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I am an Anti-Brony, I hate MLP, so why am I here? Read this...! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/769267/if-im-an-anti-brony-why-am-i-on-this-site

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  • 1 week
    OOOHH!! This Project! (Haven't slept well)

    (Day 32)

    On May 3rd, after I posted the Finale of TT Idol Season 16...

    I began a really big and really daring project...

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  • 2 weeks
    Poor Tara Strong (RIP Reese)

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  • 3 weeks
    Twilight Sparkle TROPE (Friendship is Failure)

    The Determinator: She always tries her best to get through to those with friendship problems and help them improve their lives, no matter how much they reject and act hostile towards her. She gets as far as saving someone from suicide, even if she gets shamed for it afterwards.

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  • 6 weeks
    What is YOUR Definition...

    People often yak at me

    "Try better yourself"

    "Grow up"


    They say all that, but they don't provide actual definitions or explanations of what they mean by all that. It's like I'm supposed to guess what they want.

    The same thing follows with fiction, when people whine and complain.

    "This sucks"

    "Write them In character"

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  • 8 weeks
    Twilight Sparkle Improving Lives? (Friendship is Failure)

    People sure love to complain...

    She always tries her best to get through to those with friendship problems and help them improve their lives, no matter how much they reject and act hostile towards her.

    She gets disrespected a lot because she wants to help people, even though she's a princess who's saved Equestria on multiple occasions.

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WMG Starfleet Magic (Proven wrong) · 10:04pm Jul 29th, 2020

Thought I'd clear up some things, seeing as people don't have their facts straight (Not to mention I see WHO has been writing them in the history, it's no wonder people are mixed up)

Then again, I wouldn't call these WILD MASS GUESS, it's a shot of propaganda

Barring Celesto and Lightning, Rhymey is the author's favorite character.

Maybe it's just because it stands out more because he is annoying, but Rhymey seems to get the most dialogue, not counting Lightning, Celesto, Titan, and maybe Krysta. Perhaps the author thinks the rhyming gimmick is clever and amusing rather than annoying like most of the readers think. He is also the only character other than Celesto and Lightning to have a love interest— and a very popular canon character as it, to boot.


-Rhymey was the very FIRST of my own characters I ever made, and people seem to have some butthurt complex for those who rhyme, saying his rhymes are crap or thinking he rhymed the same word twice.

"There's nothing we're afraid of
Let's find out what the moon is made of"

One: There's nothing crappy about that verse
Two: AFRAID OF rhymes with MADE OF (Sometimes verses use TWO or MORE words at the end."

"I have often walked down this STREET BEFORE,
but the pavement always stayed beneath my FEET BEFORE"

"People stop and stare, they don't BOTHER ME
For there's nowhere else on Earth that I would RATHER BE"

Come with me, and you'll be,
in a world of PURE IMAGINATION
Take a look, and you'll see

So get off that case (There's nothing wrong with the rhymes)

Plus, Rhymey is a swordsman, my favorite combat weapon.

• I think Celestia is actually his favorite character, considering that his Self-Insert got married and had kids with her, and he killed off Twilight Sparkle so Celestia could be Element of Magic instead.

It's a guilty pleasure, I have an UNWANTED Cartoon Crush on Princess Celestia (The PONY... not the Human Principal) which I am ashamed of since she's and MLP and I'm supposed be warring on her, and making Grand Ruler Celesto marry her, it's a typical thing people with CCs do, they insert avatars of themselves to be in the picture to be WITH their CC's.

More on that in another blog.

As for the Element of Magic and Killing off Twilight

-I killed Twilight off out of Spite (I hate her) "That loser... got what she had coming to her"

-It was only a while after that I came up with my idea for THE VALKYRIES OF HARMONY

But with Twilight gone, whose going to use the Element of Magic? Celestia is the only choice

-The other Five Equestrians already have elements
-The Space Ponies can't use the EOH (Only Equestrians can)
-Celestia used the element once before, and SHE is all there is.

...So there.

"Titan" is an alternate universe version of Titan from "The Immortal Game".

