Writer's Workshop 87 members · 63 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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Group Admin

Yo, guys Rags here with the 1st ever writing contest. This is how its going to work: I’m going to have two categories (SFW and NSFW). I’ll give a prompt that both categories have to follow in someway, you have unlit a week’s times before I start collecting them. The winner will be feature on the front page and I will promote the hell out of their story.

The rules:
1.Each story have to follow the prompt or it will be rejected
2.The story have to be at least 1,000-3,000 words
3.Have to be somewhat readable
4.You can use any characters that you want, unless I tell you to use a certain character.

Now that’s out of the way, we could get down to business. This weeks prompt is the good ol’ saying “There’s room for one more.” Go on do what you ever want to do with this, just have fun. :yay:

2224601 I'm confused:rainbowhuh: does the fic have to be finished?

Group Admin

No, you make a new fic to fit the prompt.

2224818 There's room for one more... Okay

2224818 Okay, I think I know where to go with this.

Comment posted by TheWraithWriter deleted Nov 24th, 2013

2224601ugh! I wrote a story for this competition, but I'm having issues submitting it into the foldER :fluttercry:

Group Admin

What kind of troubles?

2224601 Never mind, I figured it out. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

Alright, I'll get to reading it.

Group Admin

Hey, are you almost done with the story. Due date tomorrow giving a day or two.

2282882 oops...forgot bout that...

Group Admin

If you want to I could extend the due date for three more days.

2283117 nah...Im good

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