• Member Since 6th Mar, 2017
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I am a new beginning writer, so I might not be that good, so I will ask for help when needed.

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  • 120 weeks
    Mortal Kombat Legends: Legendary Defenders ORIGINS: Keith


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  • 121 weeks
    Mortal Kombat Legends: Legendary Defenders PREVIEW!!!!

    In the deepest reaches of space, a ship travels towards a misty veil, its passengers, know not of where it will lead them.

    Once a generation…

    A warrior in red clad ninja armor swings a sword at two Galra warriors.

    the finest warriors must do battle…

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  • 143 weeks
    Mortal Kombat: Legends Rising

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  • 180 weeks
    Changing Daikaiju Battle Legends

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  • 209 weeks
    Bakugan LOE *UNCANCELED*

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Mortal Kombat Legends: Legendary Defenders ORIGINS: Keith · 8:53am Feb 12th, 2022


Within the open fields of Earthrealm, night had blanketed the beautiful prairie. But suddenly, a portal opens in the middle of it, revealing three warriors stepping through it. They were Galra warriors, sent to patrol Earthrealm to see if it poses a threat to the next tournament. The leader of the group examined the area and saw nothing around. “We must be long ways from the populations… perhaps we should portal ourselves there.” He suggested.

“No, we can’t risk too many portal jumps in one night. These Earthrealmers will likely have technology that will detect it.” Said a female Galra as she approached. She had almost unique tiger like stripes on her face and body. This, was Krolia… she looked to the prairie seeing nothing much, but she soon spotted a house not too far, which got her to panic. She quickly hid her worried expression and looked to the other two warriors. “We best move on, we can’t risk being detected here.” She told them and started walking passed them.

“What’s got you so worked up? We are the strongest race in the universe, and if anyone challenges us, victory, or death.” The Galra leader said to her as she stopped in her tracks, she knew she had another mission, but was it worth it? The leader noticed her silence and walked towards her. “What is it that’s got you so silent all of a sudden?” He asked her.

“It’s nothing sir… I just don’t want us getting caught, that’s all.” She told him, trying to hide the truth.

But the leader began to see right through her and glared. “You’re hiding something.” He said to her as sweat began to appear on Krolia’s face, she couldn’t hide it for much longer. The leader pulled out a blaster and aimed it towards her. “You disappoint me Krolia… you would have been the best general in the Galra army.” He told her as he squeezed the trigger. “Any last words?” He asked her.

Krolia shut her eyes knowing this may very well be the end. “Yes sir… vrepit sa!” She shouted and leaped into the air, catching the two Galra warriors off guard as she whipped out her blade as it began to glow and take the shape of a sword in the form of a kukri type sword and slashes at the scout to prevent him from sending word to the Galra Empire. She charged towards the leader as he began blasting at her. She quickly blocked each shot he made and slashed the blaster out of his hand, literally taking his hand with it as he screamed from it. But that did not stop him from trying to kill her as he struck at her with his only remaining hand. Krolia dodged his attacks with her speed and agility, and managed to get one fatal cut across his hip, causing him to writhe from it and glare at her as he swung a back spin kick, knocking her blade out of her hand as she grunts from it and avoided another kick from him. She elbowed him against his nerve points in his leg, sending quick jabs against his torso, shoulder muscles, and the base of the skull. With one more hit, she slammed her palm hard against his head, causing it to explode from the impact. Krolia stood and watched as the Galra leaders body fell to the ground, giving her a chance to walk away as she picked up her blade. But suddenly, she felt a sharp pain hit her side as a blast of energy shot through her hip. She gasped and held her wound and looked seeing the scout was still alive, he panted from exhaustion and prepared to fire again. But Krolia threw her blade at him, landing a fatal blow against his forehead as the blade when straight through his head, forcing him to fall to the ground.

Krolia panted from the wound, and couldn’t find the strength to keep herself standing. She collapses to the ground and laid across the prairie, looking up to the stars. She never saw something so beautiful in her life hiding in the Galra ranks… her eyes slowly began to get heavy as she was close to dying. But suddenly, a shadow loomed over her, causing her to open her eyes slightly and look seeing a shadowy figure standing over her. She couldn’t see who it was, her vision was too blurry and the figure was too dark to see who it was. Her eyes soon shut as she merely passed out from exhaustion.


