube, so keep an eye out for it.

I left a review on Amazon for you.

I really enjoyed the new world you built. :-D

A couple nit-picks:
During the cave scene, it felt like you piled on the self-sacrifice a little thick. It didn't feel right. Sorry I can't be more specific on what felt wrong... other the MLP version felt like a much more natural sequence of events.

There was a sentence partially underlined latter in the book that didn't make any sense on why it was underlined ... but that might of been an artifact of me converting it into an epub.

Other than that, I enjoyed it and eager-ally await the sequel.

Same here. Still, entirely worth the half hour I spent figuring it out. I only hesitated in waiting til the next day to figure out how to actually buy and access the book. Side effect of seeing the alert at 11pm or so.

Sure, I COULD use the android Kindle App, but I've become too used to being able to take walks while running text to speech on a text file version of a fanfiction, so I just couldn't handle it.

Yay! I was hoping we’d hear some news, because I’ve been looking forward to reading it. Excuse me, I have a book to go buy.

If you read back, the original cave scene didn't have any self sacrifice. The Krin came to Alex while he was bathing, and ambushed him, and the whole thing played off of him reacting to that. I had to change it when I realized a couple of things:
1: this is probably the biggest problem I had with the scene originally, but the Krin are large. Like, really large. Not only that, they've got four arms and legs. The opening to Alex's cave is about 15 feet off the ground, and has an opening that's only about 3-4 feet large. There is no way in heck that the Krin are getting in to ambush him. The whole thing was a major plot hole on my part, and I am actually incredibly surprised that no one pointed it out in the original writing.

2: Since there was no way that I'd be able to get the krin up there, I had to come up with some logical reason for Alex to go and engage them. I decided to work the self-sacrifice angle, because it fits more with Alex's nature. If given the option to run, he's more likely to pick that over fight, but he already knew that there's no way for him to run far or fast enough that the Krin wouldn't be able to find him.

Yeah, I know I laid it on a little thick, but at the moment, Alex isn't exactly human, nor has he had the chance to actually talk with anyone in over six months. He's desperately clinging to whatever humanity he has left, and let's be honest here, he's probably not thinking too terribly rationally right now. I was actually worried that him monologuing in his head about how he couldn't bring the krin down on the birds wasn't played up even more.

4956317 Also, thank you so much for your review, it really means a lot to me!:pinkiehappy:


The only other thing that came to me while sleeping last night was that you used prophecy an awful lot. And showed us essentially the same prophecy 4 times, probably could of shown her escaping the high priests minions and his reaction rather than show a slight variation of the previous visions. Left it to the reader's imagination of the horrors shown.

Enjoyed the rest, and hope you write more. :-D

4956434 Now that I think about it, you're probably right about that. Sorry.


Do you happen to have a word count?

Thoughts: I love the fact that Luna’s job got significantly more meaningful. Poor Pinkie got handed a much rougher job. I kinda miss Carrot Top’s advocacy. It’s amusing that the whole carnivore/herbivore thing is gone and the natives have been known to go hunting. I kinda miss the pants of wonder. :raritywink: The world building about the factions and history of the new planet is fun, and I hope to learn more about the king and queen’s history. Overall, quite good!

WAIT, THAT’S THE END?! WHERE IS BOOK TWO?! (Hmm. Ok, fine, that’s the way the previous version ended, but...:trixieshiftleft:)

4957678 I do, actually. It's 81,529 words long. I'm glad you enjoyed all the changes, and I am working on the sequel, I'm just working on advertisement and the next chapter of What I Am first.
But thanks a ton for taking the time to tell me what you think!

I'll buy it soon. I may have read the pre-edited version, but I'd love the read the finished project.

Glad to see the progress my dude. Wish you the best.

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