MLP: Motherhood is Magical 2,662 members · 1,557 stories
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Baring the completion of this latest season, we have now seen and learned the personalities of all the Mane 6's mothers and fathers. I know it's no where near valentines day, but I wanted to ask, "How do you think the mane 6's parents would react to their coltfriends or marefriends?" I'm going to put down a few couples down a ship in a list below. Feel free to comment below how you think the initial first meetings with the parents would go for these couples, or if you don't ship them, please put down your own personal ships and explain how you think that meeting would go.

  • Twilight Sparkle/Flash Sentry
  • Pinkie Pie/Cheese Sandwich
  • Fluttershy/Big Macintosh
  • Rainbow Dash/Soarin
  • Applejack/Flim
  • Rarity/Capper

Good luck, and I can't wait to read what you guys come up with. :twilightsmile:


Twilight Sparkle/Flash Sentry: The funny thing is that her parents would be perfectly okay with Pony Flash Sentry. He's a respectable Guards officer. They would probably think he was too low-status for Twilight Sparkle, but then most stallions now are, and they wouldn't want her to wind up with some utterly-vapid and spoiled-rotten prince. And of course Shining Armor, from a similar background, married Princess Cadance.

"Well, mom, dad, this isn't exactly the Flash Sentry of whom you've heard ..."

Beacause, of course, this is Humanoid Flash Sentry we're talking about. In Pony form. And you're right in that this has been the most strongly supported relationship ever for Princess Twilight.

I honestly don't know how they'd take her being in love with a hairless ape-creature -- though the portal would change him if he entered Equestria. Presumably into the Pegasus version of him.

They'd have no problem with a Pegasus. That's what Cadance started as, after all.

Pinkie Pie/Cheese Sandwich: I actually think that Igneous and Cloudy would be okay with this. Cheese obviously worships Pinkie, and he's both a really nice guy and a good match for her -- indeed, in many ways one of a very few possible matches for her (normal stallions couldn't keep up with her).

The only problem I see is their weird Amish-like subculture and whatever strange customs might thus appertain. Like the Choosing Stone. A lot depends on how we assume that thing operates. In the SWSV the Choosing Stone is a terminal linked to the Paradise Entity, and it actually works really well at judging compatibility through precognition.

So it would be okay with Cheese Sandwich, and I think so would the Pie Family.

Fluttershy/Big Mac: Who wouldn't like Big Mac as a husband for their daughter? He's strong, brave, honorable and kind. Likewise, who wouldn't like Fluttershy as a daughter-in-law? She's a weirdo, but not in ways the Apples can't tolerate.

The main problem I see with this is that in vanilla canon, each of them have stronger relationships with others. Fluttershy with Discord, and Big Mac with Sugar Belle (and if not with Sugar Belle, then with Cheerilee). Show has very strongly shown both of these pairings to be quite strong.

Rainbow Dash/Soarin: Given that Dashie's parents are totally into the same Pegasus code of honor that motives Rainbow Dash, and that Soarin' himself has never been shown as anything but a brave, honorable nice guy who has a high-status position from the POV of the Pegasus culture, I can't see their problem with it. They'd certainly prefer Soarin' to Quibble Pants. Let alone Zephyr Breeze (*shudder*).

Applejack/Flim: This strikes me as a highly dubious pairing. In canon Applejack despises the Flim-Flam Brothers. Yes, they're obviously some kind of Apple cousins, but if she knows this it would only make AJ despise them all the more, because they've betrayed the Apples and the code of honor for which the family stands.

And Granny and Big Mac would feel the same way about them. So would AJ's parents, if they were still alive to express their emotions. They'd all be worried that Applejack -- who is extremely honorable and good and would take love very seriously -- would be utterly taken advantage of by Flim. Which, if he did, would make AJ and all her close kin deeply hate him (probably her kin even more than her, as AJ isn't all that good a hater).

Honestly, since the Season Seven finale, I think that if I was to pair AJ with any canon character, it would be Rockhoof. AJ hero-worships him and he obviously respects her. Didn't you notice the quietly-happy looks she kept giving him? Or the way he seemed impressed that somepony as small as her could keep up with him as a hero?

The main problem with Rockhoof of course is that he's a Fish Out of Temporal Water. But I think that his culture isn't that incompatible with the Apple ways. Heck, I wouldn't be at all suprised if some early Apples were members of the Helm -- or if Rockhoof was personally an Apple ancestor.

