• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen May 10th

Gabriel LaVedier

Just another University-edicated fanfiction writer who prefers the cheers and laughter of ponies to madness and sorrow.

More Blog Posts107

  • 225 weeks
    Actually nice content

    Have a look at this lovliness.

    Remember a while back when I made some Hearths' Warming content, the pony version of Santa and the Krampus. It was a nice thing, a happy thing. The opposite of caribou and zebras. And I finally got something drawn on that subject. The Hearthkeeper, Kampfite, and their Pooka wives Klåsa and Kråmpa.

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    1 comments · 515 views
  • 241 weeks
    Why I stopped (and might not restart)

    It's a short answer. They broke me. Given some replies in the past, I can actually say to some readers, you broke me.

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    24 comments · 1,036 views
  • 243 weeks
    I finally found it

    Way back when, at the start of the Fall there was one specific image I was mining for context before I had more primary sources. It colored the entire perception of the caribou and gave rise to the ultra-harsh depictions as literal Nazis, and also why I hammer their racism so hard. If you happen to notice, all the women are ponies, and some men as well. Other species don't exist EXCEPT acceptable

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    11 comments · 591 views
  • 244 weeks
    Placed in the monster pen

    A popular setting for horror anything is the haunted asylum. See, it was filled with crazy people. Crazy people are all sociopathic professional serial killers, and when they die they all turn into ghosts with have an insatiable drive to kill stupid teenagers. Nevermind that the inmates of asyla generally had even fewer rights and protections than even regular prisoners for a ridiculously long

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    8 comments · 489 views
  • 252 weeks
    Help needed from Fallout: New Vegas fans

    It's no secret I'm a strong Black Isle fanboy. I believe in the purity of Fallout one and two. It had the retrofuturistic feel and look of the old atompunk pulps, the senseless exuberance and clean lines of streamline moderne and Googie mixed with B-Movie sci-fi and all the little idiot lies that made it fun. There was a frivolousness to it. A joyous abandon when designs aped Mad Max, when people

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    17 comments · 401 views

Why I stopped (and might not restart) · 4:11pm Oct 20th, 2019

It's a short answer. They broke me. Given some replies in the past, I can actually say to some readers, you broke me.

I thought Fallout: Equestria was stupid. No flashy vocabulary or turns of phrase. Stupid. Illogical, holding itself to the fake edgelord gritty seriousness of the games. I still and always held the author in contempt as a human being. The memetic followups were equally or more stupid. But it was at least based on a stupid game series (and it took me years to even bother playing them because of said contempt.)

But again, based on an external popular thing. Just a copy of a copy.

The Fall is based on real horrors. Invasions are historical nightmares. No one should be jerkin' the gherkhin to mothers throwing themselves and their daughters off of roofs to escape the Huns, or ISIS having slave markets to pick up ethnic minority slaves for abuse. But some of you do. If knowing the reality can't dull the fantasy, your incel cred is strong.

I can't watch the show anymore without intense mental preparation. I have panic attacks in the middle of episodes because 22 minutes is too long when your instant link is to some basement gremin drooling all over their Cheetos stained shirts while typing out posts about enslaving slut Staceys.

This is what the stories of Old Timer, Vital Monsoon, and Pedro Cama are about. Something fundamental was stolen from them. Joy. The very concept of happiness was removed. Old Timer lost all happiness when he became a caribou mind slave. Escaping can't absolve him. Vital lost the joy of flight, because now it feels like an indulgence only a monster would savor, after all those mares had it ripped away. Pedro lost his family memories. It's too painful to remember what the caribou stole from him and can never come back.

Zootopia has an active fandom. It's a nice place. There are nice people like Julius, and Quirky, and Upplet, and HyenaTig. It's nice to be there. It feels good to create there.

I still have stories for here. I have them saved, and archived. I just don't know what to do with them. Because congrats you incel-feeding nightmare factories. You little "it's just a fantasy, my bromide" self-decievers.

I lost joy in the most joyful thing that had been created. And that's so disgusting, of course it took misogynistic gamergater fascistic Douche V partisans to do. Applause for you.

Report Gabriel LaVedier · 1,036 views · #Explanation
Comments ( 24 )

Hey, if you want to let the minority of jerkasses ruin your enjoyment of something they have no influence on, that sounds like a personal problem. The world is full of darkness. It’s only when good men let that stop them from seeing the light that we fall

Or, to put it better:

“The world has always been broken, Gabe. That’s why we need good writers. Like you.”

Sad to hear and even sadder when I realized this means we might not get an ending to The Prince's Bride. But you have to do what good for you. So, farewell and hope you enjoy any stories that you do write.

I will admit that I have not read a lot of your stories, so I am missing a lot of context. What has finally gotten to you that you can no longer watch the show? Just too much research into horrifying things for your stories? Or is it mainly the fact that such images exist for this show? I am just confused because I thought you enjoyed those topics since you write them.

I don't blame you one bit. I have read some of your Zootopia stories and they are sweet and full of hope.:twilightsmile:

Fex #6 · Oct 20th, 2019 · · 2 ·

First thing I recomment you to print the story you wrote. Then set it on fire and delete the story from fim. To be honest I am not even sure why you said yes to writing it once you looked into the premise.

I like most of you stories and this one just doesn't feel you.

Wait, I've never heard about you having issue with Fallout: Equestria. If you don't like a story, that's totally fine. But what could you think is wrong with Kkat? All she did was write a story. Even with the nasty, violent stuff that happens in that story, she doesn't ENDORSE that kind of thing.

