• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
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Azure Notion

Words have been written. Some of them by me. Those are here. Probably.

More Blog Posts17

  • 15 weeks
    It's That Time Again...

    So, as of now with chapter 17 up, I have another two chapters complete. Chapter 19 requires a bit of editing before it’s ready, but it shan’t cause any delays. Though, on that note... I have some less-than-great news.

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    5 comments · 348 views
  • 21 weeks
    An Amazing Thing

    Hi all you guys, gals, and enby pals, I just wanted to share this thing I was made aware of. It's amazing and I appreciate it and the person who made it deserves an award. Seriously, she's awesome and this fits so damn well with the story, it's great. It's a homestuck parody, though, so if you're opposed to that in any way, maybe watch it anyway because it’s so good.

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    1 comments · 192 views
  • 30 weeks
    Doing Stuff Again!

    Well hello all you guys, gals, and non-binary pals! It's time for an update!

    As many of you have known, depression has been a thing in my life for a long while. It still is and probably forever will be, but now, we might have found the right cocktail of meds, therapy, and other stuff to maybe, maybe get me really going again!

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    8 comments · 349 views
  • 43 weeks
    Everfree 2023

    Hello everyone!

    It's finally here! Unfortunately, there weren't any extra large plushies this year, so I bought a little Starlight instead. So, if you happen to see me wandering around, come say hello! I'll be hanging around the vendor hall and especially the Book Nook booth. If I'm not there, Dash or Corejo at the booth might have more info.

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    4 comments · 204 views
  • 68 weeks
    Figuring Things Out

    Hallo, everyone. I thought it might be a good idea to keep you all in the know as to where the writingses of Azure the Slow are. To get it out of the way, no, I'm not stopping or going on break again. Though, I guess I technically am on a break? Just not the same kind of break. Anyway, let me explain.

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Chapter 11, Post-EFNW, and Other Stuff · 1:18am Aug 30th, 2021

A short-ish one this time! (yes, I added ish after I got to the end of the blog post. I'm a terrible person and can't write short things)

Okay, so, yes, I am still alive.

Yes, EverFreeNW was good and I got to spend time with lots of neato people like Monochromatic, lilfunkman, Juniper (Non-Fimfiction, but still good stories), Corejo, RBDash47, Amber Spark/Novel Idea, Olden Bronie, WandererD, trAce (who refuses to be linked, but writes good stuff anyway), Fan of most Everything, Skampy, and so many others that I could fill at least another whole paragraph with as a single, run-on sentence, all of whom are amazing people and write/draw great things and you should check them all out if you haven't already.

And yes, chapter 11 is still incoming. Kind of. Well, it is, but it's going to be delayed a little longer. Probably a month. It's like... 70%~ done, sitting at about 5,300 words right now (work is rough and takes up way more mental energy than I'd like). But I'm probably not going to post it right away when it's finished and edited. The reason being... I'm waiting on some artwork for the chapter! Two pieces this time. I will keep working on further chapters while waiting though! And I'm not gonna guarantee there will be more art every chapter or two, but there will be some art every now and then. Especially when we start getting into intense chapters again. Which will be soon™.

Anyway! I wanted to update everyone on some probably somewhat-disappointing news. But hay! If you've been following me for a while, you're probably used to excessive delays, busted suspenses (much to my chagrin), and excessive amounts of apologies for being late and writing (relatively) short chapters.

Until next time! You have a wonderful [insert your exact date and time when reading this here. Yes, look at your clock and your calendar and imagine those are right here. No you don't have to post it in the comments, but I'm also not your mom. You do you, boo] and at least twenty four hours after that!

Comments ( 6 )

Take your time, for a great story like this one I will wait as long as I have to.

For fics like yours, it's always well worth the wait. Glad to hear you had a good time at the con; it's been neat seeing people's tales and experiences.

You're far from the worst when it comes to updating schedules, and I'm happy as long as the story's gonna continue until the very end, however long this takes. Keep up the good work!

Azure, my dear, sweet, naive Azure. :moustache:

I know we keep saying this, and I know you are used to it. But seriously, take all the time that is needed. This story really is that ruddy good. Every time you post a chapter, we are all fully immersed in the proceedings, toe to head, hoof to horn (and in my case, tail bump to mitt :twilightblush:). It’s worth it. By all means, continue to keep us posted on the proceedings, we truly do appreciate it. But know - again! - that the quality of your work has cultivated a very loyal, patient reader base here.
And how about that quality! You can tell many others feel this too - this fic still has an absurdly high amount of likes for its views, and so few dislikes that it’s now in the top 1750 rated stories on the site! With the original also in the top 2000. Keep at it - it’s hardly all about the numbers, but it’s a nice thing to have. Top 1500 isn’t that far away!

And hey, not gonna complain about artwork, no matter the style! Ah, the internal debate about wanting artwork, a familiar struggle. I’ve seen it before. I approve! Even if it doesn’t happen every chapter - it’s all about those key images, sure.
I don’t even mind the delay - for the above reasons of course, but since you’ll still be writing on the next chapter while the finished one awaits it’s artwork, the schedule won’t be disrupted! Much.


Many thanks for the encouragement. I definitely plan on taking this all the way to the end and I'll probably still lament the four years it will have taken to get there, if the current rate is anything to go by. But, as my mental health continues to improve, life changes continue to settle (for now), and work stresses become more manageable, maybe things will get back to a pace I'll be satisfied with. And maybe I'll actually be able to do those other hobbies I've been wanting to do!

Either way, more chapters will continue to come, more unnecessary apologies will likely follow, and along the way, you all will get to enjoy watching even more of our favorite trio (and friends) trek through both the greatest and darkest of times.

Less than three!

Hi! I just found and read unending love (I was up until 8 am reading the night I found it) and I just wanna say that it's amazing and I loved it and I hope you continue it sometime.

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