• Member Since 25th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen May 19th


I'm here to help. Avatar image courtesy of Taggerung

More Blog Posts24

  • 136 weeks
    Signal-Boost: Author in need

    Steel Resolve has been on a tragedy rollercoaster since COVID began, and needs assistance taking care of himself and his sick wife. Please help if you can.


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  • 141 weeks
    Update on Never Alone

    For those wondering why I haven't updated Never Alone in a hot minute, I've been co-writing an entire arc of Never Alone with the estimable-if-poorly-named Cackling Moron. Said arc is now complete, and is composed of nearly 48,000 words. Now that I've completed work on that, I'll be resuming regular updates to Never Alone until we

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    6 comments · 383 views
  • 146 weeks
    Cheesy cripes, I'm back!

    Figured I'd just drop a blog post on this, but yeah, I'm back. Updating Never Alone again. Figured I'd just see how many of y'all are still following me and feel like chatting up while I wait for alpha-reads on my newest chapters so I can post them.

    3 comments · 229 views
  • 203 weeks
    A note on politics

    I don't have that many followers, and I almost never blog. I tend to focus my activism elsewhere. But this is a point in history where people are looking for support as our country is rocked by tumultuous events, and I don't want anyone following me to feel left out in the cold. I am tired, and this will be quite rambling, so don't expect any eloquence from me today.

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    13 comments · 586 views
  • 229 weeks
    A Very Cozy Sequel

    For those of you who favorited The Hero: Cozy Glow...? sometime back and don't follow me, I wanted to give you a heads-up that there is now a sequel tying that story and The Mirror together. Check out the Cozy Hero Hub blogpost for details.

    4 comments · 328 views

A note on politics · 10:11pm Jul 17th, 2020

I don't have that many followers, and I almost never blog. I tend to focus my activism elsewhere. But this is a point in history where people are looking for support as our country is rocked by tumultuous events, and I don't want anyone following me to feel left out in the cold. I am tired, and this will be quite rambling, so don't expect any eloquence from me today.

For anyone who's unclear on this topic, black lives matter. Trans lives matter.

A person is defined by the content of their character, not the circumstances of their birth. Nor are they defined by the styling of gender, or defiance of meaningless cultural mores. I believe these things ardently, just as (and indeed, because) I believe in free will.

To hold someone in lesser esteem because of circumstances unrelated to their character, or to discriminate on such grounds, is an injustice. Such bigotry has caused incalculable harm through the centuries, and it still does to this day. To anyone reading this who can't agree with that sentiment, if such individuals exist, I both oppose you and pity you. I oppose you because of the injustice you seek to perpetuate - perhaps normalize - towards others, and I pity you because to hold such meaningless characteristics up as defining is to deny yourself not only relationships with some truly amazing people, but also to reduce all of your human relationships to a base comparison of meaningless features, at its root.

Would you still love your family and friends if they held the traits you've decided are inferior? Some claim such a thing, but it rarely works out in practice, I've found.

Trans lives are real lives; trans men are real men, trans women are real women. Gender roles are a social construct; my belief in free will includes a total irreverence for such things, and people are free to choose the body they'd prefer. Since our language has the unfortunate vestige of gendered pronouns, I endeavor to respect folks' choice in that regard (perhaps ironically, I tend to screw these up more with cis people when I am rambling, simply because I don't think about gender unless I am explicitly called to do so).

The fact that gender is a social construct - one which I believe we, as a society, must move past - does not change the fact that most of society believes in them. I don't hold it against anyone to hold a gender identity, nor do I judge trans individuals for leaning on those ideas as they figure themselves out, or embracing them as a way to feel whole.

For fuck's sake, they have enough problems as it is without my preaching at them...

I live in the USA, a country which never fully abolished slavery. The 13th amendment leaves open the door for prison slavery, and now we have a private prison system that has allowed the perpetuation of the ugliest institution of our country. It is vital that we abolish slavery, for good and all.

While we're at it, we need to defund the police and our prison system. There are far better ways to deal with crime than our current system; if you are unfamiliar with the precepts of defunding the police, please look them up. It isn't a call to instantly fire all cops and let loose chaos on the streets; it's far more sensible than that. We've seen that the current system, which has abused people endlessly for trying to protest injustice, is absolutely intolerable.

Our president has tried to suppress peaceful protests with - and this is explicitly what he called for, in his own words - 'tanks rolling down American streets.' That is a fascist display of force against Constitutionally-protected free speech, and I oppose it vehemently. The subjugation of minorities, the poor, and the marginalized in this country is enforced by these power structures, and I believe it behooves anyone who would seek equity to oppose this administration, and all of the tools of oppression and authoritarian power it has been granted. Often, these tools have been granted by the supposed opposing party; I do not believe they are in opposition whatsoever, but you're free to disagree.

