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Flora Blossom
Group Contributor
You're celebrating three years in Equestria, prompting you and your wife, Twilight Sparkle, to sit down and have a solemn discussion about life.
Erynaster · 2.5k words  ·  138  5 · 3.8k views

Review: Memory

Tags Romance, Slice of Life, Second Person, Human

Summary: Let’s walk on memory lane.

Review:  I think this story is a pretty good idea and it pretty much shows that.  There might be a time skip.  But that's pretty much it.

I give this an 8/10.

Thanks for the review! :twilightsmile:

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor


Usually I don't like time skips in a story because it breaks the characters in that state of time. There could of been idk fights or at least of a disagreement with opinions to the characters your represent. To get that character feeling.

Understandably so, yes.

Flora Blossom
Group Contributor


Also I wanted to tell you one more thing i know it's a late responds but.... if you are going to make a flash back from the time skip you played then the time skip is acceptable... as long as you try not to cut corners. because if you do it's going to be what g5 did.... making the reader ask too many questions. which you something that you want to prevent.

But that is just me though.

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