• Member Since 19th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen May 25th

Endless Nightmares

Just your average artist and writer.

More Blog Posts52

  • 155 weeks
    Echoes teaser- Chapter 16 F.E.N.B.

    So, it's been ages since I've written. So much to where I'm admittedly trying to shake the rust off at this point. A lot has happened that I won't go into detail about, but I decided it's time for me to finally pick up where I left off and start writing again- to finish the book series. So if there are any readers left that still follow this zombie story, here's a teaser of the upcoming chapter

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    3 comments · 261 views
  • 332 weeks
    Teaser: On the wings of an Eagle

    Hello all, Nightie here with a small snippet for a teaser, to get you thinking about the new chapter. I'm definitely writing again since I was able to finish Before the Dawn, the words are pretty much flying onto the page with ease. No more writer's block and depression is manageable. So here's an update of the upcoming chapter: On the wings of an Eagle. Hope

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    1 comments · 447 views
  • 332 weeks
    Final update-before the dawn

    All that remains is some minor spelling corrections and formatting, the chapter is nearly finished. It will be posted when I get home from work tonight. Look forward to it.

    0 comments · 290 views
  • 333 weeks
    Update: Before the Dawn

    Hello all, Nightie here with an update! I have been writing quite a lot. (Really every night this week, and most of last week.) And we're making pretty good progress thus far. So as a teaser to get your attention, I figured I'd release a small snippet to you. Show some love and leave your comments!

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  • 336 weeks
    Here we go again.

    Hello everyone, I'm back from the dead. XD

    So, let's go over a few things. New tablet for drawing and writing, with comfortable to use keyboard: ✔.

    New job that does not leave me horribly depressed, or with a hand that was shredded to ribbons: ✔

    5th and final surgery that now allows me about 90% function in my hand? :✔✔

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Echoes teaser- Chapter 16 F.E.N.B. · 5:52pm Jun 13th, 2021

So, it's been ages since I've written. So much to where I'm admittedly trying to shake the rust off at this point. A lot has happened that I won't go into detail about, but I decided it's time for me to finally pick up where I left off and start writing again- to finish the book series. So if there are any readers left that still follow this zombie story, here's a teaser of the upcoming chapter that I'll be releasing sometime this week. Comment if you're still here, let me know what you think or if I should just close up for good.


* * * * *

Entering the room quietly, the nightmare alicorn looks around and observes the sights before her. Upon the edge of the bed struggling to get dressed, the human pilot is seated and attempting to slip on a dress uniform shirt. Nightie can tell from the warmth and humidity of the room, her mate had just bathed recently. Turning her head, she sees Cadence seated at the midnight alicorns vanity, brushing out her mane and humming a gentle melody quietly, the pink alicorns back and attention turned away from them. The black alicorn smiles with a gentle sigh and steps into the chambers, walking upon the plush peacock carpet to the human.

"Master." she calls out quietly, getting the mans attention. Talon pauses in his struggle and turns his attention to her, smiling. She comes to a rest on her haunches close to him, folding her wing to rest comfortably at her side, somewhat off balance by the weight of the steel splint and wrappings on her other wing bound to her side. She gazes upon him coolly, a regal smile upon her muzzle.

"Looks like you saved us both. Thank you, Nightie." He speaks out, before returning to his fight with the shirt. After a few more seconds and pained grunts, he slips his arms into the garment and begins buttoning the front. The bandages on his chest restricting the movement of his shoulders and arms somewhat. "I'm owe you one."

With a beaming smile she nods, blinking slowly. "No thanks are necessary, I only did what I would have done for anypony in this herd. You are my master and my family, it's only natural that I would fight tooth and hoof to keep you safe." She responds with a gentle smile, her teal pools locked onto his emerald eyes. In honest truth, she's doing her best to suppress her giddy excitement, the urge to leap upon him and embrace him overwhelming. Nightie understands the extent of his injuries, however, and resists the urges while holding her best regal poise and calm façade. "How do you feel? Can I get you anything?" She asks him.

Talon leans forward and motions with his hand to the alicorn, beckoning her to him. She responds and moves forward slightly, craning her neck so he can whisper to her. "Getting me out of here would be a huge help...something is off about Cadence, Nightie. She's been acting a bit stranger than usual...it's scaring the hell out of me. I need to get to Angel." He glances down at his broken leg, wrapped stiffly in a cast. "Walking out on my own isn't exactly a thing I can do."

