Sunset Shimmer 4,948 members · 6,823 stories
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Incomplete stories and off-site hosting

  • You may not have chapters exclusively hosted on an external site that are required for the understanding or enjoyment of the story. Users should be able to read through your story without having to leave the site.

But the whole story is somewhere else... not a single chapter?

Don't ask me. I didn't write the rule, I'm just saying this post is breaking it.

Might we get this person and all other/future accounts of theris banned from the group if they're going to keep spamming the forum like this, please?

That rule still does apply here. True, it's not a single chapter and a whole story, but it's still linking to another site and thus is off-site hosting.


You're reading that rule wrong. That's to stop people from posting chapters of stories otherwise available on Fimfiction elsewhere. Nobody wants to start reading a story they enjoy, but then after a couple chapters, the author says "you need to go wattpad / my patreon / some other website in order to read the rest." No. You post the complete story here, or you don't post any of it here.

It's fine if people pick the second option and then tell people that they've posted their horsewords elsewhere. This isn't some pay-to-win Minecraft server where merely mentioning the existence of another fanfiction website is gonna get you banned for encouraging a little too much independence of thought. But we don't want our users to get bait-and-switched like that with unnecessary "the rest of it is over at my other website" shenanigans.

Careful where you're posting this, though. I don't care about "spam" in groups that actively encourage that, like Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau. That's sort of their whole deal. But spam isn't allowed outside of that. You shouldn't be posting multiple identical threads in different groups trying to advertise your stuff.

If he keeps coloring outside the lines like this, and group staff doesn't ban him, I will. Just file a report or shoot me a PM.

No one's going to be willing to read outside of fimfiction. I'm certainly not. And definitely not on Wattpad.

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