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Flash Notion

The hardest part about writing is that nothing you make is ever as good on the page as it was inside your head... but other people don't know that, so we worry over nothing.

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  • 81 weeks
    Jinglemas 2022

    Hello. Been a while. So I signed up for this thing, as a way to get back to writing. There's still a bit of time left for the .5 of you who bother reading these posts but somehow aren't aware of one of the bigger site-wide events to sign up for it. Happy holidays!

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  • 121 weeks
    I LIVE!!!! (and so does this thing...)

    I'm not here to give another life update. Suffice to say, I've about given up on keeping myself "together". I'll try and get stories out, but I make no promises about when or what or anything.

    But, for those who still care:
    Beanis is back! Remember the beans? Majin does. Go give him the usual love/hate.

    [Adult story embed hidden]

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  • 179 weeks
    Only a couple hours to go (for me)

    So. 2020 is almost over.

    This... certainly has been a year. Lots of bad things happened. Lots of bad things are going to continue happening.

    I don't want to dwell on it.

    Instead, I'd like to take the time to reflect on some of the good things that I experienced this year. In no particular order.

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  • 183 weeks
    Smol Update

    December is here, the stores are playing Silver Bells, and this site's Jinglemas 2020 event has officially started.

    I've gotten my prompt and made my outline. I just need to buckle down and write the thing.

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  • 184 weeks
    Oh Shit November

    So uh. This month happened.

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Flash's Library Catalog Vol. IV · 4:37am Oct 24th, 2020

It has been forever since I've done one of these. But I said I'd be back, and that includes this project. In this volume, we'll be looking at some of my favorite stories. Stories that I highly recommend reading, moreso than any others. These should not be missed out on.

Don't be surprised to see some old favorites here, stories that made rounds on the featured box and were probably reviewed by all the most popular people on the site ages ago. Obviously, my opinions are better than all of theirs and matter much more.

Chrysalis Saves Hearthswarming

by Kris Overstreet

Recommendation: 10/10

Scores (out of 25):
Concept: 23
Execution: 25
Characterization: 18 (Let's be honest, Chryssie would never. Not for anything.)
Technical: 25
Final: 91%, A-

Some of the stories in this volume have stuck with me, always in the back of my mind. Specific details may vanish, but I still think about them, time to time.
This is not one of those.
I forgot about this story, and I am sorry that I did. It is the kind of story that makes you feel very warm and fuzzy, especially when the weather turns colder.
The only thing that can be held against it is that canon-Chrysalis would never do anything that could be considered compassionate. Not even for the promise of feeding.
But this isn't canon-Chrysalis. So who cares?

Undead Robot Bug Crusaders

by Banjo64

Recommendation: 10/10

Scores (out of 25):
Concept: 25
Execution: 20
Characterization: 23
Technical: 24 (Looking at the first chapter, nothing jumps out, but with something this long there's bound to be a couple. Published novels have spelling mistakes in them.)
Final: 92%, A-

This story is a peek into the past. To a time before the CMC became heroes themselves. Ironically, The writer would only have to wait a few months after publishing to see that. Granted, the timeline seems to diverge far earlier, but whatever.
While I like bringing together all these various ideas and concepts that the fandom came up with- what if Scootaloo was a changeling? What if Sweetie Belle was a robot? What if Applebloom was a ghoul?
That last one was new to me.
While I love that part, some of it was quite weird. And it definitely felt like the author was just throwing darts at a wall, using the concept as a jumping off point for whatever plot lines they decided to go with. My favorite part, honestly? Was that they gave Diamond Tiara a better redemption arc than canon. That alone is worth the price of admission.
I can't wait until the sequel is finished.

The Beard with a Jerk-Ass Hanging off of It

by Justice3442

Recommendation: 10/10

Scores (out of 25):
Concept: 25
Execution: 25
Characterization: 14 (totally non-canon, but it is internally consistent)
Technical: 25
Final: 89%, B+

Another forgotten one. I don't have much to say regarding this story, beyond that it was cathartic after the rather disappointing (to me) season 7 finale, and that you will most likely pee yourself laughing while you read it. It is most definitely a vulgar sort of comedy, but in the right way. Taking the worst aspects of the characters and dialing them up to eleven. Someday I'll get around to reading the rest of the stories in this universe.
I've already read a bunch of this author's other stories and they're pretty great, too. Hmm. Idea for a future volume...

Land of the Banished Sun

by FanOfMostEverything

Recommendation: 10/10

Scores (out of 25):
Concept: 24
Characterization: 23
Technical: 25
Final: 87%, B

Forgot this one, too. And this was weird. I think it was written for a contest? Something about shipping, presumably. They usually are.
This story lost points for two things. One, the improper characterization of Rarity in the beginning. She may be confident most times, but she's not so full of herself to think she's better than royalty.
And two, the fact that this story tells only a fraction of a much larger tale. Seriously, how could an author of FOME's caliber look at this and think, “Yeah, that's fine”. It ends right when it truly begins! This story gives me metaphorical blue balls.
But still well worth the read.

The Sisters Doo

by Ponky

Recommendation: 10/10

Scores (out of 25):
Concept: 25
Execution: 23
Characterization: 24
Technical: 24
Final: 96%, A+

I greatly admire this story. I doubt I will ever re-read it, but I greatly admire it. The author created a trilogy of tales, all interwoven beautifully, which are full of adventure and emotion and lore. Everything seems to have been planned out, down to the tiniest detail. This is the main part of the story, and the best. Reading all three is daunting, but something I encourage.
It'll mess you up for a week.

