Reverse Gender Role Equestria (RGRE) 2,150 members · 291 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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Wondering what’s happened to the story “The long and short of it” (I believe that was the title) it was updated recently but I can’t find it on the site anymore. Am I just missing it or has it been removed? If it’s the latter does anyone know where another version can be found. Thanks for your time

It's showing up in my fav/watch later list just fine, link to it here
If still can't see it you're maturity setting might have been reenabled if you have recently signed out & back in to site

Thank you, that seems to have fixed it. Maturity has turn itself back on even though I haven’t signed out

Things that can make stories "disappear" on FiMfic:

  • Mature randomly getting switched off
  • Author accidentally published the chapter, then un-published it. The site will not re-notify when it is re-published.
  • Randomly because :yay: you, that's why.

Authors disabling their accounts is also an option. It hurts when this is the case, tho.

Yeah, that really sucks. I was focusing on the "it isn't really missing but you in particular can't see it for silly reasons".


Saw this and freaked ngl

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 7