The Good HiE List 7,160 members · 462 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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Im looking for a story

Main Character is granted 3 wishes and ends up getting sent to Equestria by a genie.

any Ideas?

Maybe a bit more info? Cause that sounds very basic.

Do you recall anything else about the story?

Reminds me of "I Left My World for Ponies!?" by DJSkywalker
You, if I'm not mistaken you cheeky bastard
It's not here on fimfic anymore, tho.

Comment posted by nos2342 deleted Jul 10th, 2022

What do i recall...
The Mc uses 2 wishes to upgrade his relationship with the gene on his third he insults the gene who then transports them both to Equestria.
The MC didn't want to go to Equestria it just "fulfilled his wish requirements". They are inserted in to equestrian daily life by means of a memory spell.
the MC is a Pegasus? the genie becomes a unicorn? they are both living in a posh apartment in Canterlot? or Manehattan?
The genie memory spell is eventually discovered by the princess.

Mr Stargazer
Group Admin

I remember something like that but your second description doesn't fit

Sorry I can't help.

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