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Equestria Girls/Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Files #6 · 1:57am Dec 4th, 2020

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Files #5

Welcome, everyone, to another entry in my continuing series of scrapped ideas for an Equestria Girls/Jojo's Bizarre Adventure crossover. From here on out it's pretty much going to be all Enemy Stand Users, so I hope you're all ready to see what kind of foes I cooked up from Sunset and the gang to have to face.

Stand Name: [Good Times, Bad Times]
Alternate Name: [Fun Times, Sad Times]
Stand User: Thunderlane
Appearance: A humanoid figure covered in crisscrossing black and white stripes.
Power: Afterimages
Reference: The song Good Times, Bad Times by Led Zeppelin.

Destructive Power - D
Speed - C
Range - B
Durability - D 
Precision - B
Potential - B

[Good Times, Bad Times] would have been the first Stand, enemy or otherwise, to appear in the story. In this setting, Thunderlane was once a student of Canterlot High during Sunset’s reign of terror throughout the school, which got so bad that he and his family actually moved to a new city just to get away from her. However, when he awakens to his Stand, the first thing on his mind is to use his new powers to seek revenge.

Hunting Sunset down, he is shocked when the girl that had previously made his life a living hell actually tried to apologize to him for everything she did, but Thunderlane doesn’t buy any of it, assuming that this is just another one of her tricks to try and manipulate him. Fueled by his rage, he uses his Stand to attack Sunset and bring her to her knees, seeming not to notice or care as Sunset refuses to fight back against a force she can’t see and still attempts to apologize.

When Rainbow arrives on the scene to defend Sunset, this only succeeds in dumping more fuel onto the fire of Thunderlane’s rage, as he assumes that Rainbow is now little more than one Sunset’s lackey’s and directs his Stand towards her instead, managing to score a lucky shot at Rainbow’s [Beneath My WIngs] that knocks her down, an action that results in Sunset fully awakening her Stand, [Dragonforce] and finally putting a stop to his rampage.

Later, after Sunset and Rainbow take Thunderlane to a nearby clinic to get them all patched up, Thunderlane explains to them that he only gained these new powers recently from a mysterious figure, one who seemed to have a keen interest in Sunset for some reason...    

Stand Name: [Master of Puppets]
Alternate Name: [Puppetry Master]
Stand User: ???
Appearance: An emancipated looking figure wrapped in a black shroud and covered in black rings all over its body
Power: Mind Control
Reference: Metallica Album, Master of Puppets

Destructive Power - B
Speed - A
Range - A
Durability - B
Precision - D
Potential - C

Introducing the big bad of the story, [Master of Puppets] is actually a sentient Stand, having come into existence hundreds of years ago before a mystic at the time managed to seal it away in an ancient jar before being unsealed in the modern-day. His “user” is little more than another puppet of his, as [Master of Puppets has the ability to control the minds of anyone wearing one of his black rings, bending them to carry out his will and even using them as vessels for him to speak through. [Master of Puppets] has a huge God Complex, and considers all living beings as little more than pawns for him to use and discard at his leisure, and has in his possession one of the Stand creating arrows, which he uses to create more minions for himself. 

Until he uses the arrow on Sunset and discovers that she is somehow immune to his mind-controlling rings due to the innate magic inside her. Frustrated by this, he sends out his mindless thralls to attack Sunset and the others in order to learn the secret of this power and harness it for himself. Because of this, many Stand users will either be innocent civilians, or even friends and/or family of the HuMane 7, forcing them to fight many of their loved ones in order to free them from [Master of Puppets] control. 

Stand Name: [Beast in Black]
Alternate Name [Monster Wearing Black]
Stand User: Lemon Zest
Appearance: None
Power: Lycanthropy
Reference: The Band Beast In Black

Destructive Power - A
Speed - B
Range - D
Durability - B
Precision - D
Potential - B

[Beast in Black] is a very dangerous and uncontrollable Stand that shares many traits with Steel Ball Run’s [Scary Monsters]. When triggered by intense spikes of emotion, typically anger, it transforms the user into a bipedal werewolf monster with little to no reasoning ability, driven purely by animalistic fury. Much like in the myths and legends of the werewolf, anyone bitten or scratched by the primary Stand User will gradually succumb to the transformation as well, potentially resulting in a whole army of savage beasts. The only way to reverse this effect is to defeat the main host in battle, resulting in all those affected being freed from the curse. 

In most cases, any clothes worn while transforming will not remain undamaged.

While in this form, all affected have increased stamina, speed, strength, and enhanced senses such as hearing, smell, and sight, but lose much of their higher reasoning abilities. Strong-willed individuals can resist the transformation longer than others and in rare cases may be able to retain a semblance of their primary personality even while transformed.

Lemon Zest is initially unaware she even has a Stand, randomly experiencing blackouts that coincide with the appearance of [Beast in Black] and waking up in random places with her clothes all torn up and ripped. It isn’t until Sunset and the others track her down that she begins to transform while still remaining conscious, begging them to stop her before she slips back into the mindset of a beast. Luckily they are able to stop her by knocking her unconscious, freeing all the people she had unknowingly turned into werewolves during her rampages.

Much later Lemon Zest would begin to develop some control over [Beast in Black], allowing her to suppress it should she be at risk of transforming, and still retaining some of her personality even while fully transformed.

Report PoisonClaw · 436 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

The ranking for Destructive Power on 『Beast in Black』seems like it's due to the potential for creating a full-on 28 Days Later situation where society collapses.

(I googled "Japanese quotation marks" and then copy-pasted, because that works)

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