• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
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More Blog Posts126

  • 24 weeks
    Happy Holidays^^

    Thought I would take a break from playing dead to wish you all happy holidays^^ Hope you are all safe and healthy and surrounded by loved ones, and those who aren't, well, I hope this little post makes it a bit better somehow:twilightsheepish:

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  • 48 weeks
    Yes I am alive 2

    Really, really sorry about being so quiet as of late. Been busy with work and other stuff, and that non-pony story.

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  • 72 weeks
    Yes I am alive

    Sorry I've been so absent as of late. My new project kinda absorbed me a bit :twilightsheepish: Actually, for the past year ever since I decided to write a Warriors fanfiction I couldn't really think about much else as far as writing is concerned, even right now.

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  • 80 weeks
    My Warriors fanfiction is ready^^

    Well, maybe not ready per say, but the prologue and first chapter were published on AO3^^

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  • 87 weeks
    It's been 10 years!

    Yeah, it's been 10 years since I've made an account on this website and published the first two chapters of Rebirth of the Damned, my first story (you can't tell now because back then when you would edit chapters and save them then it would overwrite the date of publication).

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Update on Infinite Potential / general update · 10:32am Nov 24th, 2019

Chapter 15 of Infinite Potential iiiisss... DONE! Yep, it's done and already being looked over by my proofreading/editing team. So, you know, you can send your death threats to them instead now :derpytongue2:

Sorry it took a while, but between Classic and a ton of other distractions (will list them in a moment) on top of being sick (but not enough to take sick days from work) and WORK I've been zapped out of my strength. Hope the chapter will prove entertaining enough to make up for the wait.

Now, this will be the 3rd chapter this year, meaning that I still have to write another before the end of the year. And I will, but first I will write Rebirth of the Damned chapter, hadn't updated this story in a while and all the new WoW stuff made me hyped for it. Plus, chapters for that story tend to me much... shorter than IP. Will take probably about 3k words only, which honestly should take only about a week; heck, if I would put proper effort into it I could write that much in a day. So chapter 16 of IP should still arrive before the end of the year. Will just... have to power through during Holidays, most likely... yeah, last year was the same wasn't it? Pretty sure chapter 12 got published on December 31st. Oh well, if I ever hope to get this story to a finish I'll have to at the very least keep up this quota. Worst come to worst, will just have 5 chapters next year...

Anyway, you should probably expect the chapter to pop up sometime next week, I think.

Now, other news, been busy with various thins. First, had a little car accident recently; nothing serious, just flat tire and dented wheel rim of my own car, aaaand extreme embarrassment. The problem is though that even though it was almost a month ago at this point, I still hadn't gotten a new wheel for a replacement (of the spare of course); got the new tire, but still have to get a new wheel rim, turned out that a steel wheel rim dented so badly cannot be fixed. So this problem keeps getting dragged on and stressing me out.

On to the happier distractions, though, I've been playing WoW Classic, as I mentioned, but also recently returned to retail; as I mentioned in my other blog I'm making a Forsaken Death Knight named Ă„rthas that had Blades of the Fallen Prince as their artifact and will get them him the most Lich King-y set (Nighthold mythid DK set), all for the sole purpose of ENDING Sylvanas. LIGHT I hadn't wanted to kill a character this badly since Garrosh! Say what you want about the storytelling, they make you wanna kill villains good (and she was a villain all the time, since Frozen Throne, stop defending her and saying Blizzard screw her over, Jesus... her evil was toleratable unti Cata, once I've done the questlines in the zones she appeared in I've wanted to kill her, but now I want to kill her SO MUCH MORE! Ekem. Anyway, got that character to level 103, not using the level boost as I wanted to grind Undercity rep while I was at it (and generaly do some fun leveling zones), so that this character will be ready to do Forsaken heritage armor, whenever it will finally arrive...

Buuut that's not all I've been playing. Also played Sinking City as I mentioned somewhere, LOVED it, then moved on to replaying Dead Space, Ck@ A Game of Thrones Mod, aaand Alan Wake. God damn, hadn't played that in almost 10 years, I forgot how awesome that game is. I HIGHLY recommend this game to anybody on this site, especially if you are a writer, you NEED to play it, it's basically a mandatory in my opinion!

