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King of Beggars

One of these days we'll form a union, and get the fair and equitable treatment we deserve. Then we'll go too far, and become corrupt and shiftless, and the Japonies will eat us alive.

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Just a few words · 8:17pm Feb 21st, 2019

Hey guys. Ain't been around a bit, thought I'd update you.

So people who've kept up know from a previous blog that I've been taking care of my grandma. TL;DR if you don't: quit my job to try and get her back on her feet after a stroke, she didn't get better, things have been bad, I'm very tired all the time.

Update is that about two weeks ago my grandma caught a cold. The first one since her stroke. These things are very bad when you're bedbound, because everything turns into pneumonia. Well, after four days of pretty much no sleep and babying her sickness, we'd thought we'd beat it, only to have it rebound into minor aspirating pneumonia. While it was easily cleared up in the hospital, the fact is that her body's starting to wear down. I won't go into the details, but prognosis isn't good, and rather than force her to stay alive in constant pain with forced feedings through a PEG tube, we've put her on hospice.

As of time of writing this she'll be discharged from the hospital in a few hours and she'll be coming home for the last time, probably. We're going to work with the hospice program to take away the non-essential medications, replace them with powerful sedatives, and let her die in her own home. My whole family's kind of a mess right now. My nephew, who is 9 (exactly the right age to grasp the concept of death), took it especially hard, since he loves his nana very much.

I think I'm going to be fucked up about this for a few weeks, plus however long it takes her to let go. Just wanted to let you know why I ain't been around. The point leading up to this has been hard, but not as hard as this last little bit. I've got a lot of really complicated feelings of being here, but I don't know.

On the bright side, you'll probably see a lot of writing coming from me in about a month or two. Like a lot. I miss having the time and energy and outright mental capacity for writing. I think it'll help me deal.

Please be... I guess not excited.

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Comments ( 27 )

What is TL;DR?

TL;DR = "Too Long; Didn't Read"

Short for "too long didn't read", and it can mean either a summary for someone in a rush or sarcastically to say you weren't paying attention to them.

I've told you in person already, but still -- I'm really sorry this had to happen at all, and I hope at least this last process is peaceful and goes as well as it possibly can.

Take care, man.

Majin Syeekoh

My heart is always with you.

Site Blogger

Good luck to you and your family, and I hope her passing is calm and painless.

Take all the time you need; your family overrides anything here.

I know condolences from some random follower on the internet don't have the same weight as being able to say it in person, but still, you have mine and I hope this whole thing is as painless as possible for your whole family.

Our thoughts are with you.

I can hope that you can help set everything in order, and help her pack for what happens next.

May things be calm, peaceful, and everyone pull through as best they can.

Haven't been as active on your stuff as I used to be, but I'm so sorry that you and your family are going through this. It's hard. It pushes people to the breaking point. It's an impossible choice that doesn't feel good even if it's better for the relative passing on. It's never easy to let go. I hope you and yours take care of each other in this time.

As far as fic goes, looking forward to seeing what you put out when you're ready to.

Please be... I guess not excited.

I had to walk away from the computer after reading that.

I'm sorry for your loss.

I'm very sorry you had to go through this.


Good to hear from you again, if under sad circumstances.

There are never words that can adequately convey the feelings on any side of this situation. Stay together and lean on and hold up each other.


I hope your grandmother passes in peace. My mother was driven up the wall in her mother's final years who similarly had a stroke not long before dying. I hope writing is the outlet to deal with emotions that you want it to be.

Author Interviewer

That's really sad. :( I'm so sorry.

As far as reasons for being out of touch go, that's a pretty good one. Take all the time you need; your family needs you more than we do right now.

I'm very sorry to hear this. I hope you can take the time you need to recover. In the meantime, don't worry about us.

Life first, adoring fan of your amazing literature second. Get better and good luck. Btw, are you ever gonna continue your Twilight Sparkle of the royal guard series?

Family first. I lost my grandma back in October, so I have an idea of what you're going through. See to yourself and your own first. Ponies are a far distant second, if that.

I'd be fine with no stories ever if this sort thing didn't happen. I had a brother in the same situation so I have some inkling of understanding, I'll pray for both you and your grandmother.

I'm so sorry you're going through this. I just hope your grandmother finds a peaceful end. You have my best wishes for carrying on afterwards, and the rest of your family.

I'm very sorry about your grandmother. Please take care of yourself.

aw shit. Sorry to hear that. I hope you'll find your peace again :fluttershysad:

Yeah, I remember when my grandma went. She was in bad shape for a while before that and it was rough.

Sorry to hear you're going through that and I hope things go as well as they can in that kind of situation.

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