The Diamond Cutters 1,210 members · 1,367 stories

Tickled Pink

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon stomped down the dirt road, wholly irritated by their situation. Though they had once said pigs would fly before they would willingly walk into a library, they found themselves quickly approaching the very tree with no airborne swine in sight. It wasn't that they wanted to enter the place, but after the changelings dropped a refrigerator on their teacher, they were the ones picked to let Ponyville's crepuscular librarian know. However, before reaching their destination, they stopped, suspiciously looking back to something that caught their attention.

"Crepuscular? Seriously? What does that even mean?" Silver Spoon asked.

Diamond shook her head. "I think it means our stupid narrator has a word of the day calendar."

Who says Diamond Tiara can't be funny? Maybe this hypothetical person who believes that just needs to see her placed into the right context. You can check this folder out for some of that context and maybe get a little giggle out of it while you're here. Just try not to take it too seriously. Comedy wasn't made for that.