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Visiden Visidane

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Upheavology: List of Alicorns in Upheaval · 4:43am Sep 3rd, 2019

This list involves even alicorn characters that were merely name dropped in one of the stories that are part of the Upheaval world. Some information here is also in addition to what is provided in those stories so be spoiled at your own risk. Other pony races will follow...eventually.

List of Alicorns in Upheaval

In no particular order.

Sanctus Dominus - Sixteenth and current King of the Eternal Herd, known as the Lord of Sunlight and the hero of the Void Rift Crisis, among many other titles. A peerless warrior, unbeaten in the thousands of fights he has undertaken. Known for his love for fighting and his boundless optimism. He was injured after casting out his eldest son, forcing him to recover in the Silver Sanctum, and has only recently recovered.

Divina Gratia - Sixteenth and current Queen of the Eternal Herd, and blessed with the power of dark. Often referred to as the Dark Lady, though never in her presence. She possesses a gift known as “the Sight” which gives her glimpses of possible futures. She was known for her frequent dark moods and solitary nature, though she has become much more uplifted and sociable through Dominus’s help.

Oceanus - eldest child of Sanctus Dominus, and once blessed with the power of water, though now blessed with the power of abyss. Prior to his rebellion, he was well admired for his long and unbeaten record in Ida’s battlefields, his scholarly work on Necromancy and other topics, and his baking, which once caused an alicorn wedding to descend into a fighting tournament. Alicorns who knew him also mention his intense isolationism and coldness. He discovered a Throne with which he launched the First Rebellion, in a brazen attempt to conquer the Eternal Herd. He and his followers were beaten back and cast into the world-within-the-void. It was from his blood that the first mortal ponies emerged.

Celestia - second child of Sanctus Dominus, known as the Princess of Sunlight. Known for her dislike of fighting ever since the First Rebellion, and her contentious foray into Eternal Herd politics, where she often sided with Lexarius and argued with Gravitas. She led her siblings into the world-within-the-void to defeat Lexarius, who has turned mad. After doing so, she stayed behind to serve as Equestria’s ruler. She enacted the partitioning of Equestria known as the Division, in an attempt to preserve the innocence of ponies.

Terrato - third child of Sanctus Dominus, and blessed with the power of earth. Boisterous, stubborn, short-tempered, and a lover of fighting in his younger days in the Eternal Herd. He and his friends formed a close-knit fighting group known as the Strike of the Sixteenth, and he was content to spend his time in the Herd raising his standing in Ida and celebrating with friends. After joining Celestia’s mission to Equestria, he became ruler of the Barrier Lands and commander of the Equestrian Legion in a self-imposed exile to do his older sister’s bidding.

Luna - fourth and youngest child of Sanctus Dominus, and blessed with the power of moonlight. She was born after the First Rebellion, and thus grew up without meeting her parents. She spent her earliest days in the Eternal Herd studying her father, in an attempt to prepare for their first meeting. She had just started to make forays to Ida when she joined her siblings in their mission to Equestria. After the division, her pent up feelings of envy and inferiority caused her to merge with Lunalux Umbra in an attempt to defeat her sister. After being banished to the moon for a thousand years, and losing again as Nightmare Moon, she has vowed to make things right with her siblings and Equestria.

Animus Arcem - foalhood friend of Sanctus Dominus, and blessed with the power of lightning. Arcem served as Dominus’s second in all of his group fights, and acted as a tutor for all of his children save for Oceanus.

Turbo Pinnae - the son of the fifteenth King of the Eternal Herd, and dear friend to Sanctus Dominus. Blessed with the power of wind, and known for his many talents in combat, diplomacy, and scholarly works, he was believed by many to be the next King after his father. In an effort to prove himself worthy of such a position, he delved into the secrets of the Agamanthion and was killed when the artifact activated.

Lexarius - foalhood friend of Divina Gratia, and once blessed with the power of order. Eloquent, compassionate, and known for his patient persistence in all endeavours. He called for intervention when it was clear that the power of Oceanus was corrupting the ponies of the world-within-the-void, and advocated their complete acceptance within the Eternal Herd. After defeating the Everlasting Kingdom, he established the nation of Equestria and served as its ruler during its golden age. He eventually went mad and became Discord.

Magnus Chartophylax - keeper of the Eternal Herd’s Grand Archives and its premier historian, who has gone out of his way to witness many of its historical events personally. Blessed with the power of order. He hides a fondness for inquisitive minds underneath the facade of a stern teacher.