Rarity/Capper: I don't know ... he's obviously a rogue but a reformed one. At least he came through in the end. I think they'd reserve judgement, being afraid that Capper would wind up treating her caddishly, but hoping that he turned out to be nicer than he seemed.

This love affair is sort of possible as Rarity obviously found him attractive. But then, Rarity finds a lot of males "attractive." That doesn't mean she's in love with them.

Also, Rarity is very obviously more seriously attracted to someone else. Spike. An attraction that the Show has depicted as increasing over years of time.

Who is of another species, but then again, so is Capper. (IMO, Rarity is something of a xenophile). While Spike is now too young, he's getting older. Also, Spike actually is high-status, and destined to be wealthy.

But Rarity and Spike haven't really consummated or pledged anything. So either of them could wind up with someone else. So I guess it's possible.


I think a big part of how they will react, relates to how they are told, just saying

You make a fair point with a lot of these ships, and honestly I agree with you on the majority. To be honest, these are just the general ship I throw around :twilightblush:, I don't have specifically one I believe for any one character. The reason I put applejack and flim together was because that's one of the few strait ships I can come up with for her, the others being applespike and caramelapple (can anyone explain this one to me, I have no idea where it came from?). I thank you for your opinion! :twilightsmile:

That's true, I suppose these ships could go over quite easily if the mane 6 were responsible about it and told them about it :applejackunsure:. But then again, this a cartoon created for the soul purpose of entertainment, comedy and friendship, so some kind of conflict has to be placed in there somewhere :derpytongue2:.

Say dash was lazy and put off telling them till she and soarin got married

Or was openly trying to avoid the meeting, considering how they can get when she accomplishing anything (literally anything)

I imagine they even celebrated dash's first full diaper

It's framed in their trophy room if you re-watch the episode.

Oh god, I was being sarcastic, lol



Twilight and Shining Armor came down to breakfast together, walking too close side by side.

"Mom? Dad? We... we have something to tell you," said Twilight, her voice shaking.

"Twilight and I are in love," said Shining.

Night Light scowled.

"Honey. We agreed," said Twilight Velvet, touching his shoulder.

"Fine," grumbled Night Light. He pulled out a five bit coin, and slid it over to his wife. "You win."

Simple reactions. Not really my opinions, but really the funniest outcomes.

Night Light: Weren't you originally called Brad.
Twilight Velvet: Yeah, but I like Star Tracker as a better son-in-law

Igneous: Were you chosen by the choosing stone? If not leave my sight!
Cloudy: Oh great another partier.

Fluttershy's Parents: Why exactly are you called BIG Macintosh?

Rainbow Dash's Parents: Our Rainbow is with a Wonderbolt. Yea!!!

Granny Smith: Why the blazes would you want to be with no good thief of a varmit.

Hondo:... HE'S A CAT?!?!?!
Cookie Crumbles: I thought you really like that little dragon colt. He was so nice.

They're betting! :rainbowlaugh: Oh god, I love this hypothetical scenario.

Yeah, this is about what I'd expect them to say to. But I wonder, would Fluttershy's parents be that forward in asking that question? Assuming subtext exists here and it means what I think it means. Also Star Tracker and Twilight... considering how quickly this fandom tends to jump on new shipping pairs, why isn't their more fan art and fics about this (It's not particularly my ship, but still it makes me wonder)?

Really, with the Big Mac reaction, it was the best I could come up with on the spot. Plus just image Fluttershy's face at that question, especially if she hasn't taken the relationship that far yet.

As for Star Tracker. Come on, those two were practically adopting him as a new family member by the end of the episode. Whether Twilight had feelings for him or not didn't matter at that point.

Fluttershy's face would be absolutely adorable and embarrassed. I can only imagine :rainbowkiss:.

Also that's a fair point, I don't know how that part of the episode slipped my mind.

Fluttershy's face would be more red then Big Mac's whole body.

That it would... That it would...

Jeez, its like the plotline to a weird romantic comedy, "The Strange and Miserable Love Life of Twilight Sparkle" :rainbowlaugh:

Also it's concerning wheneven your own parents are afraid you're going to become a crazy cat lady. At least Capper can provide her company like no other cat can.

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