Butterfly Roll

by Palm Palette

Recommendation: 10/10

Scores (out of 25):
Concept: 15
Execution: 25
Characterization: 25
Technical: 25
Final: 90%, A-

We are now getting into portion of the list where everything is about feelings. The story seems very basic. In fact, the first half borders on cringe-comedy, which may be what the author was going for.
But the real prize is the last section, which uses the characters to deliver a small message about honest communication (without using Applejack. Huh) and is just... perfect.
The biggest thing is something I pointed out in the comments section: most stories that involve A) Scootaloo, and B) angst, wind up making Scoots an orphan or an abuse victim or other garbage like that. Tropes are tools, but that particular tool has been used enough. And this story provides a breath of fresh air; an otherwise happy Scootaloo deals with a very run-of-the-mill friendship problem.
The fact that everything is perfectly in character to the point where this is one of those “could've been an episode” fics really helps.

I Can't Decide

by shortskirtsandexplosions

Recommendation: 10/10

Scores (out of 25):
Concept: 23
Execution: 25
Characterization: 25
Technical: 25
Final: 98%, A+

Call me biased. But this is the cutest thing I have ever read.
The entire thing is nothing but shippy fluff, following around my two favorite morally-ambiguous mares. I don't need anything else to feel warm and fuzzy. Even if I did, I couldn't bring myself to ask for more than that, I'd feel greedy. StarTrix (or if you prefer, Stixie) forever.

Why We Dig

by Starscribe

Recommendation: 10/10

Scores (out of 25):
Concept: 25 (though the author wasn't the one who came up with it)
Execution: 25
Characterization: 23
Technical: 24
Final: 97%, A+

I'm not much of a dog person. They're okay, but I prefer cats. So this one I like because of the concept, and what is done with it.
It's WALL-E. It's basically WALL-E.
Which is fine, because that movie was awesome. One of Pixar's best, and all of Pixar's movies are at least good. Except Cars 2, but we try to ignore that one.
The Diamond Dogs really are the most unexplored characters in FiM. They got one appearance and a couple mentions, and that's it. Even Zecora got more screen time. And while I don't accept this story as a headcanon regarding the Dogs, it's still cool to read and think about.

Coming Clean

by Ivory Piano

Recommendation: 10/10

Scores (out of 25):
Concept: 19
Execution: 25
Characterization: 24
Final: 90%, A-

Oh boy.
So, first things first. This is a very NSFW story. It's porn. I haven't reviewed any porn yet for these volumes, so this is a bit awkward.
Let's not make it more so.
The story is absolutely adorable. As someone with a soft spot (or hard spot, I guess) for Pinkie, I can't help but enjoy the way she's portrayed here. Some of the lines in the clop section are... most likely intentionally funny, which makes it better because it's perfectly in character.
The ship in question is... odd, to say the least. I've seen Spike shipped with just about every pony in the show, but this one feels more odd than most. Maybe because he and Pinkie never got a lot of one-on-one time. But it still works for me, because Spike always felt a bit like the audience surrogate. Which I shouldn't have to spell out why I, in particular, think that's great.
(Damn you Weird Al! jk, ur awesome.)

I was going to do all of the stories at this level, but I've run out of time. And besides, I think 9 stories is enough. At the very least, it's more than any of the previous volumes.

I'm also not going to be bothering with the little book-blurbs at the end anymore. Too much of a hassle. Instead, I'll just recommend some stuff I've been reading/watching lately.

I've gotten into some comics, lately. The most relevant would have to be the official FiM/Transformers crossover that IDW has been putting out the last couple months. It's cute and a lot of fun.
On the opposite end of the spectrum is Immortal Hulk, from Marvel of course. A horror story about a new version of Bruce Banner's other self, and one that refuses to die. You can kill him. But he'll always come back. And he'll be angry.
And while it's not anything new, I will always encourage people to check out the web comic called Spinnerette. A sort-of Spider Man parody, being very self aware about superhero tropes, but also it does its own thing. I recently purchased physical copies of the first 6 volumes, and I'll be getting the 7th soon enough. Seriously, check it out: https://www.spinnyverse.com/comic/02-09-2010

That's all for this time, folks. I'll- hopefully- be back again soon.

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Comments ( 3 )

Forgot this one, too. And this was weird. I think it was written for a contest? Something about shipping, presumably. They usually are.

Funny you should mention that...

An entry in the Monthly Contest Club's Crackships for Christmas contest.

Yup, that checks out. As for the Rarity characterization, that was part of the prompt I had to work with (i.e. the story cover image.) "Mortal Celestia" is part of a series of alternate timeline TSSSF cards wherein, well, Rarity steals Celestia's powers. And Rarity does have some history with corruption and conquest.

(That said, I can't defend myself when it comes to length. The deadline was approaching at terrifying speed and the concept was much more ambitious than I realized when outlining it. I do want to revisit that world, but I make no guarantees on when.)

:facehoof: somehow I missed that part of the description. Woops.
I guess if you take Nightmare Rarity as canon, there's some precedent. Inspiration Manifestation doesn't count, since Rarity wasn't actually in control of herself at that point.
Also, the what cards?
Also also, it's sad that group seems to have not continued.

Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder, a fanmade card game that's all about shipping anypony with everypony and earning points for meeting Twilight's absurd goals.

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