Procul Ocularus - a prominent member of the Sixteenth Council of Elders. He proposed that the ponies of the world-within-the-void should be left entirely to their own devices and not be allowed inside the Eternal Herd.

Medius Locus - a member of the Sixteenth Council of Elders and a frequent supporter of Procul Ocularus.

Nivis Casus - a fifteenth cycle alicorn and a sentinel blessed with the power of wind. He took part in the attack on the Centimanus, and was diminished.

Aurus Majorus - a sentinel who successfully stabbed the Centimanus during the Void Rift Crisis. He was diminished by the creature’s counter attack.

Luci Carcer - a sentinel who took part in the attack against the hagunemnon. She was diminished due to the creature’s supernatural venom.

Crabrones Stimulus - one of General Gravitas’s soldiers. He was diminished as he guarded Gravitas’s flank during their assault on the Agamanthion.

Tellus Ped - a fifteenth cycle alicorn blessed with the power of earth. Known for his enthusiasm for Ida tournaments. He was in Bytos during the Void Rift Crisis, and was granted a weapon by Conlis Corde to help defend the Lightning Forge. Unfortunately, over-enthusiasm caused him to lose control of the weapon, leading to an untimely diminishing.

Aes Cor - one of Gravitas’s soldiers. She was diminished during the battle for Empyrea during the Void Rift Crisis.

Stella Fulmen - a ninth cycle alicorn and a well known member of the sentinels. She wrote “Bestiary of the Plane Between Planes”, an important book discussing creatures she encountered in Vestibulum.

Cantus Lamina - one of Gravitas’s soldiers and Aes Cor’s mate. He tried to protect her when both of them were isolated and surrounded, only to be diminished.

Tempus Plaga - one of Gravitas’s soldiers. He tried to rescue alicorns trapped in their homes during the Void Rift Crisis, but was blindsided by planar shadows and diminished.

Gravitas - a general of the Eternal Herd’s Sentinel Army. He advocated the complete destruction of the spawn of Oceanus. Blessed with the power of gravity, he is vindictive and judgmental, with a touch of paranoia that has worsened a great deal since the First Rebellion. He was defeated by Terrato and Black Rose, then sacrificed to the Throne of Oceanus.

Fulmen Lancea - a high-ranking sentinel under General Gravitas. Blessed with the power of lightning. A strict, no-nonsense leader of Gravitas’s troops. After seeing Gladio Lupus join Oceanus’s followers, he grew increasingly cynical and paranoid of his fellow alicorns. He joined Gravitas in trying to destroy the ponies of Equestria, and was defeated by Princess Luna.

Ridentem Malleorum - a high-ranking sentinel under General Gravitas. Blessed with the power of sound. A portly, morbidly fun-loving alicorn, who was often shunned by his fellow sentinels save for Fulmen Lancea. He enjoys the sound of his own laugh and toying with inferior foes. He joined Gravitas in trying to destroy the ponies of Equestria, but was defeated by the bearers of the Elements of Harmony.

Gladio Saltare - an old friend of Terrato and member of the Strike of the Sixteenth. Blessed with the power of fire. Friendly and casual to the point of rudeness, she asked to call Terrato “Terry” during their first meeting. When he refused, and took offense, she challenged him to a duel in Ida for the right to use the name. She lost after he kicked her ribs to pieces, but the two became fast friends.

Bellatrix Mercuria - a close friend of Terrato and blessed with the power of wind. She served as his second within the Strike of the Sixteenth, and took over as acting leader when he departed with his sisters to Equestria. She highly disapproves of Terrato’s devotion to Celestia, and frequently comments on how bad his elder sister is for him, leading to arguments and duels.

Tempestas Rugiet - a close friend of Terrato and blessed with the power of sound. He is known for his remarkably powerful voice, and his size. He is a member of the Strike of the Sixteenth.

Ferrous Obtutus - a close friend of Terrato and blessed with the power of earth. Known for his archery skills with his mechanical great bow. He is a member of the Strike of the Sixteenth.

Conlis Corde - premier smith of the Lightning Forge and blessed with the power of lightning. An old friend of the first King and known for his focus on the artistic aspects of weapon and armor smithing. Prone to bouts of whimsical forging even before he attuned himself to the Lightning Forge, resulting in having a large collection of weapons and armor not meant for anyone in particular.

