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On the Sliding Scale Of Cynicism Vs. Idealism, I like to think of myself as being idyllically cynical. (Patreon, Ko-Fi.)

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Utterly Mundane Crossovers: take the challenge · 2:06pm Jan 29th, 2020

Typically, when two or more fictional settings interact, it's because there's something big happening. Worlds collide. Worlds will live. Worlds will die. Someone will be back in eight months with a slightly-altered outfit. And there's a sense of drama and high stakes and, in certain genres, exhaustion because the next time a sales/ratings boost is needed, they're gonna do it again.

And then there's the other end of the spectrum.

Gandalf appears in Equestria -- because it's been a year, he's out of tobacco, and if he has to smoke something which wasn't grown by earth ponies, then he isn't going to smoke at all.

Everyday life. There's nothing epic taking place. The parties involved don't even acknowledge the oddness of their meeting. Stephen Strange tries to sneak a book back onto Twilight's shelves, but she's been waiting for him and she wants her late fees. Octavia is playing backup music for an idol group from the Saga province and has to keep stopping so she can put the lead singer's head back on. Turns out those new gems Rarity's been using are dilithium crystals and as far as she's concerned, the bipeds who just set off her alarm during their refueling raid are nothing more than common thieves: let's bring out the long needles.

So show me your most mundane crossover concepts. Things which would be utterly normal (on the chaos-prone Equestrian level) if it wasn't for the other party involved, and still is because nopony's even gonna mention that.

And if you come up with something which you think is interesting? Make a story out of it.

That's sort of what we're here for.

*glances right towards movie shelf*
*randomly picks title*
Hannibal Lecter makes dinner for the sisters. After all, not only is there nothing better than truly good dinner conversation, but it's not often that he gets to work vegetarian...

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The Serenity lands at Sweet Apple Acres, because Applejack hired Mal and the crew to take the mane 6 and their families to Manehattan to see Trixie's magic show, but Rainbow is no longer allowed on the train.

I dunno, the Millenium Falcon stops by to stock up on fresh veggies.

Or a new coat brush for Chewie....

Author Interviewer

This sounds excellent.

Edna from The Incredibles buys her fabric in Equestria, because that's the only kind of fabric that can stand up to superheros.

Or, I suppose the reverse could be true, and Rarity buys her fabric from Edna.

The Doctor lands his/her TARDIS in Las Pegasus. He/she is there to show the latest companion(s) a good time.

Nopony dies. Nothing invades. Nothing goes wrong at all. Because this is one of the countless times hinted at in the show, but never actually shown, where the Doctor visits somewhere and nothing unpleasant happens.

Wanderer D

I mean... the whole Sunset's Isekai concept is as mundane as it gets. Or as I can get right now, in any case. I mean. Two people talking in a bar...

Edit: But I love the Gandalf idea.


I always figured the Doctor was lying, because the only way to keep getting new companions is if they believe there's actually a chance for nothing bad to happen. But every single time...

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Every Anime Character Ever™ goes through the Carousel Boutique. How did you think that hair stays in place, hair spray? Pfft. Villains and heroes coincidentally arriving for their appointments at the same time, leave your squabbles at the door or no service.

Already taken, but I've seen elsewhere on this site a story where Big Mac stocks up on some cider, treks across the NeverNever, and delivers it to Mac (the bartender from The Dresden Files.)

Link from Legend of Zelda arrives at the Crystal Empire. He's booked some time with Princess Cadence because he needs relationship advice to work out how he feels about the various supporting cast of his adventures and she's the best there is.

Hilda Valentine Goneril shows up in Equestria to get some gems for her accessory making, because she uses only the best-quality materials.

I almost did this with Velvet Missteps, aside from not have another IP crossover properly. Or at all.

That reminds me.

Discord invites some Elder God pals around for a poker night, then gets jealous when Fluttershy suggests Nyarlathotep join them for their weekly tea party. Meanwhile, Twilight helps Cthulhu file a libel suit against H. P. Lovecraft's estate.

To be fair Dr. Who is an action show. The normal trips where nothing bad happens aren't going to be seen by the audience.

I did see one story on the site where Ocarina of Time's Link showed up just for a jam session with Octavia, then went back home.

Site Blogger

Oh! Princess Celestia tries to file the proper paperwork with the Men In Black so that ponies can visit and live on Earth. The red tape and bureaucracy is enough to give her nightmares for months.

