• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


I have no idea what I'm doing.

More Blog Posts23

  • 20 weeks
    The Blueblood Papers: Old Blood

    With Christmas and New Year over with, we have but a long and bleak January to endure before the dawn of Spring. To make the wait a little bearable, I hope you'll enjoy the first chapter of the new Blueblood story available here:

    TThe Blueblood Papers: Old Blood
    While on leave, Blueblood meets his hero, A. K. Yearling, and is dragged into a Daring Do story he would much rather have read.
    Raleigh · 37k words  ·  150  1 · 1.2k views

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    1 comments · 170 views
  • 27 weeks
    Bound by Blood Retrospective

    With another Blueblood Papers story completed comes another retrospective. I'd like to start by stating that I think Royal Blood, the one that came before it, is the best story that I've written in this series, and after finishing Bound By Blood and looking back on this latest story, I still think that. That's not to say that I'm unhappy with how Bound By Blood came out, of course, but

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    8 comments · 310 views
  • 62 weeks
    A Map and Some Lore

    Maps are great. As a kid I used to spend hours pouring over my parents' atlas, even though it was a little out of date and still had the Soviet Union on it. It was, however, the 1990s, and the collapse of the USSR had only been a few years ago, so I suppose they could be forgiven for that.

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  • 85 weeks
    Ten Years of The Blueblood Papers and AMA

    Well, not quite. As it happened, I've missed the exact date by a few days, as Blueblood: Hero of Equestria was published on the 8th of October 2012, but we'll quietly ignore that from now on.

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  • 121 weeks
    The Blueblood Papers: Bound By Blood

    After a nice Christmas and a New Year, I am back with with sequel to Royal Blood.

    TThe Blueblood Papers: Bound By Blood
    Blueblood's captors said, "For you, the war is over." How wrong they were.
    Raleigh · 180k words  ·  300  4 · 2.9k views

    And yes, I know I said I'd call it 'Captive Blood' earlier, but 'Bound By Blood' has extra alliterative appeal. I do hope you enjoy it. The usual monthly updates will proceed as normal from here on (hopefully).

    1 comments · 416 views

A further update - I'm sick · 5:12pm Mar 25th, 2020

So I've definitely come down with something. Whether or not it's actually the coronavirus I can't say for certain, as in the UK we're only testing those who are sick enough to be hospitalised, and I'm fortunate enough not to require that. The symptoms seem to fit, mainly the fever, a headache, sore throat, and coughing, though my coughing isn't too bad and is mainly limited to if I exert myself too much. Speaking of exertion, I've found doing things that should be easy tires me out, like loading the washing machine the other day really took it out of me. Also, I've completely lost my sense of smell; I first noticed this when I couldn't smell my sandalwood shaving soap, then tested everything I could find - brilliantine, brylcreem, moustache wax, floor cleaner, etc. Absolutely nothing.

Most of this started last week, but like an idiot I assumed that it was merely stress and anxiety. I appear to be over the worst of it, however, except for the anosmia, which is actually distressing me the most out of all of it. So for the time being I'll stick with the government rules of staying in, which everyone should be doing anyway, and trying to crack on with a bit of writing to alleviate some of the tedium of isolation.

Comments ( 10 )

hope it nothing best wishes

The anosmia is another possible symptom of COVID-19, from what I'd heard. I hadn't imagined that one wouldn't be able to smell anything at all, though.

I hope you recover from whatever ails you quickly.

Please go get yourself tested. If you have the virus, it’s better to know as there are options that your doctor could advise you to take to speed up your recovery.

I wish you a speedy recovery!

Hope you get better soon. Your fanfics are honestly some of my favorite on the site, and it would be a shame if they were to go unfinished.

Wish you luck and better health.

Damn it, be safe Raleigh. If you have close friends/family arrange a daily check up call. At worst you’ll get some company over the phone/internet. At worst you’ll have someone who can get to your house/call the hospital.

Your stories are good but your health is much more important. You should probably alert those you have been in contact with to be careful. Just in case

I wish I could get tested, but over here it's been restricted to hospital patients. Thankfully, it's not serious enough for me to go into hospital, but until our government gets more tests I'll have to remain in this weird position of not knowing for certain whether it really was Covid-19 or the worst cold or flu I've ever had.

I've been in contact with friends and family over the internet, and its been a godsend. I had been in work the previous week, and I'm praying I haven't passed it on to anyone there.

Thank you everyone for your messages of support. After nearly a week of rest and isolation, my symptoms are slowly getting better, except for this anosmia, but from what I've read that takes the longest to recover

If you were at work the previous week, that's something people will want to know. Part of testing is checking your contacts and where you went within the last 14 days. If testing's not an option, then you should still make sure everyone knows you got sick. And if you do have to go out or meet someone for any reason, I recommend you wear not just a mask, but also a face shield, like the plastic ones dentists use to block splashes. I'm pretty sure you can make one at home with a wire clothes hanger (unwound into a stretch of wire) bent to fit around your head, and with saran wrap or something else transparent draped over it. It might just stop droplets from reaching or leaving your face.

Yep, I've already let my coworkers and family know. Fortunately, I live alone, so isolating myself is easy and I was able to get enough supplies to last me a while. I haven't been outside since the 20th of March. I am feeling a lot better now, just a bit tired and my sense of smell is still gone, but hopefully by the time I need to venture out and restock supplies I'll no longer be contagious.

Damn. Hope things get better for you.

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