The Good HiE List 7,160 members · 462 stories
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Ok, I'm looking for a story that I read here on this site, a million years ago, so my memory of the story is going to be flaky at best.

It reads as a fairytale or children's book and is a short one shot. Its about an old man, A watchmaker or music box maker who either looses his wife/child or is simply lonely. He builds a clock work Pegasus as his child. In the way of fairytales, it basically shows the progression of time and the old man dies. The mechanical horse tastes freedom for its last flight where it lands in the Canterlot garden maze where it basically dies by running out of power at one of the dead ends where Celestia comes across it some time in the future and simply figures that it is a well crafted metal statue.

Im sure I got a few things wrong, but this story has stuck in my mind for all these years and I'm hoping to find it again. Its a dam good, really short story with a rather heart wrenching ending.

Thanks you guys


Sounds interesting but no clue what the name could be considering I don't think I've read anything like that.

Make me think of this one

Is this what your looking for?

Probably isnt

Shouldn't be that one.

It is one of my favorites and a good recommendation, however.

being a short story its going to be very hard to find, specially with a heart wrenching ending, see not many people want to remember sad stuff but if I could ask what you felt when you read it people could find that story or maybe something similar.

Is the story just sad or is it dark? does it invoke despair or hope? things like that.


being a short story its going to be very hard to find, specially with a heart wrenching ending, see not many people want to remember sad stuff but if I could ask what you felt when you read it people could find that story or maybe something similar.

Is the story just sad or is it dark? does it invoke despair or hope? things like that.

No, no despair, its more a bitter sweet in that because the old stallion lived alone in the woods, no one knows "she?" even exists, let alone that she is sapient, and when she finally winds down alone in the maze, you realize no one ever will. Its made clear that years pass after this point and when Celestia finally runs into her she has very much dead as (I think) it is implied that her clockworks have rusted beyond repair.

Dam thing is, that they're can't be many mechanical horse stories. Clockwork ponies anyway.

well I guess the only story I got out of the top of my head that the main character becomes an artisan while at the same time trying to hide from the main six to not affect the timeline of the show, its pretty entertaining once you find out how he manages to hide from pinkie and it drives her crazy. This is the story "Hold it Together"

This seems super interesting, I'd love to give it a read if anyone figures it out.

I couldn't find it with these tags:
#tragedy #sad (tragedy tag first then -#tragedy #sad)
#original-character (and -#orginal-character)
Less than 10k words

But, I did find something of less bittersweetness, but nevertheless impactful, fic that I have read before.


I think you might like it

But, I did find something of less bittersweetness, but nevertheless impactful, fic that I have read before.


I think you might like it

I come across that one every now and then. I never read it. Honestly, and as weird as it sounds, I'm kind of scared to. That picture for the cover of that story, really unsettles me. There is just something about that pic that really really makes me uncomfortable. They say a picture says a thousand words and to me, that pic, implies really really dark things.


I can see what you mean and I won't spoil too much: It is not about hanging, self-harm, or death, if the rope is anything to go by. And this is not grimdark either; it has a sad tag on it so it has some bittersweetness.

If you still are unsure and want a little more assurance, this is a little like... anthropomorphisation and abandonment.

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