I've done a few crossovers along these lines. Pub crawls with Sorin Markov (back before he had to deal with escaped eldritch horrors and could actually enjoy the multiverse, since he is absolutely the sort of vampire who drinks... wine. Also, no relation to the Wonderbolt... probably.) An equine Link searching for a job in Ponyville when his skills begin at "adventurer" and end at "serial ceramic vandal." Twilight and several of her old Canterlot friends discovering Megatron's charred body and arranging an airlift to the capital to examine the enormous minotauroid golem.

Okay, that last one doesn't exactly count. :derpytongue2:

Though the most mundane yet surreal idea I've thought of recently? Somehow, some way, Equestria stands between Odysseus and Ithaca. No one involved is entirely sure how this works, but he's pretty sure Circe had a sister she never talked about. That or this is a rather on-the-nose punishment for the wooden horse. Also, he spends at least three times as long as he needs to because he obsessively tries to find the catch.

To say nothing of all those JRPG characters. Where did you think that dress made entirely of belts came from?


Where did you think that dress made entirely of belts came from?

I recently experienced a vision of Rarity kicking Rob Liefeld to death.

And then she realized saddlebags are gigantic belt pouches.

They heard the screams in Canterlot.

Sauron and Grogar have a cup of tea.

No talking is ever done.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Moominmamma and Princess celestia share a nice cup of coffee and discuss co-dependent children.

After taking a left turn at Albuquerque Bugs Bunny ends up in Chrysalis’s new hiding hole.

Kirby visits Sugarcube Corner, because he’s in the mood for some cake and the only one who can keep up with his appetite is Pinkie.

*Looks up a own movie shelf*
Hmm, how about…Fluttershy's walking through Froggy Bottom bog, runs into an older Littlefoot, and they spend a few minutes catching up.

Ooo, Liberace. Not only would ponies love to hear him play, he's the one human who would love Rarity making him something gem-studded to wear.
Plus he's a fine example of the magnificence of human hands.
Seriously, watch a clip of him playing. Those fingers are a blur when he gets going.

Site Blogger

This. Written properly, it could be comic gold.

You all know that Dorothy buys flea-powder for Toto from Fluttershy, right?

Then there was that Friends episode where Central Perk switched their baked-goods supplier to Sugarcube Corner.

Celestia and Luna once tried to work through their sibling rivalry by calling in to Dr. Frasier Crane’s radio show.

Twilight occasionally gets library exchange requests from the Unseen University. But the cover letters only say, “Oook,” so she has a lot of trouble filling those requests.

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo joining a group of Frog Scouts on a camping trip and nature hike.

Doctor Who returns a book to the Ponyville library, gets in a long and frustrating argument with Twilight Sparkle about whether or not time travel means the book is overdue.

Sonny: What’s that Skippy?

Skippy: tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk

Sonny: There’s a small horse down by the lake?

Skippy: tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk

Sonny: And she’s asking directions to the ranger’s station?

Skippy: tsk-tsk-tsk

Sonny: Quick, Skip. Let’s go!

Pinkie gathers ingredients for one of her monthly supply runs to Neverland.

Queen Majesty opens a time portal, and she and some of the G1 ponies visit Ponyville. Wind Whistler is a bit disappointed that the future doesn't look more futuristic, but they all make new friends and have a nice picnic before returning home with no problems.

The Starship Enterprise discovers Equus while surveying an uncharted region of the galaxy. They quickly ascertain that Equestria is a pre-warp civilization, place a monitoring beacon in orbit, and leave without making contact.

Okay that is legit hilarious XD

You have no idea how much this delights me. Crossovers are my FAVORITE THING, every since I learned what fanfiction even was. (My first fanfic was a Danny Phantom/Kim Possible crossover.) I usually enjoy the adventures, too, but the mundane stuff has that added hilarity. I can't think of any ideas right now but I'm thoroughly enjoying all the suggestions!

I don't even LIKE Lovecraftian stuff but that is hysterical, satire/parodies of horror tropes that make them seem totally mundane are great. Please someone write that, I would read it. (Assuming nobody dies or goes insane, that sucks the fun back out.)

Nobody is more confused than the gargoyle Goliath when Elisa and his clan clamor to know how he came to be engaged to a small gray pony named Maud.

