• Member Since 30th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Saturday


A guy. A guy who writes stories. Stories about ponies. (And sometimes robots).

More Blog Posts355

  • 42 weeks
    I still exist!

    Hello, FiMfic.

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  • 62 weeks

    Oh hey, I still have a blog thing here.

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  • 74 weeks
    River City Equestria Girls?

    Seriously, that's Pinkie Pie on the left, and Rainbow Dash on the right. Tell me I'm wrong.

    I will not write a fanfic about the two of them getting into all the fights.


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  • 80 weeks
    An "I don't have livejournal anymore" sort of update.

    It snowed yesterday.

    Which just reminded me how much I don't like winter. It wasn't even a bad snow, just enough of a dusting to linger for a little bit. First one of the season. And I even had the day off from work, due to my schedule, so it's not like I had to do anything ...

    So I didn't.

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  • 82 weeks
    Happy Halloween!

    So yeah. Despite various distractions (Steam had Darkest Dungeon for UNDER FOUR BUCKS), I've managed to hammer out a ridiculously shippy conclusion to the self indulgent Rarijack story I started.

    So that's fun? I gave myself a deadline to finish things on Oct 31, so that's what I did, dangit. Hopefully you guys will enjoy.

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Tumbleweed vs. Season 9! · 11:55pm Apr 6th, 2019

So, uh, I USUALLY don't bother with episode recaps/reviews/etc, buuuuut I honestly haven't been as stoked for NEW PONE as I am for this last hurrah of a season, so here we are. Spoilers, yo.

I'll not bore y'all with a beat by beat breakdown, because I didn't want to keep pausing the video just to jot things down. Still, some thoughts:

-Beginning of the End is kiiiiind of an ominous title. Like, I'd almost expect it to lead into some Mad Max shenanigans, but hey the season's still young, right?

-Discord is an absolute shit for the entire length of both these episodes and it is WONDERFUL.

-Also, man, Sombra is a lot hammier than the typical fanon portrayals that portray him as a nigh-Lovecraftian force of darkness. Which, well, kid's show, but still. Might've helped if he got more to do than just growl and swirl ominously in, like, every other appearance, but still.

-Speaking of Sombra, dude got MURDT. Like, I was expecting him to crawl back to Grogar, but nope. Dude got Oblivion'd. In the face. I kind of love it.

-I'm curious to see how the Grogar thing plays out. Like, do we actually have an ONGOING VILLAIN for once? Between Grogar and his whacky minions, we could be getting into some classic 80's cartoon territory here, with a new evil scheme each week. Or they could all just bide their time 'til the series finale, but eh.

-After this episode, I'm ready for some more slice of life stuff, because the juxtaposition between the big flashy adventures and the down home hijinks are one of the show's strong points. Though wikipedia tells me the next ep is about ... the young six from the school. Grumblegrumble.

-Not much to say in the way of Rarijack, even with my shipping goggles on, but they kinda had bigger things to worry about.

-And as if I couldn't be more of a pretentious ass, I've got some vague ideas for another installment of The Flash Sentry Papers based (loosely) on the events of this ep, though to tell the truth I'm tempted to wait 'til the finale just so I can get all the details straight. Not that ol' Flashy's memoirs directly correlate to the 'official' history (since that's rather the point), but it's nice to know I'm deviating from canon on purpose, rather than by accident.

(Also Carrot Top got Sombrafied and who knows what that would've done to poor Flash).

So yeah! May or may not keep an ongoing record of what I think of the final season as episodes come out. What do you guys think?

Comments ( 8 )

Please do keep these up. I love seeing people's thoughts on the episode.

And yeah, if you look at Sombra's destruction frame by frame, he got freaking dissolved.

Yeah, keep it up! BTW there was a hilarious reference in there that you'd only get if you knew Grogar's shtick from G1. His power was tied up in a magic bell, so when Cozy Glow says, "The name Grogar? It doesn't ring any bells." Yeah.

-Also, man, Sombra is a lot hammier than the typical fanon portrayals that portray him as a nigh-Lovecraftian force of darkness. Which, well, kid's show, but still. Might've helped if he got more to do than just growl and swirl ominously in, like, every other appearance, but still.

To be fair I have seen two common portrayals of Sombra in the fandom, the most common is the super serious, edgy dark lord that you describe but I have seen him portrayed as the egomaniacal, smarter than everyone and loves to be bad Sombra that we saw here. So I guess at least a part of the fandom got it right.

I am not a brony really but the reason I watched this series was to see Grogar. Because I felt he would be in it at some point. Then I see him well my reason for watching the series was just to see him and well I liked it. So anyway I do hope when they do G5 they bring him back again. But who knows realy.


See, I know next to nothing about OG Pony-- back between Seasons 1 & 2, I tried watching whatever the special was that had Prince Spike in it (did that have Grogar? Or was it Tirek?) and it was pretty dang rough.

Was Grogar a one-and-done baddie, or did he serve as a recurring antagonist to Megan & Co?

Present Perfect did a watch-through of the earlier gens, and blogged about them all. (He suffered, so we don't have to!)

Grogar was in a four-episode mini-arc, IIRC.

Author Interviewer

I'm p. sure AJ consoled Rarity at some point, but yeah, not a lot. :B

-Discord is an absolute shit for the entire length of both these episodes and it is WONDERFUL.

Gonna disagree with you there. :V

And yeah, OG Grogar was pretty cool, a solid villain in the middle of a pretty crappy four-parter, ngl.

You can like see parts of his skull. It was like Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark.

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