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The Byzantine Knight

June is Orthodox Christinity Month! Let's Celebrate Humility!

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HELLO THERE · 5:03am Oct 10th, 2020

General Kenobi would say.

Welcome to my humble little side of fimfiction.net where I (like pretty much everyone else here) read, review, and write stories involving cute cartoon horses and the magic of friendship.

10 essential things to know about me:

  1. I'm an (eastern) Orthodox Christian by the grace of God.
  2. I'm Greek.
  3. I'm male.
  4. I'm a 90's kid.
  5. I live somewhere in the USA.
  6. I'm an artist. Drawing and writing is my specialty.
  7. My top 3 favorite franchises outside of MLP are DC Comics, Disney, and Star Wars.
  8. I've been a brony since 2013, thanks to Equestria Girls.
  9. I love all the MLP movies, most of the comics, and the first 8 seasons of the series (I have considerably mixed feelings about Season 9).
  10. Silverstream is best creature (best pony/human is whoever I'm in the mood for at the time).

    Most of stories I write are likely to be a refection of this list. I've got plenty of them in works.

    I'll be using this blog to give ideas and updates on my stories, my opinions on the various aspects of MLP, and to occasionally evangelize and highlight other stuff I like. However, I won't be writing about every single aspect of my personal life. No one needs to read about my private life. It's call a PRIVATE life for a reason, you know.

    I can also be found on:
    Brickset (I'm a huge LEGO fan and collector)
    IMDb (I will post most of my opinions on movies, TV, and the occasional video games over there)
    FanFiction.net (A more detailed profile awaits there, along with more stories that don't have ponies in them)

    If you want to talk to me, please do it the comment section or PM me.

    Thanks for reading and God bless you through the prayers of the Theotokos and all the Saints!

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