Two days had passed since that fateful night, morning broke over the home that shielded Krolia as she slept in someone’s bed. She soon began to stir from her slumber and open her eyes, she felt the comfort of the bed and the sheets that covered her. She soon gasped and sat up, but winced feeling the pain of the wound she had. She looked to it seeing that she was bandaged up, she carefully touches it wondering who could’ve done this. Her answers were soon answered as she saw the door open, revealing her mysterious savior. “Oh, you’re awake.” He said to her.

But she was not very pleased as she reached and grabbed her blade and charged at him, holding his blade to his neck as she sneered at him. “Who are you?! Why did you bring me here?!” She demanded to know.

“Now hold on, calm down, if you move around that much, you’ll open up the stitches, and those aren’t easy to replace.” He told her still feeling the blade to his neck. “Also, I brought you something to eat.” He showed he was carrying a tray of food, bacon and eggs, the usual breakfast essentials. She was surprised of this and looked to him, she didn’t know what to make of him at the moment, but she felt she could try to trust him as she pulled her blade away and backed away from him. “There we go… I’m sure you’re probably hungry after being unconscious for two days.” He told her as he set the tray down.

“Two days?” She asked him feeling surprised. “If I’ve been asleep for two days, what has happened?” She asked him.

“Nothing much really, besides you having my bed to yourself.” He said to her as he sat down across from her. “It’s best that you should eat… regain your strength.” He told her. Krolia looked to the food seeing how odd it was, it is different to what she was used to eating. But it wouldn’t hurt to try something new for a change, she picked up one of the eggs and looked at it. She sniffed it a bit as it smelt kind of funny, but she took a bite from it and her tastebuds immediately popped from the flavor. She soon started chowing down on the food she was given, surprising her host to no end. “Wow, you got quite an appetite.” He said to her.

“Well it has been two days, how can I not? This is delicious.” She told him with her mouth full.

The man chuckled from hearing it and looked to her. “Around here, it is considered rude to talk with your mouth full.” He told her.

She swallowed her food and exhaled. “Sorry… both for threatening your life, and for talking with my mouth full.” She said to him and looked to him. “But I must ask, who are you?” She asked him.

“I’d like to know who you are first… forgive me, but trust from another being is hard to come by.” He told her.

Krolia understood this well, but she knew he had no hostile intent towards her, so it was safe for her to tell him. “My name is Krolia, of the Blade of Marmora.” She introduced herself to him.

“The Blade of Marmora…?” He asked her.

“Yes, we are a rebel group against the Galra Emperor, Zarkon. Though we are Galra ourselves, we saw that his madness to conquer the realms had grown too fierce. So we formed the Blade of Marmora to try and combat him. But we felt that stealth was the best option, infiltrating the Galra outposts, even in The Galra home world, Daibazaal.” She explained to him.

“Sounds like you’re a group of ninja’s, like the Shirai Ryu.” He said to her.

Which immediately confused her. “The Shirai Ryu?” She asked him.

“Noble warriors that hide in the shadows, and fight for the protection of Earthrealm. Like the White Lotus, the Lin Kuei, and the Special Forces.” He explained as he pulled out a Special Forces badge. “My name is Jared Kogane… of the Special Forces.” He introduced himself only to look away. “Until I retired and joined the Shirai Ryu.” He told her.

She was surprised to hear it. “Why did you retire?” She asked him.

“PTSD… Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It’s nasty business, forcing you to relive past events that haunt you.” Jared explained to her, earning a look of sympathy from her. “So, I went to the Shirai Ryu village, to find peace. With the aid of Grandmaster Hanzo… and his wife, Fluttershy.” He told her.

But a snicker came from Krolia from hearing the wife’s name. “Fluttershy?” She asked him.

“Yes, an Equestrian… noble, kind, but has a fiery side to her, so don’t take her name lightly.” He told her and smirked. “But I’m sure you’d like her.” He said to her.

“I’m sure I might…” Krolia agreed and continued eating.

Jared looked to her, but looked down to her wound and looked to her eyes. “So, want to explain how that happened?” He asked her.

