Reverse Gender Role Equestria (RGRE) 2,150 members · 291 stories
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Just read a series of stories by Hiver about Blank Page, a unicorn and former human who attempts to make money by rewriting Star Wars for ponies. It eventually leads to political intrigue, international conflicts and ever increasing responsibilities/problems for a former human who just wants to drink tea and make easy money ripping off- I mean, 'paying homage' to classic movies from the human world. It is very light RGRE, stating that it was hard rgre in the past but now the sexes are treated much more equally, but some mares are still 'old fashioned' when it comes to stallions. Herding is also a thing, due to the imbalanced ratios of stallions vs mares. Also, changelings and bat ponies become major focuses later in the series which I personally enjoy.

If you haven't read Hiver's stories, check them out!

Read it all, it is generally excellent.

Elmoz #3 · March 3rd · · ·

Page can be a bit annoying and whiny, but it's a good read overall. Hiver seems to average a few spelling and grammar mistakes every chapter but nothing jarring.

Ironically, I would say the RGRE aspects don't even become noticeable until the later half of the story, when Celestia makes it clear how valuable stallions are. Of course, Page being an alicorn makes it doubly so, so he's babied by his mares a lot. I can understand his frustration on that.

Worth the read.

You might want to link the story you're trying to plug

whats the storys name

Good stuff, worth reading. The author tends to have fairly long gaps between books, then bangs out a chapter every day or two. :twilightsmile:

It’s because Hiver writes other stories on Before they started on the current entry of the Blank Page series, Hiver finished another fanfic on Spacebattles about a dragon self-insert in the Star Trek universe. It’s not a long gap between stories, it’s a long gap between entries in specific series.

love hiver's works

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