• Member Since 21st Apr, 2012
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  • TStarlight Over Detrot: A Noir Tale
    In the decaying metropolis of Detrot, 60 years and one war after Luna's return, Detective Hard Boiled and friends must solve the mystery behind a unicorn's death in a film noir-inspired tale of ponies, hard cider, conspiracy, and murder.
    Chessie · 1.5m words  ·  1,264  47 · 56k views

More Blog Posts181

  • 146 weeks
    A print run of Starlight Over Detrot?

    So, the Ministry Of Image printing house has a new survey up! Can you guess who is on it?


    I am absurdly excited. I doubt we'll get printed, but it would be amazing if we did! I would love to hold a copy of Starlight Over Detrot in my hands one day.

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    13 comments · 549 views
  • 161 weeks
    So, what's next?

    Starlight Over Detrot is done and now I'm intent on writing something else. I've got the outline for a romance novel. A non-pony romance novel, mind. That being said, I wanna write a few more pony things while I do that. I've got a heap of ideas for an 'Epilogue Part Four' for Starlight which happens a few years after the events of Epilogue Part Three and just sorta ties everything off.

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    2 comments · 809 views
  • 170 weeks

    Okay, so the final main-story chapter of Starlight Over Detrot is *now* in the editorial pipe-line. It's headed to the people who do the good stuff.

    The editors, being the geniuses they are, will likely have it finished VERY soon and I'll pump it out to everybody. Is this the end of Starlight Over Detrot?

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    12 comments · 623 views
  • 178 weeks

    Dear lord, shoot me in the face.

    All the years I've been writing this and I say to myself "Yeah, gonna finish it tonight!" then the characters get to talking. Talking. Just back and forth. GRAH!

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    9 comments · 628 views
  • 182 weeks
    Adorable pic from Cinder Script!

    Hardy finally gets that drink he deserves!

    Join us on Discord at https://discord.gg/4xS4gBdCr2]

    Tips to tailstalker@hotmail.com on Paypal.com

    1 comments · 299 views

Real talk and a call to action · 12:30pm Mar 31st, 2020

As some of you might or might not be aware, I work in a call center.

It's not glamorous, but it pays the bills most of the time.

Last night, I got a phone call from a woman who just wanted to change her dental appointment. She was very elderly and more than anything, very, very lonely. Mercy, she was lonely.

There weren't any other calls coming in and I was bored, so we sat and visited for about fifteen minutes. There's a dentist somewhere who is going to have a very curiously expensive phone call on his next answering service bill, but screw'em, they can afford it. We talked about her family. Her brothers both died in World War Two. We talked about the people she missed. We talked about her fear of this virus.

She had nobody alive who knew her as anything more than an acquaintance. Her mother and sister were dead.

At the end of the call, she asked my name, then gave me hers.

She begged me to remember her.

She begged.

I've taken several of these calls. I talked to my coworker in the morning and we've apparently been getting lots of them. So, this month, we're not doing any donations to me.

If you enjoy Starlight Over Detrot and you've got a little extra to give, I want you to give it to a senior relief fund.

Lines for Life : https://www.linesforlife.org/blog/announcing-the-senior-loneliness-line/

Meals On Wheels : https://ams.mealsonwheelsamerica.org/eweb/DynamicPage.aspx?WebCode=globaldonate&site=mowa&CampCode=AnnualCampaign&AplCode=AnnCampPopUp&_ga=2.210042773.1032785.1542206445-872662781.1459455116&action=add

We've got a responsibility, as bronies and as human beings to take care of each other. If you have an elderly person in your life, call them. Reach out. Be a friend right now, because once this virus has run its course, we'll want people to remember us one day. Be worthy of remembering.


Report Chessie · 1,360 views · Story: Starlight Over Detrot: A Noir Tale ·
Comments ( 12 )

It sounds like you did good there, Chessie, and I hope this post helps people. Signal boosted, for what it's worth.

5232428 It's worth a lot.


FTL #3 · Mar 31st, 2020 · · ·

Thank you for being an excellent human being to a person who so desperately needed it.

Taking the time to listen to someone in need is a kindness that is getting far too rare in our fast paced, self focused and dismissive society... especially at this moment in history there are going to be so many people for whom the need for this simple kindness will be the highest it has ever been and, quite likely, will ever be in their lives.

Wish I could thumbs up a blog. Good stuff!

Elderly, yes, but the disabled people in your life, too.

I’ve had to have a very difficult conversation with my case manager re: different scenarios, given my lack of local support. We know the strong likelyhood is I wouldn’t get full treatment at the hospital.

Thank you for posting, you have a good soul.

also, food banks could use our help, a lot of them are running low on just about everything right about now.

Be worthy of remembering.

Quite frankly, this is basically the only thing worth doing unless we manage to pull off the Singularity.

If they’re okay with it, I’ll gladly listen to their stories if you want to record them here.

who lives or dies, who tells their story

5232624 This is my big hope for the future. We'll make all of this worth it. Please, please let us do that.


We've got a responsibility, as bronies and as human beings to take care of each other. If you have an elderly person in your life, call them. Reach out.

This. Very much this. Never pass up on an opportunity to say "I love you" to a loved one.

I have several; and yes, not only do I talk to them fairly often; but I’ve made sure that they have the means and skills (smartphone & apps, etc) to keep in touch with each other.

There’s nothing quite like feeling that you’re all alone in the world...

Thanks for posting about this. A lot of people are going to be socially cut off over the next few months, and we need to ensure they're not forgotten.

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