Surprised from the subject, Krolia swallowed her food and looked down. “When I got here, I’m sure you noticed that I wasn’t alone.” She looked to her blade. “The Galra scouts I was with, they knew this world would be next for Zarkon to target… I couldn’t let them. Because I have seen a form of beauty to it… not just on the surface.” She looked to the morning sky. “But in the night sky… I can’t allow the Galra to take this world.” She explained to him.

Jared looked at her and smiled, he reached to her hand and touched it. “Then you are welcome to stay as long as you wish… and know that I’ll be by your side in this fight.” He said to her. She looked to him and looked into his eyes… never in her life had she been so moved by anyone, especially him, a human. She soon began to smile, knowing he can be trusted.


Shirai Ryu Village

Three weeks had gone by since Krolia was now marooned on Earth, not that she cared. She finally found what she had longed wished for… peace. She and Jared arrived in the Shirai Ryu village to meet with Grandmaster Hanzo… as they traveled through the village, Krolia couldn’t help but admire the architecture, the beauty around the village as cherry blossom trees let their petals flow around her. Causing her to chuckle from it as she looked around the entire village. “This place is amazing, it’s exactly how you described it.” She said to him.

“Wait until you meet the Grandmaster, trust me.” Jared told her as they headed to the Grandmasters home in the Fire Gardens. As they arrived, they saw Hanzo meditating on a rock, which had Krolia curious. She was about to approach, but Jared stopped her from going towards him and gestured down. She looked down seeing a tripwire by her ankle, she followed the line and looked seeing it was linked to a tree. “Always keep your wits about you.” He told her.

“And you should know when to keep quiet, Jared.” Hanzo said to him as his eyes opened. “And when to keep yourself aware of your surroundings.” He added as Fluttershy snuck up from behind and held a blade to him.

He saw it and sighed in defeat with a chuckle. “Guess I’m getting a little rusty.” He said to him.

Hanzo got up and looked to him with a smile. “It is good to see you again Jared.” He told him and looked to Fluttershy, nodding his head to her.

She pulled her blade away from him and looked to Krolia. “And who might this be Jared? Friend of yours?” She asked him.

“As a matter of fact, yes… Grandmaster Hasashi, Lady Fluttershy… this is Krolia, of the Blade of Marmora.” He introduced her to them.

She bowed in respect to them. “It is an honor to meet you both.” She said to them.

Hanzo and Fluttershy bowed back to her and stood up and kneeled down with them. “I’m surprised that you had returned after so long Jared… what brings you here?” Hanzo asked him.

As the group settled down, Jared and Krolia took the time to explain everything to Hanzo. The impending invasion, the threat Zarkon holds, and the alliance he made with Outworld’s previous emperor, Shao Kahn. Both Hanzo and Fluttershy were simply stunned by this revelation, they knew Zarkon was a danger to Earthrealm, they never imagined that it would be this serious. “It’s horrible what you have gone through… seeing all those innocent people from different worlds being conquered by a tyrant worse than Shao Kahn.” Fluttershy said to her.

“Which is why we’re going to every faction here in Earthrealm, to warn them of the pending danger that is to come.” Krolia said to her and looked to Hanzo. “I know you’re done with the Mortal Kombat tournament, but Earthrealm desperately needs defenders now, more than ever.” She told him.

Hanzo shut his eyes knowing his fighting days are done, but he knew of one who could fight in his place. He opened his eyes and looked to her. “Krolia, you have the support of the Shirai Ryu, I’m certain Kuai Liang and Rarity will lend theirs as well.” He said to her.

“Good thing we’re going to China afterwords… thank you Grandmaster.” Jared bowed to him.

The Grandmaster bowed in return and gestured out. “There will be a festival tonight… I insist you all join us as honored guests.” He said to them, Jared and Krolia looked to each other and smiled knowing they couldn’t pass up this opportunity.