Sagax Lumen - the most prominent member of the Highseeker Council, the governing body of the Seekers of the Sixth. Blessed with the power of moonlight. She aided Turbo Pinnae’s swift rise among the Seekers, and was the most vocal in letting him study the Agamanthion. She and the other members of the Highseeker Council were killed when the Agamanthion activated.

Ignis Cordo - a member of the Seekers of the Sixth and blessed with the power of fire. One of the very few seekers who still put an effort in interacting with the rest of the Eternal Herd. Known for her stubbornness and impatience, seemingly unsuited for scholarly work, but able to perform her tasks as a seeker well enough.

Ater Lingua - a seeker of the sixth and blessed with the power of earth. He is known as one of the few experts the Eternal Herd has on Necromancy.

Aves Cantio - an alicorn blessed the power of sound. He was an admirer of Divina Gratia shortly before the Void Rift Crisis, and wanted to approach her in the Midnight Grove before being turned away by Animus Arcem. He was later surrounded and overwhelmed by planar shadows.

Liquor Fortiter - one of the best known vintners of the Eternal Herd and blessed with the power of water. Once carefree and passionate for his craft, his daughter’s allegiance to Oceanus plunged him into despair and isolation.

Stella Volu/Regia Carnifex/Starswirl - blessed with the power of starlight and one of Oceanus’s very few friends before and during the First Rebellion. As the mate of an ascendant was allowed to share in the power of the Throne, he was given the position of Bearer of the Throne, allowing him to draw a small portion of its power just before the confrontation between Oceanus and Sanctus Dominus. This was in preparation for Divina Gratia entering the fray. When Dominus fought alone, Oceanus sent Regia Carnifex away.

After the First Rebellion, he had a falling out with Oceanus over the latter’s treatment of the newly spawned ponies. For this, he was imprisoned within Mount Unicornia. He managed to escape at the cost of divesting himself of most of his power, and adopted the moniker of Starswirl the Bearded to aid the spawn of Oceanus. He was later betrayed and killed by his apprentice, Clover the Clever, which forced him back into his prison.

Caro Artifex - a sentinel serving Gravitas and blessed with the power of flesh. Cold, morbidly curious, and arrogant, she took part in Gravitas’s attack against Equestria and was defeated by Princess Celestia.

Incendium Culmen - a sentinel serving under Gravitas and blessed with the power of fire. Known for his impulsive nature, he was tasked with killing Black Rose during Gravitas’s attack on Equestria and was slain instead.

Solis Coruscaria - First among the Handmaidens of Oceanus, a group of his admirers that she founded, and blessed with the power of sunlight. A gifted and incredibly vain fighter, she declared herself the mightiest among the Sixteenth Cycle alicorns of sunlight by adopting the title of “Sun of the Sixteenth”. She successfully backed the claim up on multiple occasions, including defeating Princess Celestia during a Young Fighter’s Tournament.

Solis fancies herself the future queen of Oceanus and is zealous in implementing what she perceives to be his will. She is among the strongest of the alicorns on his side. As one of the three prime servants of Oceanus, she has taken over the administration of his followers, expanding the Handmaidens from a simple group of admirers to a proper cult to include all of those who side with Oceanus.

Lunalux Umbra - a member of the Handmaidens of Oceanus and spymistress for his forces. Blessed with the power of moonlight, Lunalux Umbra remained behind while the rest of Oceanus’s forces descended into the Eastern Waters to recuperate. She discorporated herself to ensure her body recovered its strength and to be nearly undetectable, at the cost of being powerless without a host body. She used this opportunity to observe events in the world-within-the-void, and to sow discord among those she considered enemy forces. She merged with Princess Luna and took on the moniker of Nightmare Moon, attempting to slay Princess Celestia for Oceanus. After her defeat by the Elements of Harmony in the second siege of Fangbreaker Fortress, she was forced to retreat to the Eastern Waters, and make her report. As one of the three prime servants of Oceanus, Lunalux Umbra is tasked with advance forces, reconnaissance, and espionage.

Gladio Lupus/Abysso Spatiator - blessed by the power of earth. He is a former high-ranking sentinel under Gravitas, and Oceanus’s closest friend prior to the First Rebellion. During the Rebellion, Gladio Lupus held no rank as Oceanus did not tolerate the notion that Gladio would be under his command, even as bearer of the Throne. During the fight between ascendants, Gladio interfered by braving the great whirlwind of power surrounding the two, and attacking Sanctus Dominus. For this, Dominus swatted him aside easily, and shattered his wing

After the fall, Oceanus punished the now-named Abysso Spatiator for interfering by cursing his injury to never heal properly, though Spatiator remained faithfully by Oceanus’s side afterwards. When Regia Carnifex was imprisoned, Spatiator insisted on filling the vacuum of power though without being attuned to the Throne. Oceanus finally relented and named him the Vanguard of the Dark. As one of the three prime servants, he now serves as leader of Oceanus’s military forces.