Meanwhile, David Xanatos tries to puzzle out why an odd creature named Discord insists on hosting a poker game for Demona, Puck, Titania, Coldstone and himself.

Worlds will live. Worlds will die.

this reminded me of "worlds will die. worlds will Rise." in the "blackest night" super-crossover. EVERY DC hero was fighting zombie-like "Black Lanterns" that fed on emotions, they didn't just say "brains". some kept insulting the heroes, trying to make them angry, some kept saying things like "don't you still love me?" trying to make them feel Love, Hope or Compassion...then ate their HEARTS!

oh, this made me think of a gag thread with REALLY SHORT battles. for example, Celestia encounters some vampires:
"good morning, gentlemen."
that was the ENTIRE chapter, 3 words!
whoops, that was YOURS!

This is Malcolm Reynolds, who has in his official character sheet the disadvantage "Things Don't Go Smooth."

In Equestria, where there are cutie marks for "Things Don't Go Smooth." The entire world runs on "Things Don't Go Smooth."

The comedy that results just has Discord sitting back, going, "I can't top this. Funny, I thought I would feel more disappointed when that happened."


Rarity dealing with human fashion and human fashion designers would involve the invention of several new swear words. The models would require Twilight Sparkle to invent several new spells because Rarity subscribes to the Dizzy Dean school of bragging, "If you can do it, you ain't bragging." If you're bragging, you can't do it and she has so little time for people that can't do it...

And, let's not start on JRPG and the latest run of Marvel/DC costume choices and designs...

Daring Do meet Old Man Indiana Jones at a archeology symposium and talk about about some very dry archeological subject over a cup of tea.

I have a half-written Disco Elysium crossover in my gdocs where the events of the game are going on, and they fix the water-lock, cross the bridge, and then Celestia is just standing there, at the other end, with no disguise whatsoever. She offers Harry and Kim coffee and a chat, while they all look at the coastline, and absolutely nothing about the game's plot is changed in any way.

Yes, it has input from the skills as well, and it's formatted like every other conversation in the game.

there's a sense of drama and high stakes and, in certain genres, exhaustion because the next time a sales/ratings boost is needed, they're gonna do it again.

This reminds me of DC/CW's "Arrowverse." Especially this last crossover. More and more shows are being added, so more and more are being included in the crossover. It can be exhausting trying to watch them all.

Crossover: Equestria discovers the existence of Warehouse 13, and arranges for the return of any Equestrian artifacts which had somehow found its way to Earth. In exchange, the warehouse receives detailed information on how the objects work, and can request an artifact specialist to study and help contain some of the stranger Earth artifacts the group finds.

5194148 Don't forget Discord though. A Star Trek/MLP cross-over always demand an appearance by Discord.

Sue Ellen Mischke walks down the streets of Manehattan braless. Nopony says anything because bras aren't a thing in Equestria.

Nanny Ogg visiting Granny Smith to discuss recent events, grandchildren and to pick up some zap apples for a new batch of scumble. After all, it's mostly apples.

Zach and Ivy from the old Carmen Sandiego cartoon take a C5 portal to Equestria, but realize they got the clue wrong and leave shortly.

There's always this MLP/Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. crossover: A Puzzle Unsolved by PresentPerfect.

Gandalf & Merlin go on a double coffee date with Celestia and Luna

Mac may be a Master Beer-o-Mancer (whatever else he actually is), but everyone needs a subcontractor once in a while.

Galactus visits Equestria. Luna uses the moon to scratch his back on that spot you just can't get by yourself while Pinkie Pie bakes him the universe's largest cupcake.

"I shall be gentle. I shall only stab you with a needle if the pouches in question can't possible hold anything."


"That's once per pouch, dear."

Samus Aran comes to Equestria, finding out that there's a planet that Ridley, her long time refuses-to-stay-fucking-dead nemesis will not, under any circumstances, bring harm to. She thinks that there's some sort of superweapon or powerful being that scares ol' Riddles away, and wants to tap into it to end him permanently.

It turns out that its just that Pinkie Pie makes the best cupcakes in the universe, and the Spa Ponies are just THAT GOOD at massages, as Samus finds out when she joins Rarity and Fluttershy on their weekly trip. Fluttershy goes home, but Samus decides to join Rarity on a girl's night out. Samus leaves the planet relaxed and with a couple new dresses as well.


Thats basically Pinkie Pie has infiltrated the Changeling secret base.

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