Night fell, and the festival was underway… Jared was in a Japanese kimono, waiting for Krolia to get ready. He felt nervous, in fact a lot more nervous than ever. But one soft clear of Krolia’s throat… was enough to get his attention as he turned around and saw her in a violet kimono, with cherry blossom details in the dress, which caused him to blush and admire just how beautiful she was in the dress. Even Krolia tried to hide the redness of her face from him, her heart was skipping a few beats knowing this was going to be tough. The two traveled through the village and enjoyed the festivities, games that Pinkie Pie would suggest, face paintings, even getting unique masks that were on sale. One that resembled that of Hanzo mask, but was red in color. Jared purchased it and put it on while Krolia had a Kitsune type mask, and they both had a thrill of laughter together. As the night progressed, the festivities fireworks show began… Jared and Krolia were sitting on a hill, watching the fireworks together. Krolia couldn’t help but admire just how beautiful they were, causing her to sigh and rest her chin over her arms as she held her knees. “This was the best night I’ve ever had.” She said to Jared and looked to him. “Thank you for bringing me here Jared.” She said to him.

Jared smiled looking to her. “I’m happy you’re having a good time…” He said to her and looked to the fireworks. “It’s often a rare occasion to witness fireworks like these.” He told her, which she smirked at.

“You say that like you’ll never see it again.” She suggested.

“Mostly happens once a year… but… yeah, I wouldn’t miss this for anything.” Jared said to her.

But Krolia smiled softly and scooted closer to him, her shoulder against his, resting her head to his shoulder as she closed her eyes. “Still… thank you.” She said to him.

Jared looked to her surprised. “For what…?” He asked her.

Krolia smiled softly and looked him in the eye. “For always being by my side.” She said to him, causing him to blush a little, but smile as he wrapped his around her. The two were lost in each other’s eyes, but what felt like minutes, maybe even seconds… the two began to lean towards one another, and just at that moment… time began to stop, as the two reached each other in the form of a kiss. Krolia knew he was human… but she finally found something, or someone, worth living for.


10 Months later

It had been ten whole months since that wonderful night, when they shared their first kiss. As well as their first time in bed together, when the first month had passed, Krolia told Jared that she was pregnant with their first child. Giving the future father to look forward to seeing his future child with Krolia. As months progressed, Krolia went through all the symptoms of the pregnancy, mood swings constant ratings, the whole shebang. Until finally… on the tenth day, of the tenth month, she finally had their baby boy. She held him in her arms for the first time and smiled happily at him, even Jared was proud to see their son for the first time. “So… what will we call him?” He asked her.

“I was thinking, Yurak…” Krolia suggested.

But Jared wasn’t too sure on that name, but he smiled coming up with a good one. “How about Keith…?” He suggested to her.

Krolia smiled at the suggestion. “Keith… Keith Kogane… I like that.” She said to him as she smiled at their son, who breathed normally, but wiggled a bit in his mother’s arms.


8 Years Later

Keith slowly, but surely grew into a strong young boy, given his mother’s Galra blood was in his veins. He had just returned from a fishing trip with his mother, they hoped to see Jared waiting outside for them. But to Krolia’s shock… two Galra fighter ships were stationed near the house, causing her to worry. “Keith, stay here…” She ordered him and rushed towards the house.

“Mom!” He called to her but stayed where he was.

Krolia rushed towards the house but snuck quietly to it and hid under the window where the light was showing. She carefully peeked through the window and looked around, her eyes soon widened when she saw Sendak holding Jared in his giant prosthetic hand. “The Galra and the halfbreed who live here with you… where are they…?” He asked him.

“I don’t know…!” Jared said to him to lie about their whereabouts.

“Please, if you think lying will get you anywhere, you’re sadly mistaken.” He used his power to shock energy through his body, hearing him screaming in agony from the pain. Krolia’s eyes widened in horror of seeing this. She pulled out her blade, ready to break in, but the door opened and she saw a Galra sentry walk in with Keith, which widened her eyes even more.

“Sir, we found the halfbreed outside the house.” The Sentry said to him as Keith struggled.

“Which means the traitor isn’t far…” Sendak looked around carefully. “Come on out traitor… unless you wish to see this human and your bastard child dead.” He said to get Krolia to come out… but she couldn’t do it. “I’m going to give you till the count of three… one…” He pierced on claw into his shoulder, causing him to wince from it.

“NO!!!” Keith struggled to break free.

“Two…” Sendak pierced another claw into his body.

