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Here's the sad part: At no point did any of the people in the fight have the self-awareness to stop and think that by doing this, they're reinforcing a negative stereotype.

what were they fighting over?

The flight was leaving Myrtle Beach and going to Boston, so who knows. In the video that the passengers filmed on their phones, the two guys were slap fighting, not the cool fighting with fists, knuckles and blood.

People from Myrtle Beach and Boston have this negative stereotype of being stupid, belligerent, racist white trash and those people made sure to reinforce that negative stereotype.

well, I hope the situation was completely resolved.

The flight had to be turned around, the air marshals took them off the plane, they went to jail, got banned by Spirit Airlines and went on a forever list. So yeah, it got resolved.

Too many people either forget or don't realize is that an airplane is not a democracy, it's a tube-shaped dictatorship.

Well, there's one thing that can't be resolved, all the time and money people spent to get on the flight, only for the plane needing to be turned around back to Myrtle Beach to get these morons off the plane. IDK for sure, but I don't think there's a way to make up for that lost time. Imagine going on this flight for an important business meeting, and you're late because of these idiots forcing the plane to turn around, which takes more time to clear for to land and then clear for takeoff a second time, and by the time you get to Boston, you've wasted hours of people's time.

Plus when the plane has to turn around, they have to dump the fuel in the tanks as the suspension on them are calibrated to deal with the weight of a plane making a landing with mostly empty fuel tanks, and you know that's not great for the environment.

I didn't know that, but yeah, dumping jet fuel into the land below is definitely not a good thing

If it weren't for the fact that it would put everyone else in the plane at risk, I'd give them a parachute and tell them to squat, pray, leap, AAAAAH, touchdown

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