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My introduction to Star Wars and possibly my favorite Star Wars film.

you and me both, brother!

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Revenge of the Sith is for me the best of the Prequel Trilogy, after The Empire Strikes Back wich I consider the best of the entire Star Wars franchise.

Still, underrated movie.

well, to each his own, I say.

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Empire seems one of the two most popular (other being A New Hope). I guess coz of it ending darker? Of the six main films it is kinda lowest on my list, but not rubbish, it has its moments, particularly the duel between Luke and Vader and that classic spoiler that even the actors were kept in the dark about while filming (except James Earl Jones of course).

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More than anything it was because of the twist plot that shocked audiences at the time, and because the film surpassed its predecessor (something that was difficult to achieve for a franchise that was just taking off).

Fun fact: at first they thought of making Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker as two different characters, since in a discarded script Anakin's spirit would appear to Luke, while he was training with Master Yoda on Dagobah, to talk to him about Vader.

I hear the script that everyone except James Earl Jones was given said "Obi-Wan killed your father".

I saw Phantom Menace in theaters for its re-release as it is the only numbered film outside of the original trilogy that I have not seen in theaters (as I first saw it on VHS). The podrace was pretty cool of course, but of course the biggest highlight of the film is Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan vs. Darth Maul. And the soundtrack makes it even better.

I too first saw Ep. 1 on VHS

And then in Clone Wars, it's revealed that Maul somehow survived his duel with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. He'd gone mad for a while, and had a spider-like lower body, until his mind was healed by Mother Talzin and he received normal looking prosthetic legs. Too bad for him that he'd been replaced by Dooku and Sidious tried to kill him and succeeded in killing his brother Savage Oppress. And in Rebels, he dies for good against Obi-Wan when he realizes Obi-Wan is on Tatooine to protect Luke from the Empire until he's old enough to train as a Jedi. Although the one thing I never understood, they said Anakin was too old to train as a Jedi, and Luke was a teenager or young adult when he met Obi-Wan. If Anakin was too old, what makes them think Luke isn't too old? Then again, they didn't mention Anakin was too old until Phantom Menace, but Yoda initially refused to train Luke, saying he was too old.

And of course, Rebels came out after Phantom Menace. I guess that's an inconsistency with the TV series then. I did see the Obi-Wan duel with Darth Maul, which wasn't as epic but at least was his "official" death this time.

As to Empire: Yoda did briefly say he was too old to begin, but I guess he and Leia (who is the same age) were the only options. But I guess then you have to ask, why did Obi-Wan wait as long as he did in A New Hope?

I remember when I first saw Phantom Menace I thought "He's too OLD? Is that a joke? He's a little boy. How young do you have to be to start training?"

True, but from what I know, Clone Wars takes place somewhere during Attack of the Clones, and Rebels takes place somewhere between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Clone Wars was the show where they revealed Maul survived being cut in half, whereas in Rebels, he no longer went by Darth Maul, even in front of Ahsoka and the Sith Inquisitors, he said "Once Darth, now just Maul." and while he was still strong in the Dark side, he was no longer a Sith, he was just a normal Force user who decided to use his gift for evil. But as he dies in Obi-Wan's arms on Tatooine, he dies in peace knowing that Luke will avenge all the people who Sidious deceived, manipulated, and murdered.

I thought Clone Wars was between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. At the end of AotC, as Yoda puts it, "Begun, the Clone War has." I remember hearing Dooku is the main villain there and of course he is killed off at the beginning of Revenge of the Sith (or is he? Maul officially survived Phantom Menace, I bet they decided Dooku survived his decapitation somewhere as well, and his body being incinerated along with part of the ship entering Coruscant's atmosphere).

You might be right, I'm not sure, and honestly, I haven't finished the prequel or sequel trilogies. I was disappointed with Last Jedi and decided not to watch RoS

I found the sequel trilogy enjoyable but at the same time do not consider them part of the main canon, nor should they because in Return of the Jedi the Death Star was completely destroyed with no ruins left intact, yet The Rise of Skywalker has some intact ruins of that Death Star. And if Palpatine survived, then Anakin did not fulfill the prophecy.

As Palpatine said, the Dark side has abilities some would consider unnatural

The writers did explain how he survived but it still retconned the prophecy

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Still think Revenge of the Sith is the absolute best of the entire Prequel Triology.

As for this movie, it has some really cool moments, but it is also pretty boring most of the time, in my opinion.

To each his own, I say

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