“Leave my dad alone!” Keith demanded as he tried to get free.

“Last chance traitor…” Sendak readied the final puncture… he was about to say three… till suddenly the window crashed inwards as Krolia jumped in, earning their attention. “Ahh, there you are.” Sendak grinned at seeing her.

She held her hands up as means of surrender. “It’s me you want… not them… what do you want?” She asked him.

Sendak smirked as he forced Jared onto his knee’s. “On your knee’s…!” He ordered her to do so, she looked to Jared who looked to her in return. He knew there was no other way… he nodded to her to kneel to him. Krolia hesitated… but she slowly kneeled down as the sentries approached her and held her down. “There… that’s better.” He grinned as he punctures another claw into Jared, hearing him scream.

“NO!!! Leave him alone Sendak, he has nothing to do with this!” She pleaded, but her pleas fell on deaf ears as he had an evil sadistic grin on his face.

Jared noticed it and looked to Krolia who struggled. “Krolia… Krolia!” He called to her, finally making eye contact with her as he panicked while in Sendak’s hand. He knew what was coming, and so did she as they looked into each other’s eyes. “I love you… you and Keith.” He told her.

Krolia felt her tears falling across her face as she looked at him. “I love you too, Jared… I always will.” She told him as he smiled at her with tears brimming in his eyes, but just at that moment… Jared felt the thumb of Sendaks claw hand, pierce through his chest. Causing both Keith’s, and Krolia’s eyes to widen in horror.

Keith shook in terror from seeing his father brutally stabbed through the chest by a heartless monster. “Father… FATHER!” He cried out to him as Sendak pulled his claws out of him, letting Jared fall to the floor. “Father… father… FATHER!!!” He tried to call him to get a response, but nothing came from his father as Sendak cleaned his claws. Keith looked to him and glared feeling his Galra blood taking over. “I’ll kill you… I’LL KILL YOU!!!” He struggled to break out of the Sentries grasp, earning Sendak’s attention as he approached the boy, causing Krolia to panic and glare at him as her blade began to glow. Sendak held up his claws as they glowed brightly, causing Keith to glare at him with much fury. “You’ll… die for this…!” He warned him.

“You first…” Sendak went to kill him, but Krolia blocked his attack with her blade and sliced at his face, leaving a deep cut across it. He backed up and touched his face, seeing his own blood as he looked to her. “Kill them!” He ordered the sentries to kill them as he made a run for it.

Krolia snarled as she avoided the blasts from the sentries and sliced ones arm off, then cutting off its entire head. She avoided another blast from the other sentry and leaped over piercing the head of the sentry, then splitting it in half as she looked towards the one who held her son hostage. The sentry was about to fire, but Keith grabbed hold of the blaster and pulled it straight out of its hand, aiming the blaster towards it, and blasting through its chest as the blast caught the house on fire. Krolia panted from exhaustion but she rushed to Keith and lifted him up. “Come on Keith, we got to go!” She ran with him.

“No! We can’t leave him like this! Father! Father!!!” He tried to reach for him as he struggled.

“He’s gone Keith, there’s nothing we can do!” She told him as she stopped and looked to the house as it began to burn down. Keith struggled but got free as he landed on the ground and watched as their home burned with his father still inside.

Tears brimmed in his eyes she he remembered what he just saw… Keith knew he would never forget this as long as he lived. “Why did this happen mom…? Why did he have to die…?” He asked her as Krolia looked down.

She remained silent for a moment, but knew the answer was clear. “Because the Galra will stop at nothing until Earthrealm is theirs… Zarkon will see to it that everyone, like your father, suffers like we have. You lost a father, I lost a wonderful husband, who saw me more for who I am. But now…” She looked out, knowing he needed to be prepared for the future. “We must go… there is someone you must meet.” She told him as she took his hand and walked away with him.


Shirai Ryu Village

Krolia arrived in the village a few days after Jared’s death, she had explained to Hanzo and Fluttershy what had happened that terrible night. They sympathized with her, knowing it was a tremendous loss. She pulled out red garments and handed them to the grandmaster. “Grandmaster… I wouldn’t ask you of this unless it was necessary. But my sons soul has been stained with vengeful hate towards Sendak, as has mine. You know first hand what vengeance does to people…” She said to him.