I don't judge people for being less politically informed, but in this political period, you possess the tools to study up on these issues if you're reading this blog. Please do so, and if you have a disagreement on the best way to attain justice and equity, I wouldn't judge you for that if it's in good faith. All of us are making the best sense of things we can with the information we have.

I want to make clear, my support for these positions is directly tied to my belief in the equity and equality of everyone. I care about people. The only reason I care about politics in the first place is that I care about people.

Lord knows it's not for the fun of it...

I owe so much to so many people. Partners, friends, teachers, comrades, and those who just passed me a helping hand. Black, white, asian, straight, gay, cis, trans, bi, ace... I've met people who've had many labels attached to them, and they've made important impacts on my life that I'll always hold dear. I know not everyone gets that experience, but it's one I have.

I try my best to be polite, but when people make jabs at these groups, my mind goes back to the people I've known - innocent people, some altruistic, some inspiring, some just hilarious to be around - that they're attacking. Even if you believe you have some reason to think your attacks are 'okay'... they're not. Not really. What you do in private is your business, but when you broadcast such things, I guarantee you, it's going to hurt someone.

I've stumbled across plenty of emotional landmines in my own life, left behind by careless people, usually in anger. And I've had to help too many people through feelings of depression and suicidality not to be aware of the damage that a bombardment of such rhetoric can do. If someone keeps being told they're worthless, someday, they might believe it.

Honestly, I wish people would stop making me clean up their messes in this regard...

If you believe in hateful ideology or ideas, don't be surprised when I oppose you, as I said. I don't condone violence or coordinated harassment (doxing, threats, and so forth), but I will absolutely, vehemently stand against those who degrade other people. You have a right to say what you believe, but I have a right to call you out for being a fucking bastard, if that's what you choose to be.

I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but I've been burned enough that my patience isn't what it was, and I won't be used as a vehicle or safeguard for malice or injustice.

That being said, I'll never turn away someone with an honest desire to learn and improve.

My bio says, 'I'm here to help.' Some of you know how true that is already - it's the whole reason I'm here. There are days - especially a few days, very recently - where I almost added 'though I'm not sure why I fucking bother.' More fool me, as I was almost immediately made painfully aware of how desperately people need it. If you want some friendly advice on any topic, my inbox is open; if I can't help you, I can at least try to find you someone who can.

Please don't wait until it's too late, or think you aren't worth it. Please. I've seen that happen far too many times already.

I hope everyone stays safe out there. In many ways, it's an ugly, bleak time. People are being black-bagged and shoved into unmarked vehicles in Portland for exercising their own right to free speech, and the media is barely covering those and similar travesties going on across the country as people make the apparently-outrageous demand that their own government stop slaughtering them. Our country is being ravaged by a virus we missed any chance to contain, due to a combination of administrative malice/incompetence and a healthcare system that is unhealthy, doesn't care, and doesn't really qualify as a system.

If I can offer any comfort in the midst of this chaos, let me know. That's all I've got to say right now.

Comments ( 13 )

Well said, brother. Thank you for lending your voice.

Godspeed. :heart:

I admit I've never read any of your stories before, but this blog post makes you pretty cool in my book. Thank you for speaking out!

Thanks. I tend to deal with the same themes in my stories, so I doubt any of this will come as a surprise to anyone, honestly.

Wanderer D

That's a pretty solid blog, Solo. Thanks for sharing.

Aww. Thanks, man. Feel free to toss it around if you think it reflects your thoughts or whatever. I didn't think it'd come out well, I just wrote it stream-of-consciousness.

This has happened to me a lot over the last few weeks, including right now. Hearteningly, the number of excellent new people I've started following because I liked the cut of their jib outnumbers the cases where the exact opposite has happened.


~Skeeter The Lurker

Sometimes I wish Blog post would have Like buttons so I can watch the numbers rise to the hundreds, also Wish our country wasn’t constantly in an economic crisis but shrug c’est la vie.

Beautifully put.

This whole BLM stuff started only because cops in the US are trained to grab the gun every time something goes slightly wrong and are authorized to beat the shit out of someone who they think is a threat to them. Police brutality exists solely because of this. That's why BLM movement is supported only in countries that also have police brutality, or where people experience "first world problems" (that's also how Greta Thunbergs are created).

I'm still pleased to be following you; good luck, and keep up the good fight.

I think you’re wrong I like my slaves how else am I to make money

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