Nodding in understanding, she turns her head to the side a bit and glances at Princess Cadence, seeing her attention still diverted away from them, the alicorn acting as if she didn't even notice their presence. Nightie focuses upon the image in the vanity mirror, catching a faint glow of a luminous fluorite light from Cadences eyes in the reflection. The alicorns slitted iris's contract and shrink as she observes this sight for a moment, Nightie now questioning if her eyes are playing tricks on her mind. Cadence finally turns her own gaze to the mirror and sees Nightie, then turns around to gaze at them both. Her eyes appear completely normal now. Cadence smiles and rises from the chair, walking to them.

"Good to see you're on your hooves again." Cadence chirps out happily, her cheerful tone and smile genuine. "Thank you again, Nightie." The pink alicorn comes to a halt a few feet away, pausing in her advance and grinning a wide, toothy smile as she eyes the pilot, a faint blush coloring her muzzle.

The nightmare alicorn nods slowly and clears her throat, rising to her hooves and positioning her body between the pilot and the smaller pink alicorn. Nightie eyes her warily, carefully searching every detail she can observe while presenting a calm façade. "It wasn't any trouble at all, honestly. You know I would do anything for my master, little one." She chews on her inner cheek within her maw, her eyes narrowing somewhat. 'What was that...?' She thinks, studying cadences eyes. She sees no traces of the light she had spotted only moments ago. "I can handle his care from here, if you would like to attend to yourself now for the ceremony." She speaks out, taking a slight step to the side to block Cadences view of the pilot more. Her right wing hangs down a little, the feathers further obscuring the line of sight for the pink alicorn.

Cadence looks nonplussed at the alicorn before her, now focusing her attention solely on Nightie. "Oh that's quite alright, I can take care of myself later. I wanted to finish helping Talon get ready!" She responds, tilting her head with a quizzical smile upon her lips. "Perhaps you should go get dressed though, this ceremony is as much for you as it is for him and auntie Luna." She attempts to side step around Nightmare Moon now, surprised and somewhat frustrated when she sees Nightie once again move her position slightly to block her path. "I can finish things here, Nightie..." She breathes out in an exasperated tone.

Nightie takes a step forward, using her full height to her advantage to gently cow the pink alicorn into submission. "I insist." Nightmare Moon replies dryly, her teal eyes locked firmly onto cadences fluorite ones. "You've pampered him quite enough. I shall take over care for my master from here." The nightmare alicorns tone leaves no room for negotiation. Even with the calm façade she's putting on, an icy edge is laced into every venomous word.

Cadences eyes flash for fractions of a second, had Nightie of not been locked onto her gaze with laser focus, she would have missed it. 'Something is very wrong here...' She thinks to herself, studying the alicorn before her. Cadence's muzzle scrunches up in annoyance, her cheeks puffing out slightly. If it weren't so out of place and alarming at this instance, it would have been considered cute. Try as she might though and pushing her senses to the absolute most limits, Nightie couldn't sense anything indicating that this was anypony other than Princess Cadence. The scent, the look, the little tics, everything lined up perfectly with exception of the frantic demeanor suddenly toward the pilot.

"Please move aside, Nightmare." Cadence quietly speaks out, her tone somewhat sharp and hostile. As she begins to ignite her horn, the door to the room opens again, this time the sounds of little fillies giggling followed by the gentle laughter of the midnight alicorn gracing the air. Cadence pauses and glares at Nightie her horn once again dimming. repeating once more, quietly under her breath. "Please...move."

"I refuse." Nightmare responds in kind just as quietly, keeping her eyes locked on Cadences, the regal mask breaking and a sardonic grin peaking through. "You move..." She whispers back, her ethereal tail fanning out slightly, obscuring the view completely of whats behind her now. The two stop their standoff when they hear the midnight alicorn clear her throat.

"Is there a problem here?" Luna asks in dry tones, her gaze and expression showing annoyance upon her form. The twin fillies climb upon the bed quietly, released from their mother, making their way to the human pilot. Cadence inhales gently, smiling sweetly, her gaze never once breaking from Nighties for even a second.

"No auntie Luna...no problems. Nightie was just about to let me finish taking care of Talon is all." She responds. "We do need to get ready for Celestia's ceremony after all." Luna raises an eyebrow at the scene before her, the midnight alicorn somewhat concerned now.

"Neigh, mine niece. I am here and shalt be doing so mineself. Thou should take a moment to freshen up thyself. I also heard fair dusty was looking for thee." Luna replies, her tone even and calm. She can sense the tension in the air, and sees clear as the starlit sky that Nighties posture is a defensive one. "Perhaps it would be best if thou sees what it is Dusty requires of thou."

Comments ( 3 )

Continue the story, please!

Please please please please continue the story 👍👍👍👍

Been a long time but having this fun read back and finished would be great 👍

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