• Member Since 12th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 16th, 2021

Christian Harisay

One man. Some stupidly brilliant ideas. Lots of ponies. Let's do this.

More Blog Posts20

  • 208 weeks
    Four Years

    At some point in time after 'Chapter Eleven - Nopony Think About Draconequui' was released I seem to recall that I said Chapter Twelve would be split up into four parts, and when finished, they would be released a few weeks from each other, so for a brief moment in time, we could all pretend that DECEPTION updated like a regular story (... and because I figured an increased frequency in

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    7 comments · 265 views
  • 225 weeks
    Happy Anniversay


    Is there anybody out there?

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    1 comments · 228 views
  • 335 weeks
    Moving, And Going Nowhere

    Christian here.

    Funny how I still feel the need to verify which brother is writing, even though I'm he only one who's used this account in years.

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    3 comments · 416 views
  • 347 weeks
    What is and isn't going to suck

    Who else but Christian here.

    So, you know what's going to suck?

    My Little Pony: The Movie

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    5 comments · 387 views
  • 358 weeks
    In The End...

    So, if any of you have seen the video reviews I've been a part of, some of you might have gathered I used to be a really big fan of Linkin Park... the operative phrase being the past-tense "used to be." In our Equestria Girls review, I referred to 'The Crystal Empire' as "the most agonizing forty-two minutes of soul-crushing disappointment since the first--and last--time that I listened to

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    3 comments · 477 views

Four Years · 9:51pm Jun 6th, 2020

At some point in time after 'Chapter Eleven - Nopony Think About Draconequui' was released I seem to recall that I said Chapter Twelve would be split up into four parts, and when finished, they would be released a few weeks from each other, so for a brief moment in time, we could all pretend that DECEPTION updated like a regular story (... and because I figured an increased frequency in updates could have gotten it to more easily snatch a spot in the Featured Box).

That was over four years ago.

Four years ago, the economy of the United States was still in the shitter, Britain was still under the rule of the European Union, Linkin Park had yet to release an album so bad it drove Chester Bennington to suicide, Ruin Johnson and Darth Kennedy had yet to irrevocably fracture the Star Wars franchise with The Last Insult To The Jedi, the country was still being run by a Chicago mobster born in Kenya, people were still laughing at the idea of the country being run by an ego-maniacal, big-dick energy billionaire, we were only just getting our dicks out for Harambe, no on ever gave a second thought to Russia unless it was about making a meme involving the national anthem of the Soviet Union, and I was still a fucking janitor foolish enough to think I could ever trust anyone well enough to live with them.

Four years later, and after the first time in human history that people responded to a pandemic by quarantining the healthy instead of the sick in response to an escaped, manufactured communist Chinese bioweapon with a 99% survivability rate, I've had two and a half months in which I've all but become unemployed, which I could have used to correct the monumental error of my unfathomable negligence.

I didn't do jack shit.

I said in my last post, before the Chinese flu was a thing and thugs posing as racist race activists and bloodthirsty communist wanna-be revolutionaries started looting and rioting against the country that a lifetime of propaganda from evil Marxists have indoctrinated them into hating were setting fire to their own neighborhoods, I said I would be working on my third feature length video review, but I've barely even done any work on that: I've only recorded about a fifth of the total video and audio.

I've more or less just spent the last two and a half months playing video games and masturbating, because my life is meaningless, nothing I do matters, and my entire interpersonal view of myself is predicated on the immutable fact that I'm worthless piece of shit.

But what of DECEPTION? (Because results are the only thing that are worth a damn) What to do with the two first parts that are already finished? What to do...

... "... no-spin zone..."

... Bill O'Reily? Is that you? Bill, what must I do?


... "FUCK IT!"

But I'm still stuck on part 3, and I haven't even started part 4! What of the original release plans? What of my intentions of recording, mixing, and mastering the part where Rainbow Dash joins forces with Sanders the Space Pony, the viking shark drummer from Clan Razorfin, and the thing-pony to defeat Discord accompanied by various members from Slipknot and Mudvayne in a duel of metal?

[spirit animal Bill O'Reily manifests]

... Yes, Bill O'Reily; "Fuck it."

[New Chapter]

- Christian 'Four years hurts less than five' Harisay

Report Christian Harisay · 265 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

It's...been quite a wild ride the past 4-5 years. I just wish all the lunacy would end.

At least we have pone. I'll be sure to read this new chapter ASAP.

Good to hear from you again.

