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An Intricate Disguise

Selling out has never felt so dirty.

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  • 100 weeks
    If I Could Delete This I Would

    I know, I'm sorry in advance. I hated writing this but I'm in a real pinch and don't know what else to do. Explanation below, please read this if you have the time.

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  • 167 weeks
    Signal Boost for B_25

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  • 181 weeks
    Fighting Depression and Stress: The 'I'm Fucking BACK' Edition

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Fuckin' League · 4:05am Jun 21st, 2019

Gonna keep this one short and sweet: recently, I began to find my mojo again. Not entirely sure how I managed, as I don't exactly feel in a wonderful place right now, but hey, sometimes small miracles appear from seemingly nowhere.

In other words, I'm writing again. What's that got to do with the godawful cancer that is League of Legends? I'll tell you.

People need a split between work, social activity, rest, and hobbies in order to stay sane. For a long time, I've been trying to find that balance and maintain it. I work too much? I burn out, and I feel as if I'm going insane. I don't work enough? I feel guilty and get into bad habits.

Turns out that for me, part of finding this balance was finding a video game I could play with friends. Something I could do between the writing and all of my other obligations to enjoy myself and let the stress go. An hour or two here and there.

BUT. But. God, my fucking teams.

I'm reasonably new to LoL. I've probably played between 100-200 games. I'm not terrible for how new I am, I guess? But my teammates quite often really are.

I'm on a bad losing streak, and it's taking the fun out of the game for me.

Like, this sounds like the most inconsequential thing, I'm sure. It's just a fucking game, right? I'd agree if it hadn't become part of my routine. Play a little, write a little, chat a little, feel sane, rinse and repeat.

Only, the play element just feels like a massive headache when you're put into games where every fucking lane is feeding by ten mins and you aren't good enough to 1vs9.

And I'm not. For some reason, my mmr is like 5+ divisions above my rank, meaning I'm a fresh bronze player going into high silvers, usually with predominantly bronze/new players on my team, and we're getting wiped out nearly every game. I'm on an eleven game loss streak in ranked, and was recently on a nine game loss streak in normals before getting one win to break it up.

Sounds like someone who absolutely sucks ass at the game, right? It must be me, yadda yadda. Honestly, I am bad, but I'm not that bad. I can go into a high silver Teemo as Trynda and win the lane. I've done it before. I can go into a gold III Aatrox as Urgot and do the same. I've done these things before. I can win my lane, or at least manage not to heavily feed.

...so long as my jungler isn't absolute ass. My jungler's usually absolute fucking ass. That and my botlaner. And with them goes the support, kind of a package deal. Oddly enough, the random midlaners I get placed with often seem to do the best.

Buttt it makes no difference. For the last twenty something games, the entire enemy team has invariably been miles better than my entire team, meaning that nearly every game, they've gotten ahead, got fed, snowballed, and I've gotten stomped because of it, gone negative, felt like shit.

I'm complaining about this because hey, I've actually gotten quite used to playing League, even enjoy it. I just wish I could do it with actual balanced teams, and that Riot's matchmaking wasn't complete shit.

So I'm calling on the people of FimFic. Lend me your aid. If you wanna chill out and play a few matches, maybe help me out a bit in the process if you're experienced, I'd be eternally grateful. Hell, you'd indirectly be helping me to write, as this is the stress release that's helping me stay sane enough to do it. Or at least, was until recently.

Only two requirements that I really have are that you aren't brand new (like, people who've at least played more than me would be nice) and that you're able to mic up.

And no, this isn't some ploy to boost my account through ranked or whatever. I really don't care about doing that, and if I do climb, I'd like to do so on my own merit. I already have a friend that's diamond, and if I wanted to simply get carried, I'd ask them to duo queue with me until I hit gold or whatever.

This is honestly just about having premades/duo partners that aren't a) toxic or b) ridiculously bad at the game. I'm tired of the shitty teammates that get stomped every fucking game. I'm tired of the toxic players that shout at each other over nothing and make the game no fun for me. I'm tired of lots of shit. (and hey, moaning about League is an outlet, right?)

For reference, what I was used to is this:

And what I'm now getting is this:

Can anyone see a slight difference?

Anyways, yes, if you'd like to play with me, maybe help me break the cycle of getting terrible teammates and help me actually start enjoying this game again, join my Discord and hit me up. Hell, if a fair number of players join, I'll make a dedicated League role, screw it. Server invite is right here.

...yes, I just spent an entire blog ranting about a game. I feel slightly silly.

And to those that are asking and wondering, yes, I'm writing more again, and yes, I'm doing okay. Everyone's doing alright, or as alright as they can be. I'm incredibly grateful to all of you and your patience going forwards. I'm gonna try to continue updating things and putting content out, replying to messages and being increasingly active, but hey, don't be surprised if I decide to complain about something that ultimately doesn't matter every now and then.

