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Desert Safari in Dubai: Some Amazing Attractions that you cannot afford to miss · 5:34pm Jun 22nd, 2019

Desert Safari in Dubai: Some Amazing Attractions that you cannot afford to miss

The exotic nightlife, the scorching heat, the glittering skyline. There are a plethora of things that you can do in Dubai. However, when it comes to creating memories, nothing beats desert safari in Dubai.

Imagine a night submerged in ultimate entertainment. The desert safari where Land Rover will make you feel alive. Accompanied by grandeur nature in an Arabic

If you are planning to spend an evening in the grand desert safari in Dubai, there are tons of activities in the heart of Dubai which will make your stay unforgettable. Let’s look at some of the most mind-boggling attractions which will make you live the evening at its fullest.

  1. The Eye-pleasing Sunrise

If you are forward for something eye-popping, you must reach at the Arabian desert safari before the sun shines. The bright colors at the horizon shine like golden beauty with basking in the awesomeness. The morning is something special when you are face-to-face with the sun at the grand desert.

  1. Dune Bashing

A dream come true for the fans of Need for Speed. A safari rides Dubai in a 4x4 SUV will surely make your day special. The gusty wind, the sand and the jeep safari ride in the most exciting safari ride. The jeep will pick you from the camp and take you for a thrilling ride. The ride duration is around 30 minutes. However, these 30 minutes of extreme adventure will make the journey worth it.

  1. Camel Safari – A joyful stroll in the desert

A 45-minute ride on a camel in the wild safari will make your morning thrilling. Experience the desert safari in Dubai with a ride on the camel and explore the desert wildlife like never before. If you are a bird freak, try the falcon demonstration which is one more attraction in the camel desert safari. You can photograph the most beautiful bird in the desert.

  1. Sand ski – You’ll forget Ski diving after this adventure

The humongous sand offers you the ultimate opportunity for sand skiing. Yes. Can you believe that? A favorite adventure sport in the land of gold. You will find high dunes as much as 200-300 meters from where you can take the ideal sand skiing. Feel the sand under your feet. Let the sand glide and experience the ultimate fun in the heart of Dubai.   

  1. Hot Air Balloon – An Arial view from the desert top

How about experiencing the full 360-degree view of the desert safari in Dubai? Sounds thrilling right? Well, now you can do that in a hot air balloon which can hold up to 24 people in one trip. The balloon will drift high in the air with a spectacular view of the desert. The incredible thing is that you can view the animals in the area right from the top. Camels and gazelles riding in the city is a perfect view for someone who loves to see live animals in the desert.  

  1. The Sunset will melt your heart into pieces

If you have seen the sunrise. You must understand the equally lovely sunset. The magnificent sun vanishes behind the dunes leaving the orange-ish hue to soothe your eyes. Behold this moment in your mind, because you will not find anything like this anywhere else. Drive the Range Rover around the dune to enjoy the beauty of this sunset even more. The perfect moment to photograph the view and make it unique with candid photography!

In the end, if you are traveling to a desert safari in Dubai now, you know what some few key things that you cannot afford to miss on your trip there are. Experience the view. Capture the unforgettable moments in your camera. Take home some beautiful memories that are difficult to forget or replace.

All and all now you know what you can expect from the desert safari in Dubai. There is so much more in the desert than the sand and the scorching heat. The beauty lies in your eyes. Whatever you wish to see, you will get it. Don’t forget to savor every moment of your journey. These are moments of your life which cannot be replaced or even experienced again. Store the most significant moments with love and beautiful memories.

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