Comment posted by Christian Harisay deleted Jun 7th, 2020

5279559 I wish I could say things will get better, but if this journal is any indication, the red pills I'm taking are shaded black; save for a few fleeting glimmers of tantalizing hope, I honestly have no reason to believe things are going to get completely un-fucked to all Hell, and will only keep getting more fucked to Hell, until the second coming of Jesus Christ.

If there is one valuable lesson to take from the hysterical panic response to the Kung Flu and the rising acceptance of the evil that is socialism, it is this: start stocking up on enough guns to arm everyone in your immediate family and enough food and water to sustain them for at least a year at the absolute minimum: three and a half years if you're a pro and don't want to worry about where your next meal is going to come from when World War III finally comes around, seven years if you're god-tier and don't want to starve when the worthless pieces of paper we've foolishly been using as currency looses the last of the paltry 7% of the value of what they used to have before that socialist shit weasel Woodrow Wilson sold out the entire country to the private bank known as the Federal Reserve to fund his war-mongering globalist agenda.

Speaking of which, don't get too attached to the dollar, but whatever the fuck you do, DO NOT get the credit chip that'll be hastily introduced to replace the dollar grafted into your skin; that shit will be the work of the literal God-fucking-damned Anti-Christ... and I'm not making that up; it's in the bible. It's just like Deus Ex: Human Revolution: DO NOT GET THE CHIP "UPGRADE"!

But yeah; at least until the internet gets wiped out, at least we'll still have teh pones.

Good to be back, for the time being.



- Christian 'I see a red pill, and I want to paint it black' Harisay

Good to be back, for the time being.



- Christian 'I see a red pill, and I want to paint it black' Harisay

Bless you I just spat out my soda.:rainbowlaugh:

Yeah, I know how you feel. I'm of two minds of all the BS happening. Part of me wants it all to stop, and part of me just wants it all to escalate and blow up because this whole world's been sitting on one fucked-up powder keg that's been due to blow (though I'd honestly not expected for another decade at the minimum) and I'd rather it be ripped off like a bandage and be done and over with now.

*sigh*...But sadly, that's just not it works.

I dunno...I had hope a few years back but I've taken a hard turn back towards misanthropy in the past couple years. I don't have a lot of trust that things would get better even if something new rose from the ashes...

5280251 You know, I have what could be delicately described as "social retardation"; I've literally quoted Drax from Guardians of the Galaxy to explain this problem to people. So I never really have a good idea as to people are going to react when I say something or if a joke will land or not, so sometimes I'm genuinely a little surprised when every now and then I'll say something that temporarily debilitates people with laughter: like that 'diversity hire' joke I made last Christmas dinner.

If you've ever read (or in my case, listened to) Sir John Glubb's essay 'The Fate of Empires', you as I might find it as enlightening as it is ominous and disheartening. But in it's own morbid way, understanding that dissolution is inevitable is a macabre gift; the gruesome ends of the dead foretell of our own inevitable demise, and to those wise enough to listen, a chance to prepare.

I am not a good person. I am an insult to my own name. My heart is a stone in the ground, surrounded by weeds and thorns where the vultures build their nests. But the non-negotiable knowledge that The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit exist is the one thing that has kept me tethered to this mortal coil. The way I see it, in the most rudimentary of concepts, mortal life on Earth is God leaving His children alone in the house for the weekend, so when we inevitably fuck it up beyond all repair, He can come back and say: "And this is why you all need me."

Belief in the Second Coming is the belief that things will get better than they ever were in our wildest dreams... but only after they get worse than anyone has ever dared to fathom.

On another note, have you ever played Deus Ex: Human Revolution?

- Christian 'Swept up in a shroud of misanthropy, he went away' Harisay

I haven't played it, but I've heard things about it and seen clips here and there. Clips of things that look worryingly similar to what's going on currently.

I'll need to give that essay a listen to later on, though I feel I already have some idea about what's in it. Likely including parallels to what led up to the fall of Rome as part of it. Something I've been thinking all too much of lately.

It's great to hear from you again. I've been checking here every few months hoping to see an update. I'll be reading the new chapter soon. It's good to hear you're doing...not dead. The world is really screwed up right now and It seems like every time you turn around it's just getting worse. It's nice to see someone else here that believes in Christ. Life can totally suck, but having faith in Jesus helps. It's gotten me through some difficult times. I hope things start going better for you.
Once again, it's great to hear from you again.

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