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Side Fic Now Out! · 6:37pm Oct 3rd, 2021

TSoldier of the Moon
A young and restless Rarity enlists in the Royal Canterlot Army to help defend what is left of her home. She gets far more than she bargained for in the process.
Zontan · 7.4k words  ·  113  5 · 1.2k views

I've been looking forward to this for a long time! If you enjoyed Lover of the Moon, you'll absolutely LOVE Soldier of the Moon. If you've been curious about Rarity's backstory and just can't wait a week and a half for the next update, here's your solution!

There's an official group for fics within the combined Children of the Sun/Lover of the Moon universe, and you can find it here! If you'd like to be notified about when new fics are posted, this is the place to be! On that note, you absolutely have permission to write something in this universe. Make sure to let me know so I can check it out!

Also in the Lover of the Moon 'verse, but not necessarily canonical, are the following two fics from The Legendary Bill Cipher!

EFire of Hope
An expedition investigates mysterious fires at the Peak of Peril.
TheLegendaryBillCipher · 2.5k words · 291 views
EQueen of Shadows
A young griffon investigates reports of ponies near his village.
TheLegendaryBillCipher · 2.7k words · 317 views
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