• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
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Jake The Army Guy

Be excellent to each other, and PARTY ON, DUDES! ~ Abraham Lincoln

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To Save Love: An Undertale Fan Fiction Is Now Live! · 6:33pm Oct 18th, 2021

Howdy, all! SO, like the title says, I just published my first ever non-MLP fan fiction over on AO3! Literally the first non-MLP fiction I've ever written. No pressure whatsoever!!!!

To Save Love
Jake The Army Guy

It has been two years since Emergence Day, when monsters were finally freed from their underground exile and given back the sky, and Toriel's life seems in many ways perfect. She achieved her dream of becoming a teacher, she has played a subtle role in building a last peace between humans and monsters the likes of which never existed before, and she is the loving mother of the determined little boy that made it all possible.

But that perfection is a fragile one, easily broken by a single stone.

A fateful slip of the tongue kicks off a series of events that will force Toriel to confront memories she does not want challenged. To face the harsh reality she has buried under years of cultivated anger. To choose between a comforting lie, or a painful truth. To decide how far she is willing to go to recapture true perfection.

SO, yeah, Still obsessed with Undertale. The story takes place post-True Pacifist Route, and sees Toriel forced to work through her old loves, and old pains. Now, before anyone celebrates panics, no, I have not quit writing MLP fanfics. In fact, I've been slowly working on a true sequel to Finding Your Place, and now that I'm done with my Undertale fic, I hope to get back on that.

If you have any interest in Undertale, or my writing in general, please give my fic a gander. I am quite proud of it, and I hope you'll check it out. Never forget that I fucking love you all. Til next time stay safe, stay free, and stay metal! Jake The Army Guy out!

Comments ( 6 )

I'm sure it'll be great.

Unfortunately I've never played.

I love AO3! I don't think I'm familiar enough with Undertale to really appreciate a story like this though. :applecry: Never played. Never been much of a gamer. But I will subscribe to see what else may come down the pipe. :twilightsmile:

Now, before anyone celebrates panics, no, I have not quit writing MLP fanfics.

No worries. Heck, I've had a half-finished Owl House oneshot sitting around for well over a month by this point. I get wanting to "branch out", so to speak.

Never really got into Undertale's fanfiction scene (despite how much I enjoyed the game), but I suppose I'll have to check your story out sometime soon!

I can't say it's for everybody, but personally speaking, I had a lot of fun with it (both from a gameplay and story standpoint). I think you can still find the free Kickstarter demo floating around online if you want to "test the waters", but it's really up to you.

Author Interviewer

well now, that's cool :D


Thanks! I'm pretty happy with how it turned out!

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