In this universe, Grand Ruler Celesto stole the powers of the alternate universe equivlents of Luna and Candace to become a "Tri-Horned Winged Unicorn", and developed the Uniforce to defeat and seal away Titan. This gave Titan severe brain damage, and over thousands of years his mental state deteriorated to the point that his only emotion became hatred of Unicornicopia. Grand Ruler Celesto, meanwhile gave into paranoia, and instituted all the implied ethnic clensings and totalitarian policies in fear that Titan's eyes and ears were everywhere, Eventually leading to him making Lightning as a living weapon against Titan (since of course the Ruler is to afraid of Titan to face him again).
Mind you, this doesn't explain why the canon characters are out of character. Maybe he has a brainwashing spell?

Judging by the disturbing fascistic implications, of course he'd have a brainwashing spell.

Way out of line...

-Celesto was BORN with three horns (Period)

-Celesto didn't CREATE the Uniforce, he was born blessed with it, just like any other pony that has a Rare Golden Horn.

-Celesto is not SCARED to face Titan again (In 01x10 he DID fight him) The problem is he usually stays out of battles because he GENERATES the protective barriers around buildings during battle to avoid collateral damages, meaning he must uphold his post. Also, he trains Starfleet to be able to fight for themselves and not rely on him so heavily.

Just like Power Rangers SPD showed... they relied too heavily on the Shadow Ranger (Their boss) which resulted in them slacking and losing focus. We'll have none of that here.

The author will sooner or later ship every member of the mane cast with made up characters.

The author is known for writing fanfics just for the sake of shipping some characters together, not caring much for their personalities. It doesn`t sound so far fetched that he may ship Twilight with some color swap of her own brother.

Highly improbable... Because SHE'S DEAD!!

Applejack will hook up with Buddy Rose, and Mykan will most likely rip off something from Teen Titans that involved Beast Boy and Terra, and use some cheesy love songs from one or more Disney movies in the process.

Jossed: Buddy will end up with Treehugger as of season 6.

Also, I don't know WHO AJ will end up with, but it won't be one of my guys.

Dyno and Myte will end up fighting over Rainbow Dash, who doesn't catch onto it for the longest time, making it a Running Gag for half of if not the entire "season". When she finally does catch on, she chooses one of them and the one she rejected gets together with Pinkie Pie some time shortly after.


I don't know if The Twins will ever find special someones, and if they don't it's fine.

don't know about Rainbow or AJ either.

Pinkie is now with APPLE SPICE at the end of season nine (She got pregnant immediately after their honeymoon too)

Artie is going to be with Rarity and Mykan will probably find some idiotic way to kill off Spike to avoid any kind of Love Triangle-related conflict from him involving that couple.

Rarity is with Spike and they have a daughter

Mykan Stevens has no intention of finding anyone else at the moment, since his girlfriend dies, and he's far too busy for a relationship anyway.

As of Season 9, Artie has married original Sunset Shimmer 2 (I call her 2 cuz it's easier than saying she's Pony Sunset Human counterpart and all that)

The author is an avatar of Discord.

Think about it: He despises the idea of friendship and order, wants to force his own chaotic ideas on the show and embodies the opposites of the Elements of Harmony. Also, his childish tantrums are reminiscent of how Discord acted, when Fluttershy managed to withstand his manipulation.

Then why was Discord killed?

Discord was killed off because I don't like him... he's too goofy and NOT what I prefer as a villain. If anything, he's the most pathetic character I've ever seen or known period.

Why Techno isn't in the story...

Upon watching the introductory YouTube video for the series, one will notice that a robot pony named Techno appears in the character list yet doesn't appear in the story.

What Could Have Been, maybe? He had plans to include him but couldn't think of a way? He has already dropped characters who have appeared with little resolution before.

Maybe he'll introduce him in another installment.

The Magic is Believing stuff was just a trap for my haters, to lure them in and let them make fools of themselves. All that stuff was intended to be written and then as soon as they got deep enough into it... it was all scrapped to make way for THE REAL stuff (Starfleet)

Inbreeding is rampant among the Unicornicopians.

The author has stated that the population of Unicornicopia is mostly male, and inbreeding would explain some of the less than intelligent actions of the characters (I.E. Characters choosing not to fly over a dangerous forest when they could and characters choosing to hang out with Rhymey).That disturbingly explains a lot.

that is incorrect...