Hanzo looked upon Krolia then to Keith who didn’t look at him for an instant, Fluttershy took the garments and saw it was a red version of the Blade of Marmora’s uniform that also came with the mask that Jared purchased so long ago. She looked to Krolia beginning to realize it was for Keith. “You’re not staying with him?” She asked her.

Krolia shook her head to her and looked to where Keith slept. “He has been through too much… I need to rejoin the Blades, and inform them of Zarkon’s plot. As for Keith…” She paused for a moment and looked to Hanzo. “I need for you to train him.” She said to him.

“Training him won’t be so simple… the desire for revenge will run deep, he has already witnessed first hand what a harsh universe it is. Should he choose the wrong path, he will forever be lost.” He explained to her.

“But you won’t let that happen… my son is strong, but he needs guidance. Please Hanzo…” She bowed her head to him to plea to him. “Help my son become a better person… to not become a monster of Sendak’s making.” She pleaded.

Hanzo looked at her and looked to Fluttershy who looked to him as well… they knew he needed the proper guidance if he is to avenge his father. The two nodded their heads to each other and looked to Krolia. “This is for good… we will train your son, along side Takahashi Takeda, and our daughter, Kurume.” He said to her.

Krolia looked up to him and reached back, pulling out her blade and handed it to them. “Then… give this to him, when he is ready. He will one day learn how to unleash its power.” She said to them.

Fluttershy nodded and reached over and took it. “You have our word, he will be safe with us.” She said to her as Krolia nodded her head and looked to Keith.

She walked over to him and looked at him, she moved his hair out from his face and smiled at him. She soon leaned down and kissed his cheek. “Goodbye Keith… always remember, that your mother loves you.” She whispered to him and pulled away and headed out… she stopped at the doors and turned back to look at her son one last time. Tears filled her eyes, knowing she will never get to see him grow and become a man. She looked away and headed out to leave the village.

Hanzo and Fluttershy watched her leave, knowing this was the hardest thing she ever had to do. “Keith will try to go after her.” Fluttershy told her husband.

“I know… as did Takeda when his father left him in our care.” Hanzo replied and looked to Keith. “There is a fire within him… one that could rival even my own.” He stated and looked to his wife. “His training will not be easy.”

“I’m well aware of what you’ll put him through… but it is to prepare him for the future.” She said to her husband and looked to Keith. “But it was horrible for him to watch what happened to his father.” She said to him as Hanzo nodded his head in response and looked to him, Keith had a strong will, perhaps too strong… and will need the most discipline of training.


The next morning, Keith had found out that Krolia had left and ran to go after her. He ran through the forest to try and reach her, but a hand managed to grab him, and he saw that it was Hanzo. “Not even Takeda got as far as you did Keith… you have to understand, you cannot leave.” He told him.

“Why not?! I deserve to know why!” Keith demanded to know.

“Because you are not prepared for what is out there… nor do you have the strength and skill needed to face your enemies.” Hanzo explained to him as Takeda and Kurume approached. “From this day forward, you will be my pupil… along side Takeda, and Kurume.” He told them as Keith looked to each of them, Takeda smiled and crossed his arms, while Kurume smiled at him and bowed. Keith didn’t know what he was preparing for, but this wasn’t going to be easy for him, even for the future. When the day comes, that he will find his revenge.

(Hey guys, just a little something I wanted to try out for kicks and giggles. A sort of tragic romance for my future project. Also, yes, I gave Keith’s father a name, because he was only called an unnamed father on the wiki page for Voltron Legendary Defender. So it would make it easy to actually give him a name, and I’m sure MaggiesHeartLove would agree with me on that. I hope you guys like what I did with this, please no hate mail please.)

Report KnightGomora1994 · 524 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

Great and tragic backstory for Keith. I also like the name you gave Hanzo and Fluttershy's daughter.

Thanks, Kurume felt like a good fit for her. Kurume Hasashi, perfect!

Hopefully she'll grow into a beautiful woman like her sweet mother.

You would be amazed, assuming I get to a design of her.

I'm confident that you'll do a great job with her.

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