It's the little things that matter, or some shit like that, right?

I'm gonna keep this short and sweet


Play League with me, forehead.

Report An Intricate Disguise · 1,106 views · #Cancer
Comments ( 19 )

Don't worry, ranting about video games and terrible teammates is completely justified.

I've always enjoyed playing as Gnar in lol. Even though hes one of the weaker characters. Been years since I've touched it though. I should get back into the game.

Which league server are you on?
Tbh, as someone who's played league for like 6 years on and off, it's a game that's only fun when you're playing with a group on voice coms. Otherwise it's just way too easy to get worked up by whatever the monkeys matchmaking has put you with are doing.

You could just play Eve Online... but that may devour more of your time than you'd like.

I'm afraid my english skill is too low to be able to have a decent mic conversarion, but I would be happy to met you in game anytime.

That’s a tilter

Resu #7 · Jun 21st, 2019 · · 2 ·

Ok, so you just started playing league. My best advice is UNINSTALL and it is not even something like a bad joke or meme, the best advice that I can think of. God when I used to play (I played quite a fucking lot) I could abandon everything to play it. Seriously, now is the most fun part of the game for you, knowing the game enough to play it well, but still having a lot of stuff to learn. Trust me, I have been there, I have made the same mistake you're making, let me help you before it get's worse. I am genuinely worried for you. I agree with SmithSmith, 5 men voice chat or all fun and patience goes away. The games fun to play solo or co-op in my opinion are survival games. Minecraft, Unturned, Don't Starve Together are my 3 good examples of fun way of spending time. Recently I have been playing Pink Marmelade 2 by FrancisVace.League will only get worse as the time goes on and it will be harder to quit. I learned it the hard way.
Also the most important thing is you can't quit league mid match, it is just too important to quit. The games I mentioned are easily quit any second

1. What region are you in?
2. My suggestion is to lay off Summoner's Rift and play some Aram, helped me a lot, because people can't choose their main all the time. Sure most teams have a bs champion or two but its not that bad

Ah dude, I would totally play some League with you. But I'm a DOTA player and I've been told that I should avoid that part of the internet. I would Agree with some other comments I read. If you want to play with friends, then play with friends against computers. If you are getting upset with people verses people games then a slight shift towards people verses environment sounds like a great idea. So yeah, Minecraft or Left for Dead or even an indie co-operative game could be good. Have fun mate, and Good luck in next.

I like minecraft. It's just too bad, that there is no balanced mlp mod for survival.

What if a writer we like even more ends up on the opposing team?

Hey, I hope so. Fucking needed to get this one out there, hahah.

Funnily enough, Gnar was my latest stomp, and he hard counters trynd. Kinda proud of that win, even if it's the only recent one I have (rip me). If you ever get back into it, my door (and server) are open!

I play on NA because most all of me League buddies are Amerifucks.

Your advice is good though and I do appreciate it, also agree. It's a lot more fun to play when it's five bois with a common objective, hence this post!

I'm EUW and mostly midlane, so if you ever feel like swapping servers gimme a shout, otherwise best of luck!

Well, as someone who use to play that cancer pit known as LoL, i agree with this post. The matchmaking really is garbage and makes no sense at the best of times. I can't help by playing since i don't have a good PC atm, but i can try to give some general advice if it helps any. One of the most important things in league is actually champ select, because sometimes you'll lose just cause their team comp counters yours. One example is if they have a team that's good at keeping their distance and your team can't close the gap. They'll just snipe you down no problems. Also as trynd in particular be careful not to have an auto attack focused comp or a bruiser champ with a thornmail will stomp you. This, along with bein able to adapt your build to the current situation are very important. If you're up against an AD champ in lane and you're winning against them, but an AP champ is getting fed on the enemy team, then grab an MR item like a maw of malmortius (probs misspelled that lol) because the laner youre whooping on isnt the threat. I guess it goes without saying that map awareness and warding are also important, and don't be afraid to roam if you see an opening to help you're team out. I hope my advice can help you out a bit.

League is cancer. I stopped playing five years ago and I haven't looked back. I suggest you do the same. It's not worth the headache.

Also, new fic is good. Keep it up.👍

Hope you can both hone your skills and get with teammates that have done the same

Now thT your writing again, how about continuing this story? I've been waiting forever…

So, I'm no league guy. That said, I'm in a small discord server with friends who are. They even run practice nights twice a week, and are always lookin' to grind games at any point in the day pretty much. Seriously, I almost can't jump into The voice calls without some kinda league chatter happening. The majority of us there are horsefuckers in some way shape or form anyway. Hit me up iffin ya interested.

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