There is no inbreeding

and as was stated in 01x02 They chose not to fly figuring the enemy would SEE THEM, but by trekking through the swamp they could hide undercover. They were just strategizing... Okay?!

There's even some evidence in the story that could back this up: Celesto created the Unicornicopians himself. It's quite possible that he didn't create enough in the beginning to maintain genetic diversity, leading to the population degrading over time.


He artificially created 100 baby space ponies, and manipulated their blood and DNA so not a SINGLE TWO were related by blood to allow proper breeding in future.

The town in MLP:FIM's Season 5 animatic is a parody of Unicornicopia.

There's an alicorn, the cutie marks (equal signs) are the exact same (kind of like how Unicornicopians' are nothing but numbers and letters) and they seem to be convinced their lives under the system are awesome. The Mane 6 and Spike shall teach them that friendship is magic and that differences aren't inequality.

The ID codes aren't REALLY to replace the Cutie Marks, they're just something I threw in cuz I like it.

In Season 2, Daphne Dill (Buddy's Cousin) explains how she doesn't MIND having a Cutie Mark and believes she doesn't need one to show how special she is.

Twilight's death was the product of a Uriah Gambit.

It's established in canon that Twilight is very, very powerful. So powerful, in fact, that in Starfleet's eyes, she's a threat. So when they try to conscript the Equestrians into Starfleet,


First of all...

...No one is conscripted by force to join Starfleet. Twilight and friends joined out of their own accord because they WANTED TO. They knew the planet would likely be attacked again by dangerous enemies, and this time they want to be ready for it... so they join to power up and be part of the team, plus by doing so they can learn so many wondrous things that as Equestrians they never would have.

they deliberately engineered a test for Twilight so that she would mess up and give them an excuse to claim "This is why we're better than you". By establishing their superiority, they try to prevent her from realizing that she possesses just as much power

The test was never rigged that she would mess up, like any other training test it was designed for her to show initiative, good judgment, reaction time.

She made mistakes... she flunked.

Twilight runs in to deal with Raven, Starfleet could have sent backup, but chose not to so that she would get killed (note that they don't run in to fight her like they do with any other enemy that pops up). Then they have the excuse that she disobeyed orders and went in alone, thus making it look like an accident.

this is where I AS THE AUTHOR come in...

It wouldn't matter if they had sent backup or not, Twilight would still die... I wanted her to die... and she was going to die... Period.

Celesto's life is a fabrication, and Rhymey is unintentionally responsible for Equestria's Flanderization.

Think of it this way: according to the Grand Ruler's backstory, he and Celestia first met when they were but foals and the latter was just a princess-in-training. He also had a bully during his foalhood, who later turned into King Sombra. And then later during a war against Nightmare Moon, he was forced to another planet by the tyrant.


As revealed in the Journal of the Two Sisters, Celestia and Luna were both made princesses by way of the three figureheads representing the different races, long before they first took up raising the sun and moon respectively, the comics reveal that Sombra was an agent of the Umbrum raised in the Crystal Empire instead of a bully turned evil, and the show itself depicts the battle between Celestia and Nightmare Moon as a one-on-one event instead of the grievous war presented in the fic. This leads me to believe that either Celesto himself was born with these memories, or he's a Manipulative Bastard, and some of the "return magic" he placed on Rhymey during his stay in Equestria also functioned as a mind-altering spell and spread across the nation, turning everypony into a one-note caricature of their true selves while shaping history to fit Celesto's memory/mindset, including Celestia and Luna "remembering" him after so long.

This is an ALTERNATE UNIVERSE... all that stuff didn't happen, just like a lot of other things didn't happen.

INSTEAD... Celestia and Luna were BORN into royalty (Not appointed) and Celestia... being the oldest was next in line to inherit the throne.

Celestia and Celesto met as children and began to fall in love. They planned to be married, but Nightmare Moon put a long pause to that by hurling Celesto into space.

Celestia spends the next 1000 years without her sister, or her lover, missing them both dearly and wanting them back in her life.

She never loved another, and in 01x20 (Where Rhymey visits Equestria) Rhymey sees her on the terrace and here's her sing a tearful and grieving song (Not knowing she is singing about Celesto as he does not yet know of the history)

Celesto was not BORN WITH THOSE MEMORIES... it all happened JUST SO

It even makes sense, too; before Rhymey arrived, the ponies themselves were acting pretty much how they normally do, and then after he arrived, it all went downhill from there.