Watched some shows, recently gone through Gravity Falls, loved it, planning to FINALLY give Heroes Academia a watch, started watching Twilight Zone from beginning (dunno why, just... felt like it? Guess Alan Wake influenced me with this), aaand... finally gave RWBY Volume 7 a watch. Yeah, even though it has started 3-4 weeks ago, I hadn't watched an episode. The last volume was too awful to me personally, with how they all turned on Ozpin, unjustly in my opinion. So glad to see how much of fucking hypocrites they are, makes my hate justifiable... On the plus side, though, those new episodes did make me love that show again, and while it is nowhere near it's earlier position of my second most favorite show, it is back in top 10.

Oh, and Supernatural, final season. Them, the road so far had been awesome, I can't wait to see how it ends. Oh, and episode 4 is something writers should look up, too, although you'll probably be a little lost without seeing earlier 14 seasons ;p

Well, that's all from me. Thanks for reading this little update, can't wait to see your comments under new chapter when it finally arrives^^ See ya

Comments ( 9 )

Was wondering what happened to this story. Now to continue the game

Ah, sorry you were sick.
Oh, and the car accident! Good luck with the repair.

Thanks for the updates. :)

I had completely forgotten that you also wrote Rebirth of the Damned. Whoops.

what about stars in the making i am the only one who still reads that

I'm happy to know that you're not hurt and I'm looking forward to seeing an update for the rebirth of the damned (regarding Sylvanas, I totally agree with you, her character was "tolerable" until to the cataclysm events. But now, after all that she has done, I just want her to die by the hands of my character!)

Take care of yourself and thank you for updating!

At this point, I am really hoping there will be a showdown between Arthas and Sylvanas in your story.

I will definitely bring all my stories (the ones I hadn't already canceled on put on pretty much permanent hiatus) to an end, I'm not abandoning them, so no need to worry about what's happening to them ;p

Still am, actually. Still have a cough, got it almost cured over the weekend, but since I work outdoors, one day at work reset my throat back to how it was on Friday :facehoof:
Well it was less of an accident and me driving into the road curb in too high speed... but hey, I stopped before I drove into the road ditch, that's good :twilightsheepish: Thanks, ordered the wheel rim, should have it tomorrow or day after, then it's just the matter of getting it and the tire to vulcanizer to put together^^

You're welcome^^

Guess it shows how long it has been since I wrote a chapter for that story:twilightsheepish:

Oh, I was hoping it wouldn't come up, didn't even know fans of that check my blogs unless Stars in the Making is tagged :twilightsheepish: I'll definitely continue writing Stars in the Making, too, but I'm not quite sure when I'll get around to writing the next chapter yet. Might be the one I'll write after Infinite Potential, but I'm not making any promises, I might still be on WoW hype by then.

Thanks, I hope when the update comes out it will be to your liking^^

Wouldn't that be fun, huh?:pinkiecrazy: Actually, part of the reason why I don't plan continuing Rebirth past "Legion storyline/continuity"-ish is because regardless of what happens with the story, I CANNOT see Arthas not outright murdering Sylvanas the next day after she kills his sister (even if I'd have killed him off by then, his ghost would do it). Remember how Illidan killed alternate Gul'dan in the Nighthold? Yeah, Arthas would be Illidan, Sylvanas Gul'dan, and fel the Light. Would be satisfying to write, but would practically erase storylines/continuity of both Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands, so what's the point going into this territory?


Would be satisfying to write, but would practically erase storylines/continuity of both Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands, so what's the point going into this territory?

Maybe not Shadowlands, but I can think of one good reason to include BFA and that is allowing Deathwing's children to receive some justice for the corruption of their flight since the one villain that was responsible for turning Deathwing and the Black Dragonflight evil lies at the end of BFA in a patch that is due to release sometime next month.

Also, how epic would it be for Arthas and Sylvanas to have their final battle at the Frozen Throne with Arthas defending Bolvar and fighting to prevent the events of Shadowlands?

Oh, sorry further, then.
That is good, yes! :)
Aye, good luck with that.


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