• Member Since 28th Jul, 2016
  • offline last seen Sep 29th, 2020


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More Blog Posts51

  • 192 weeks
    Update Regarding My Time Here

    As some of you may have noticed, I've been online less and less lately. This is due to personal reasons that I wish to not bring up at this time. Another reason is I've kinda lost my drive to continute writing. I apologize to everyone who stayed by me during all this time but once I transfer all my stories to a friend of mine, I'll be gone and I don't plan on coming back. At most, I'll be doing

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  • 237 weeks
    Blog Entry #50-200 Followers!

    Yep, you read that right. I've reached 200 followers and its thanks to all of you. I honestly didn't think I ever would to be honest. Even now, I still don't believe it. I have a story already planned for this very occasion. It should be out before the end of the year. I hope I can reach 300 before five more years again:rainbowlaugh:. Again, thank you all for the support and I hope to continue

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  • 245 weeks
    Blog Entry #49- Recent Trend

    So, as some of you may have noticed, I've been rather inactive for awhile (not for a lack of trying mind you). While I'm going to try and fix that soon, there's one thing that has been catching my attation as of late. One of my recent stories has been getting a lot of attation these past few weeks.

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  • 257 weeks
    Blog Entry #48- Luck On My Side(?)

    Recently, I've been getting several followers lately witch is amazing. At this rate, I may actually have to uphold my promise on the 200th follower story:rainbowlaugh:. I'm grateful for this and hope this kind of luck continues. Again, thank you for your support.

    3 comments · 296 views
  • 258 weeks
    Blog Entry #47-(Almost) 200 Followers

    I realize it's a little early but I figured now's a good as time as any to thank everyone who has/is following me (even if I don't fully deserve it). I honestly don't know what I'm going to do for my 200th follower achievement. I don't have a story plan in particular but I do have one in the works. Um... Anyways, thank you for your support and heres to getting 300 followers(in like 5 years

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Blog Entry #45-Still Trying to Get More(Active) Followers · 8:12pm May 11th, 2019

Welp, I've been on this site for about 4 years(give or take) and Unfortunately, I have very little to show for it. Don't get me wrong. This has nothing to do with being "Horse Famous". That's the least of my problems.

It's more like, I want to have more people that see my stories and possibly be able to make more friends on here since I can't irl. My goal for this year was to get to at least 250 followers but that may not happen since I've been stuck in between 180-192 for the past few months. Since I'm working now, writing isn't as simple anymore and with only 30% of my followers still being around, it's kinda hard to be movtatied or even talk to people.

The point of this is if I had more followers and people reading my stuff(liking or disliking is irrelevant), I could be more out there. That's all I really need.

Hope the rest of your day is going well(to everyone)

Comments ( 20 )

Although I'm still playing catch-up on some of your stories, from what I've read so far, you make some good stuff! I'll keep reading for sure!

And if you still need or want an editor, I might be able to help if you want. Up to you though. I'm still fairly new to it.
The last person I helped out seems to have disappeared, so...

You and I are like yin and yang, or sun and moon; you want attention and reward and I want attention and reward. Not too different, but just similar enough

5057321 I may take you up on that offer. Just not at this moment. My main focus is getting more readers/followers. That and I already have an editor at the moment.

5057333 ? How so? You have about twice as many followers and most likely twice the amount of readers.

5057339 I do remember you.

No pressure. I'm here if you need me.

5057351 That doesn't mean they pay attention to me. I have very few dedicated followers, commenting on blog posts, but no, I've never been very productive, and so my audience has dissipated from when I was productive here (writing mediocre stuff at those times)

5057367 Really? That's surprising to hear. Honestly, I'm halfway tempted to saying we could team up and find a way to fix it but I'm not to sure how to do so

Hang in there, champ

That is a good idea ^^ I'm just not too sure about it. I never was good at directly working with someone

5057492 Thanks. Haven't heard from you in ages.

5057495 I think spreading the word would be one way but not many people would hear me out so...

The rumors of my death have been grossly exaggerated

5057535 Wait, there were rumors?


Follower count means little when it comes to representation of actual skill. If you want followers, write what’s popular. Whether or not said content interests you is another matter entirely.

5057644 I would but contrary to popular belief, I don't have all the time in the world like I use to(Unfortunately).And even if I did, anything I wrote, someone else would've wrote it and did better and considienrg how long it takes me to write on a good day, that just adding an uphill battle I cannot win...

Follower count means little when it comes to representation of actual skill.

*Stares at comment, confused*

I'm not sure if that skill part is an insult or not... more over though, I'm sure with a good word from a few people would go a long way. It happened once so I'm sure it will happen again. Not as much but anything helps.

5057499 that's not true, dude. You've got plenty of people here with your back

5057801 I was mainly referring to when it came to promoting people.

5057809 Not sure how much my word means anymore, with how many I've dropped promises on. But it still gets out there

5057851 You've broken promises? I wasn't aware. It doesn't make me think any less of you.

Just mainly saying I'll write more and then fall into a slump again,

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