I simply portray the ponies AS I SEE THEM... (The way they acted in canon made me want to GAG)

EXAMPLE: Twilight now is more prone to fits of arrogance, ignorance, and is more pushy than before. She thinks that she is right in all fields, but is often proven to be sadly mistaken.

So summarize, Rhymey and Celesto are not responsible for the "Flanderization"...

...I AM, and that goes for all characters. Out with the old... in with the New.

*Operating on Twilight's head... removing all the things I don't like*

"All these hearts and flowers gotta go... count 'em up."

"Somebody tell me what the heck THIS IS? A plastic Candy-Cane! What the heck do I want this for!"

Celesto's magic and ponies alter personalities.

In an alternate theory to the above, Grand Ruler is a being who not only wants to rule all but hates 3D personalities as he thinks they make life too complicated.

Before we go any further because the list is SUPER LONG.... (I have no idea where people get such a TWISTED ideas)

Again, it's not the characters doing it, It's ME... the writer

He created a species without personalities and imbued in each member active magic that turns others who come into contact with them (or even be in the same galaxy as them) and are not Space Ponies into one-note caricatures of themselves.

He did not create them without personalities. People just don't like simple and easy to understand characters.

Occasionally, a good person will hate the Space Ponies but because their smarts have still shrunk, they'll insult Space Ponies out in the open instead of planning rebellion in the shadows. Because the magic takes effect almost the moment they enter a new world, most Space Ponies are unaware of this personality-altering magic they possess.

Again, there is no personality altering magic. People in my verse respect Starfleet because they've seen what they can do, where as those who despise them are as pathetic as my haters-- misjudging, arrogant, ignorant and blind to the truth.

Which would make Celesto a Multiversal Conqueror taking over one planet at a time with his mindless slaves. Nothing would stand in his way because all potential resistance would either join his empire or be rendered too dumb to fight back. WE ARE THE SPACE PONIES. YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE. Yeesh...

Couldn't be more wrong, Starfleet does not conquers, and we've been through this, no one is assimilated.

Celesto (01x10): "A true leader is not defined by how powerful he is, but by those who choose to follow him."

Just as the space ponies decided to make him their king, for his kindness, protection, teachings, ect, ect... the same applies to the Equestrians, accepting him as their king, just as the space ponies accept Celestia as their queen.

So your morality can suddenly change as soon as Celesto and his band of "heroes" come into your life? Suddenly, turning evil by soaking in a spring sounds like a better alternative...

More like your view of things change because you've SEEN, and/or EXPERIENCED it.

The Equestrians accepted living together with the space ponies, because they saved their lives, and helped them as well, plus, the Equestrians know the truth... there are some bad guys out there that are just too much for them handle alone. True, they beat their own villains, only in my view those guys were already weaker than the ponies.

I'm talking about super STRONGER bad guys that would make the MLP villains look like cupcakes.

"The Insecto Armada is so powerful that even (Insert MLP villian) has/have FLED fearing for their lives."

"We knew the elements would be safe from Discord and Tirek, but Lord Titan is much stronger and infinintely wiser in the ways of magic and evil.

I'm not going to bother with the rest of this list because it's repetitive bullshit, and very annoying.

One of the Demonites is named after me.

The Demonites are not named after ANYBODY, I just picked random names...

Ace Ray was in a coma during the entirety of Nightmare Moon and Titan's raid on Equestria.

Think about it: you end up getting knocked out for what seems like a day, and you wake up to find yourself and your entire species mutated into something else and your entire planet having blown up and been replaced by a new one. That's not even getting into discovering that not only are the heroes of your land praising these ponies who came clear out of nowhere, but their ruler is now married to your own. No wonder Ace Ray's so quick to hate on Starfleet! You know, aside from the other obvious reasons.

Those obvious reasons are as follows: Ace is a narcissistic, egocentric, arrogant, ignorant, callous, grumpy, callous, cantankerous, unintelligent, conspiring being who judges things right at face value instead of observing or listening to facts and evidence.