Primus Ignis - the first King and Founder of the Eternal Herd, also known as the Lord of Fire. Once an outcast in Elys for his excessive love of fighting and conquest, he united the disparate, small herds of alicorns to drive back the infestation of Elys by the Demiurge. His success brought upon him the attention of the Throne. With it, he scoured the Demiurge from existence, uniting Elys with other planes of existence, and creating the heavenly realm of the Eternal Herd.

The Sixth - the Sixth Queen of the Eternal Herd whose exploits and reign mysteriously faded from the minds and histories of the alicorns after she disappeared. She is remembered primarily through the few artifacts she left behind including the infamous Agamanthion, which nearly destroyed the Eternal Herd. Extensive research of what scant clue to her identity by the Seekers of the Sixth revealed that she was skilled in Necromancy, a school of magic that is highly obscure within the Eternal Herd, earning her the title “the Necromancer Queen”.

Silva Inber - a famous poet, singer, and playwright in the Eternal Herd, blessed with the power of sound. He is known for his strong admiration for the exploits of Sanctus Dominus.

Aqua Malleus - a sentinel blessed with the power of water. He was part of the group that defeated the centimanus that had materialized to defend the Agamanthion during the Void Rift Crisis.

Aura Magnum - a sentinel blessed with the power of sunlight. She and many others fought the hagunemnon summoned by the Agamanthion during the Void Rift Crisis.

Aureum Oculos - an archive scholar serving under Magnus Chartophylax. Blessed with the power of water, he accompanied the head archivist to Elys during the Void Rift Crisis, and helped in defeating the atropal that guarded the Agamanthion.

Juste Canite - the fourth King of the Eternal Herd, and father of Divina Gratia. Known as the Lord of Earth, his reign was marked by the defeat of abominations that had been dormant within the planes absorbed by the Eternal Herd, most famously his unarmed match with a Globro’thius the Xixecal in Bytos. Before diminishing for the third time, he warned Sanctus Dominus of Turbo Pinnae’s obsession with the Agamanthion.

Solitarius Via - a seeker of the Sixth. He proposed that the Eternal Herd hold off destroying the Agamanthion in order to study it in its active state. He even asked for a Council of Elders meeting to discuss it, but was ultimately ignored by Sanctus Dominus.

Report Visiden Visidane · 831 views ·
Comments ( 14 )

I won't read this for spoiler sake. but it means a lot to me for you to make world building things like this

Wow, the lore is strong with this one...

Great idea, I have already forgotten most of the background characters.

So it was the rebellion that caused Celestia’s dislike of fighting? Interesting, I had assumed it was when Solis beat her and how Solis probably acts afterwords that had caused it.

now the question... does all this mean that the prime series might get restarted? One of my favorite series, hope it continues to the end.

The hell do these angels need horses for? The travel around by transforming into beams of light.

Baking... I will admit, I did not think I read that right the first time. Well, I guess we all have our hobbies

This is such a good info dump. It's nice to have a guide to reference when reading. Sometimes I would be confused as to who each alicorn was. Thanks a million for this summary!

There is something hilarious to me about the thought of Oceanus baking. He hadn't appeared yet by the point I last left off, so I don't quite know what he looks like, but I imagine him as big swirly darkness horse something like the Pony of Shadows from season seven (except not as boring), and the thought of such an entity hunched over a stove in a chef hat and apron brings me no end of joy.

Well, he wasn’t blessed with the power of abyss back when he was baking. There was a point in his life when Oceanus was just an immensely talented stallion trying his hoof out in different endeavors. He proved to be an excellent baker. He also discovered that, when Celestia was plotting to steal his confections, she wasn’t talking to him. A huge plus.


Is the Upheaval saga going to end with Oceanus reformed by Pinkie Pie helping him to rediscover his love of baking?


In the ballpark. I have plans that touch the subject, but I doubt I will eventually write them out before dying of old age or just getting bored of MLP fan fiction given my pace.


I was joking, but if Oceanus retiring from being Pony Satan to become a baker really is the endgame, then I have to catch up on the series now.

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