I sincerely don't think the kind of creepy people that associate with MLP are divorced from other fandoms. Lady Bug, Winx Club, Powerpuff Girls ANYTHING having to do with Disney... The Brony demographic just feels inspired to put to words and drawings what they feel.* Plus our fandom has been interconnected enough that we're AWARE of when crazy stuff happens. It's why drama has been kind of a hallmark of ours.

*Or at least we use to. The FoE content completely cut off, with the orinigal author having left the story. Even the anti-Fall, post-fall group has slowed to a crawl. Part of if it is just the slowdown of the fandom, but a lot of it is people just moving on from what was considered alarming.

Well, must say im glad you havent found the darker side of Zootopia yet from your words, hope you dont either.

I am sorry that you lost your joy, I am sorry that I will not see your MLP work again I enjoined it a lot some times I was unable to reply but I tried. I am glad that you are still writing I wish you good luck thanks for what you did give us. I wish you the best in the future.
Thank you again.

Got to agree with Jake here. You can't stop them from being useless fucks, but you can just block their existence from your own. If you can't focus on the old, nice stuff then that sucks, but letting cockroaches stop you from enjoying something that is entirely divorced from their delusions is letting them win.

Dude, it sounds like you need therapy. Maybe EMDR. And also to not read more fucked up shit. Anyway, where can I find your Zootopia stuff?

Fanfiction: https://m.fanfiction.net/u/7992018/
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/users/GabrielLaVedier

I hope you like them. I've been prolific. And been volunteering in the fandom, helping out with ZNN, the Zootopia equivalent of Equestria Daily.


The trouble is, they're not just abstract cockroaches. They're real people. Terrible people. Look at an incel forum, look at Roosh V, they literally want to be the caribou. They think women are only good as slaves. They want slavery back, with women distributed by an autocratic government as a ration for incels. Government whorehouses and literal slave training. Electroshock therapy for women who are too pretty to force them to only like "manlets" with weak chins. They're obsessed with their niceguyism, convinced that a few millimeters of bone are why they're worthless losers, and not because they jerk it to the lowest of the Fall stuff that takes pains and pride in the cruelty of branding, amputation, and child fiddling. The incels and MRAs and MGTOWs really exist. And they love all things like the Fall. And the writers refuse to even think so. "Its just a sex fantasy, dudebro. Just a fantasy, brodude. It's all good, brocephus. I'm the king high Lord of Freeze Peach, my dudicus." Knowing something is the worst thing in the world. After that point, you can't un-know it.

See my reply to find my latest writings. I might come back to this. I really want to. I wasn't done. I just found the ugliness and... damn was it ugly.

This might stretch some rules but eh. Kkat has always been a jerk. Get her in the right mood at she admits it the way an alcoholic admits they're a drunk but a fun drunk. You probably missed the time when Fallout: Equestria was taking over Equestria Daily and Kkat and her brainwashed minions thought they could push around the mods. When she declared she could run the site by herself and do better than everyone else.

I found Fallout: Equestria to be, naturally, derivative, creatively bankrupt, and intellectually stunted. No part of it made any sense in any way, even calling it an AU was a stretch because the diseased foundation could not possibly hold it up. And the characters ranged from edgelordery prime to merely annoying. Had I the inclination still I'd have a story of nothing but that damn derivative Littlepip being blown up by everything possible. Screw it if anyone who cares hears that. Your character was an abortive attempt at Woobie Sue and I hope you somehow learn to feel bad about it. But you won't, because you're a self-confessed jerk, someone with a personality disorder like borderline or narcissistic or intermittent explosive, you're incapable of feeling shame or contrition.

I enjoy two things. Writing about nice things, and writing against awful things. I wrote against awful things, and well I think. But those awful things are awful. And it takes a toll.

Archived and stored. Every so often I make an attempt. The more I do Zootopia, the more I think "Life is beautiful." I may be back.

Zootopia will, for now, be my Bunnyburrow. Romance and comedy. Writing about Duke Weaselton and his rich girlfriend, the Hopps family and their wacky in-laws, tastes of Zootopia's districts. It's a smaller world, but still a rich one. A sweet one. It's beautiful. And that's what I need right now.

I'm afraid you've hit obsession. There are great many more decent people than the kind you are concerned about, and if you can't focus on the good, then there's not much else to do. I, and I assume all of us here, wish you could get past the evils in the world to contribute to the good again, but if you can't, you can't.

I'm so glad I checked here. I literally just found this on FSTDT.


I'm making beautiful things, for Zootopia. Because as far as I know, MLP is now officially for Incels, MGTOWs, MRAs, Nazis, racists and Gamergaters. They ate the flesh, drank the blood and sucked the marrow out of the bones of something beautiful.

I am sorry, so very sorry that misguided people have ruined an amazing universe for you.

By the way, since you clearly do not like alt-right shitheads, are you involved in any IRL leftist organizing? If not, would you like help getting involved? I love connecting people.

I'm not able to do that. Best I can do is vote. I'm not capable of doing many physical things for mental reasons, or for practical reasons. But thank you! That was nice to offer.

It's all a big mess. I know I'll eventually get emotionally calloused to them enough to come back. I have stories to tell still. And I will tell them.

No! Don’t give up! Push away the haters and go on! Forget everyone who treats u badly!
When people belittle others, its because the one they are targeting is better than them.
Keep writing happy and joyful fics! Every view is a smile you put on someone’s face, and if someone doesn’t see that as righteous, screw them.
You do you. Don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise

reddit moment

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