Reverse Gender Role Equestria (RGRE) 2,150 members · 291 stories
Comments ( 11 )
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Just a random shout out to a story I really like on Pone Paste. It suddenly popped into my head and I remembered 'Hey, I really enjoyed reading that.' so I thought I'd just let anyone looking for a cute RGRE isekai to check it out.

Typical guy dies and is reborn as a pony foal with his human memories intact deal. But the characters are fun and it's overall a pretty cute story. Pretty much just a colt, named Anonymous Letter by his pony parents, growing up in Equestria alongside his best friend Rarity who was born on the same day as him. Very slice of life, in general.

Main complaint is that the opening of the story is a completely different tone from the rest of the story. Not bad, exactly, but sets up a tone that the rest of the story does not match at all. Struck me as very weird. If the beginning turns you off just skip down to the part where it says 'You feel warm.', it isn't far down.

Hmm. Yes, I do have a copy from the Great Archiving of 2020.
First half is good so far.

If you like that, you will probably like Life Finds a Way and vice versa.

Yes, it does have the same kind of feel as Life Finds a Way. I think that's why I suddenly thought of it.

Too bad it ends just as it's really getting going. Worth a read, though. :twilightsmile:

Do you have a link to the story?

That was a good read. Thanks for pointing it out.

is there any more?

Unfortunately not.

I wish I knew how to get in contact with PoppedAnon, I'd love to edit the story a little and upload it here.

i put the story into a google doc and edited while i was reading it, I'm not really an editor. Fixed a bit of formatting and spelling errors along with adding/removing commas and dots where needed to make the sentences sound better in my head. but that's about it. Author also had this thing where he didn't have "chat" brackets for the POV of the person talking (so if anon was talking there are no "") so i added those too.

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