Rites of Ascension Expanded Universe 367 members · 10 stories
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As I write block two, there are a few particular ideas I'm going to be deliberately tossing out there within the story just so EU people can pick them up. I'll highlight them in this thread or another when the time comes, but for now, there's another bit I wanted to point out that's already out there!

“Aww, shoot Twi. No need ta worry ‘bout little ol’ me! Ah got a nice little gig here in the kitchens ta keep me busy. What’cha need?”

“How about another food fight?” Luna interjected with a smile.

“ANOTHER food fight? Applejack, what did you do?” Twilight glared at her.

“Nothin’!” Applejack was still the worst liar ever.

This was meant to be in reference to a food fight between Applejack, Gustave Le Grand (who is now the Royal Pastry Chef), and eventually Luna coming in towards the end. The original idea was to have AJ go into the mess hall and start an argument over whose apple pie is better, Gustave's or the late Granny Smith's, with them all reconciling at the end. (But having the head chef come in and order Gustave and AJ to clean it all up... maybe Luna too if I could make it funny.)

But, try as I might, I couldn't make it work and be funny. It just... didn't... work.

So, if anyone wants to give the food fight a try, go for it! It doesn't have to follow that exact formula, but should at least use AJ, Luna, and Gustave. If you need a head chef character, I have it on good authority that Dawnscroll loves shout-outs and seeing characters like Chef Ram Sea in other fics. (Always still ask permission first, but in this case, I wouldn't be too nervous about asking.)

As always, feel free to ask questions, although River is naturally going to be filtering the answers for spoilers. :raritywink:

ALSO! If anyone else has an idea for something they'd like to write in the EU but don't feel up to the challenge, feel free to post it here!


good to see you again CV. how you feeling?

Looks pretty interesting, I may take a stab at it before I write the bigger piece I have planned.
Could be a sort of warm up.

Would I be able to include characters besides Gustav, Applejack, and Luna, or is the fight just involving those three?

Group Admin


Other characters may be used :) (Just not Twi, she's not supposed to know.)

Awesome :D
When was this supposed to be in Rites!Canon?

I probably should have replied to the comment directly :facehoof:
Doesn't matter, since I have another question.
How do the ponies, being herbivores, react to the griffons (a race that I'm guessing is omnivorous)?
Disgust, never brought up, acceptance?

Group Admin

The food fight was some time between Celestia teleporting Applejack to the castle, and the Twilight/Luna/Applejack scene Cv mentioned in the opening post.

Group Admin


How they react is as varied as the pony's personalities themselves. Those near the griffon border are more likely to accept them actively, however. Also, political tensions between the two nations are increasing. It's not a cold war, though. Trade still happens and many border towns rely on griffon support for internal security.

Those in Canterlot might have more extreme reactions - either aversion from them being a citizen of a adversarial nation, or acceptance from knowing more griffons.

Griffons themselves have a strict honor code and an internal political system based on their clans, which are called aeries. This political system is complex with many subtle nuances that are lost on ponies, leading to some confusion and mistrust. Most griffons speak either Germane or Phrench for their base language, but many know Equestrian as well as it is the de facto trade language of the world.

Griffon tend not to eat in the presence of ponies that aren't acclimated to seeing meat eaten (which is most of them).

Griffons are very direct and do not do much in the way of spying or sabotage. There are ponies that express concern that Gustave might poison the princesses. They do not realize that not only are the Eternal Sisters immune to poisons, but that's not how griffons operate. If they want you dead, they won't poison you. They'll cut you in half. (But, although they have a strong tendency to be honest and direct, they are completely capable of lying, especially to non-griffons, and doubly especially in war.)

Gustave himself is a bit of an oddity among griffons, though. He is excessively silly and over-dramatic, and doesn't fit the typical griffon mindset. He's found himself more at home with ponies than with other griffons, and has a huge love of desserts. The ponies that have gotten to know him have found him to be a wonderful, if odd, friend.

Sorry that took so long. Health has been blah.


Hope you feel better soon :twilightsmile:

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