Pathetic Motoyasu

Salty as "Bitch" (Malty)

Krysta acts useless on purpose.

She's supposed to be pretty powerful, but all she gets to do in fights is get pushed around by the villains. This troper believes that, in truth, she hates Starfleet and everything they represent and hopes that, without her interference, they'll eventually get killed when fighting their villains.

As usual, this "TROOPER" has a few screws loose.

Krysta DOES participate in some battles, but often she's not all that needed, especially when she doesn't even appear in the episode, or the bad guys are just too much for her to face because she's tiny. She and her fairies main is to teleport people away from the battlefield and keep them safe. Which is not useless at all.

Shining Light's future self will appear in the story.

No, he won't.

He'll be getting his own series soon.

Next character based on his critics will suffer a worse punishment than the ones before.

As a way of getting back at his critics, Mykan will make another character based on his critics and torture them so horribly, Ace Ray and Brass Bolt's punishments will pale in comparison.

Well, after all, my haters BLAB that they want someone THEY... CAN RELATE TO, so I make someone just the same as them...

-Ect, ect...

...Mayor Windy Bag fit that perfectly, and she whines and complains just like the haters do for pathetic and egocentric reasons.

Celesto took over Equestria because he was bullied.

If we're to take Celesto at his word that he was as viciously bullied by Dusk Shine et al in his childhood (disregarding the discrepancies with canon for now) and had no one to turn to because they were all too busy laughing at him, it's not improbable that he developed both an Inferiority Superiority Complex, driving him to cultivate all kinds of talents to try and prove himself better than them and earn their respect, and a festering hatred of ponykind for refusing to accept him. Everything he did after that was motivated by hatred and a desire to one-up the Equestrian population.

I ought to clunk you over the head for that...

Celesto reveals in 01X19 That he and Celestia were falling in love, so he became a royal knight to be closer to her and to help protect her, he won a tournament with honor and pride becoming Celestia's right-hoof (Captain of the guard) and he fought with honor, integrity and desire to protect and serve his land. Celestia proposed marriage to him herself, dubbing him the perfect one to rule by her side.

So there...!

After he was cast into space, Celesto molded his body into a humanoid form to distance himself from them,


Sometime on the new planet, he had a terrible accident leaving him broken, battered and clinging for life with no alternative but to RE-SHAPE his body into a humanoid in order to survive, which also made him "Better than he was before... Better... Stronger... Faster!"

and he created the Space Ponies in his own likeness as alicorns, in order to create a race where he fits in and is superior to the Equestrian ponies.

you're wrong

He was lonely, and longed for companionship, so he got the idea to CREATE LIFE. He successfully created the first 100 Space Ponies and cared for them like a loving father.

His narration in "Histories Unfold" implies that he dislikes Cutie Marks, possibly because they remind him of the ponies he hates, and instilled that same distaste in the Space Ponies he created in his own image.


He dislikes the way people go gaga over Cuteimarks, like they're the most important thing and if you don't have one you're less than dirt. He is a fir believer you don't need a Cutie mark to show how special you are, and just because you HAVE one doesn't give you the right to boast about it.

He himself doesn't have a cutie mark because the magic that makes them appear just won't sink into him, he's too powerful (Much how like how germs can't get through your skin without an opening)

Over the years, he decided to get back at the Equestrians that picked on him so much, and figured that revenge is a dish best served with three extra courses as he trained the Space Ponies as his personal army, hoping to one day return to Equestria as a conqueror.

Once he found Equestria fighting against Nightmare Moon, he brought the princesses over to deprive them of leadership in their time of need, so that he can both dispatch Nightmare Moon and take over in the chaos in one fell swoop, completing his revenge by conquering the ponies' realm, briefly assimilating the princess into himself as the Grand Celestial Ruler to establish his dominance, and as a final insult, forcibly reshaping their bodies to look like him to get back at the ponies of yore who made fun of him for not looking like them.

Someone really deserves a swat for that one...

Long story short: Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned that making fun of other ponies isn't a good idea, because you never know when that pony you laughed at in school will show up with an army of space Nazi homunculi in pajamas to take over your world. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. ... too soon?

Change that to bullying isn't cool PERIOD.

And before you even start, my Space Ponies do not BULLY Equestrians.

More on that another time.

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