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In other words, the character that represents you

JNKing recently reveals his new OC named Smith Jenson whom he based this Lion OC on his friend who passed away 8 years ago.

So it inspires me to do this post and out of your OC, which one that have your personality the most or the one that remind you of yourself or the OCs you based on yourself?

For me, it would be either Kyan or Speed Demon Kid.

Kyan- He's essentially me as God and he didn't have a name back then and he was only known as my God OC before I gave him a proper name, that's why I use him a lot cause he remind me of myself.

Speed Demon Kid- Again, he's autistic like me and he's nice and loyalty like me except the part where he's nervous mess or he was bullied by everyone, I came up with those parts cause I want to give him a reason why he's scared or shy toward girls. (I wasn't bullied by the way, I have a good time at school but I do admits I tend to be shy around beautiful girls)

What about you? Did you based your OC on yourself

That one is easy. It is Aura Kaiser and Mystic Knight.

Aura Kaiser - He's basically me as a God as well. But Aura basically represents me today compared how I used to be when I younger. And I also use him a lot more since he reminds me of myself too.

Mystic Knight - Like I said before, he's autistic like me and is very unsure about himself and his abilities. He literally represents how nervous I was around others in the past and despite being great at a lot of things and being very smart, both him and I are always unsure how others would view us. This was because, like how Mystic was put down by his father, I was bullied a lot for my disability and my own interest. Destroying my self confidence and keeping me from making any friends. Mystic's own development was also based on how I changed and became who I am today. I was able to make friends who liked me for who I was and some even helped me towards my own goal to create my own games.

Group Admin

Sorry to hear that.

I could see why Aura is acting like a big brother figure to Mystic, he's essentially the older you helping the younger you.

Although, I don't want to upset but did you based Gallant Knight (Mystic's father) on your father since you did say you were bullied in the past? You don't have to answer that if it's too personal for you.


Although, I don't want to upset but did you based Gallant Knight (Mystic's father) on your father since you did say you were bullied in the past? You don't have to answer that if it's too personal for you.

Not exactly. I was bullied by many kids actually. Some times I would end up home battered and bruised. My dad was a Marine in the Military so he was barely there for me. And when he was, he didn't care. Said to toughen up and fight back. Lot of help that did. I ended up hating him in my early childhood.

I later found out that it wasn't his fault, all his life he was taught to be tough by my grandfather to train him to be in the military and tried to do the same with me. But he later changed, and in a way, I did toughen up. When I stood up to those bullies for once and the bullying stopped when I got to high school.

I respect my dad and would never think badly of him. But in a way, I did in a way when I was younger since he wasn't there for me and wasn't exactly a "good father" at first. But he was able to change and I do look up to him now. Even if he does irritate me at times. But hey, that's family for you.

Group Admin

Sorry about what you went through, glad you stood up against your bullies.

Sound like you and your father made peace with each other or reconcile.

Thank you for sharing it.

Group Admin

That's a mixed one, as a lot of character represent parts of me, but not really the full me.

Star Wing, I've always seen as me when I'm happy; she's my embodiment of joy.

Logan is me when I'm defiant; the part of me that doesn't know when to quit, even when it's a really good idea.

Myst is me when I'm angry; all the frustration and rage I feel at the cruelty and meanness of the world is reflected in her.

Swift is me when I'm afraid; nervous, anxious, paranoid and jittery.

Wildvine is my reminder to stay calm and cool under fire; the one that suppresses the 'Swift' instinct.

They all contribute to feel like parts of myself, and I think that helps them feel more lifelike, as while I'm not putting all of myself into them, I'm still speaking from somewhere with experience when writing them.

Group Admin

So, all five of you are basically you? Interesting.

What is your thought on Kyan and Speed are based on me? (Especially Kyan since he's essentially me as a god while Speed got both my autistic and shyness toward beautiful girls, although I don't pass out like he did, I exaggerated that trait for him)

Thank you for sharing it. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


What is your thought on Kyan and Speed are based on me?

I like it; considering Kyan's start as a simpler 'God OC' I feel that having him be based on you makes a lot of sense and is a great way for you to be able to live vicariously through him.

The same way I'm able to indulge things that make me happy, scared, defiant or angry through Star, Swift, Logan and Myst.

I also get having Speed's traits get exaggerated; that's the best thing about characters; we can let them be whoever we want them to be. And if we want them to have exaggerated character traits, why shouldn't we?

Always happy to share with these. Thank you for posting and sharing them as well. :pinkiehappy:

In all honesty, I think my secondary ponysona is closer to me in personality. But my primary one has the better name and is the same gender, sooooo.....

For me, it’s definitely Night Rider.

He’s usually quiet and withdrawn, but becomes more chatty around people he knows well or when discussing a favorite subject of his. He’s loved cars since he was a little foal. His skill level isn’t professional and he knows it, but he’s still willing to improve himself—albeit at his own pace.

I say Sol Blaze, and Blaze since both can be quiet people and I somewhat a quiet person in my friend group, but just like me can be friendly

For me, it would be Pearl Rose here. . Absolutely zero filter on her mouth and is more than happy to tell others how she feels about them, and doesn't particularly care if they don't like it.

Underneath all of her tough girl exterior though, is somepony who does genuinely care about her friends and loved ones and is more than happy to stand up to bullies for someone smaller than them.

Heck. Some of Pearl's best friends were ponies she helped against bullies, and she could care less if you're rich or dirt poor.

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