• Member Since 21st Apr, 2012
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  • TStarlight Over Detrot: A Noir Tale
    In the decaying metropolis of Detrot, 60 years and one war after Luna's return, Detective Hard Boiled and friends must solve the mystery behind a unicorn's death in a film noir-inspired tale of ponies, hard cider, conspiracy, and murder.
    Chessie · 1.5m words  ·  1,264  47 · 56k views

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  • 146 weeks
    A print run of Starlight Over Detrot?

    So, the Ministry Of Image printing house has a new survey up! Can you guess who is on it?


    I am absurdly excited. I doubt we'll get printed, but it would be amazing if we did! I would love to hold a copy of Starlight Over Detrot in my hands one day.

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    13 comments · 549 views
  • 161 weeks
    So, what's next?

    Starlight Over Detrot is done and now I'm intent on writing something else. I've got the outline for a romance novel. A non-pony romance novel, mind. That being said, I wanna write a few more pony things while I do that. I've got a heap of ideas for an 'Epilogue Part Four' for Starlight which happens a few years after the events of Epilogue Part Three and just sorta ties everything off.

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    2 comments · 809 views
  • 170 weeks

    Okay, so the final main-story chapter of Starlight Over Detrot is *now* in the editorial pipe-line. It's headed to the people who do the good stuff.

    The editors, being the geniuses they are, will likely have it finished VERY soon and I'll pump it out to everybody. Is this the end of Starlight Over Detrot?

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    12 comments · 623 views
  • 178 weeks

    Dear lord, shoot me in the face.

    All the years I've been writing this and I say to myself "Yeah, gonna finish it tonight!" then the characters get to talking. Talking. Just back and forth. GRAH!

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    9 comments · 628 views
  • 182 weeks
    Adorable pic from Cinder Script!

    Hardy finally gets that drink he deserves!

    Join us on Discord at https://discord.gg/4xS4gBdCr2]

    Tips to tailstalker@hotmail.com on Paypal.com

    1 comments · 299 views

My god, are we really THERE?! · 8:44am Sep 4th, 2020


Starlight Over Detrot will be finishing ever so soon. I just sent another chapter off to the editors. The one I am now working on is...maybe the last. I sincerely hope it's the last. If it's not, I won't be surprised, but I'm trying to keep the faffing about to a minimum...which, speaking as the farking queen of faffing about is a bit of a task.

That being said, I'm so glad you've all stuck with me this long. The ending will be in your hands as soon as my editors are done with it. I am hoping to write an epilogue or two, but I'll try to keep those relatively concise so everyone gets their piece.

If I'd known, all those years ago, that this fic would end up the monster it's become...eh, I'd have probably done it anyway, but with more drinking. Thanks for reading.


Tips at tailstalker@hotmail.com on Paypal.com
Join the awesome weirdos on Starlight Over Detrot's Discord at https://discord.gg/t8M3YCt

Comments ( 14 )

"eh, I'd have probably done it anyway, but with more drinking"
Hah! :D

(Pretty busy at the moment, by the way, but currently hoping to get to the chapter later today. :))


Looking forward to seeing how you end this crazy adventure you've taken us through!

Any thoughts of having the compelte work printed? Would love to have it on my shelf. :D

Wow! It's been a privilege to accompany you :ajsmug:

Im sad it is, but will smile because its been a beautiful joy to read.

My only regret is jumping on as late as I did.

SQA #6 · Sep 4th, 2020 · · ·

To think I started reading this fic right when it dropped. I was in high school then, now I'm getting a masters degree. Crazy. Thanks for creating this ride.

Been a wild ride from start to finish I didn't mind the length just hate too see it end so soon one of the few non hie stories on this site that truly grabbed me and sucked me in keep doing what you do

It has been a long and amazing ride. I'm pretty stunned that a story of such length never got stale or repetitive.

It's...finally happening. It's been so long.

Been one hell of a ride, and I’ve enjoyed every moment of it. Thank you!

I've loved every chapter of this book, and have enjoyed every minute reading it. Much thanks :)

I do my best. We'll see about this ending.



"It's *mumble* chapters to the end, we've got a full story behind us, half dead from excitement as to how it's all going to end, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses"

"Hit it"

/blues brothers

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