Original Pairings 495 members · 718 stories
Comments ( 44 )
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Sounds like fun. A nice lighthearted contest just competing for fun and clout.

I already have a pairing in mind, so I just need to think of a good story.

RDT #3 · May 1st, 2021 · · ·

YEAH! Let's go!


You're more than welcome to use whoever you'd like, just so long as they're canonical characters.

Could you please verify if comic canon characters are/are not allowed? Thanks.

Can do, thanks for the clarification.

Here we go again~

I just wanted to clarify a couple things:

  1. Are canon characters that lack tags on FiMfic allowed? It seems like it's implied but sometimes I'm bad with implied stuff lol
  2. Are OCs that made it into the show allowed, such as Stellar Eclipse for example?


Cool, thanks for answering!

Hmm, dare I enter again this year... It was fun last year, wonder if I can come up with something as good as I did before.

Just to double check, is Equestria Girls allowed?

I have never done one of these before and am fact new to FiM Fiction, so why not enter a contest? lol Now to just find that plot bunny that works for this.

Well, the last one I did got positive buzz even though I don't know why... should I enter to see if that happens again?

Noted, thank you


You may use whatever genre or rating you prefer. As for word count... just try not to be over 10k words, OK? It's fine if it goes a little bit over, but please don't write an entire encyclopedia on the comprehensive history of Equestria, featuring Autumn Blaze and Bulk Biceps.

10,000 words is nowhere near enough to write a Comprehensive History of Equestria.

So it's kind of like a friends forever comic pairing nice

7489963 Are alternate universes okay, like a world where Rainbow Dash is a magical filly (pony version of a magical girl)?

7493386 Okay, now I just need to think of a stallion to pair with her. :rainbowlaugh:

When you say whatever genre/rating, I presume this is still a family-friendly contest?


2. Your story may not include any of the following: OC's, Anon, Self-inserts or non-canon characters (which means unnamed changelings/gryphons/humans/etc.)

Does this mean that we can't use original characters at all in our story, or just that they can't be part of the main pairing?

That was a query I had too. Thanks for clearing it up.

Question: can it be a multi chapter?

The story is still in the 10K word limit. Is just that the way my story is structured, diving the story in multiple chapters is kind of required.

Good evening. I had a question concerning alternate accounts. I've already entered one story on this account of mine. I intend to submit a NSFW story (assuming I get it done on time) on another account. Hypothetically speaking, if two such separate accounts were to place, how would that be handled?


Ok, thx for answering :twilightsmile:

Can I use a group tag like Dazzlings? Or should I just tag one of them?


2. Your story may not include any of the following: OC's, Anon, Self-inserts or non-canon characters (which means unnamed changelings/gryphons/humans/etc.)

Now, I just wanted to clarify, does this mean there can't be any OCs at all or just that the ship that the story is based around can't feature an OC (which I think makes legit sense)?

Is it against the rules to submit a story for this contest, as well as another one on the site that has a very similar theme?

As for word count... just try not to be over 10k words, OK? It's fine if it goes a little bit over, but please don't write an entire encyclopedia on the comprehensive history of Equestria, featuring Autumn Blaze and Bulk Biceps.

So I hate to be the guy that has to ask, but of course I'm the one that's gotta--just what IS meant by "a little bit over?"

I ask because my draft for my would-be entry is currently a couple hundred over 10K, and I'm trying to determine just how much I'm going to have to cut back to make it fit the requirements, and naturally I'm loathe to cut out anymore than I have to if possible. :twilightblush:

But if it needs to be under 10K still, then I'll make it happen somehow (though hopefully quickly, seeing that deadline's coming up fast).

Uhm, I think I'm going to be late by a few minutes because Fimfiction needs to upload my story.

Yay! I believe in you Cadence!

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