Bike's Personal Contests 112 members · 55 stories
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Group Admin

it's ya boy, Flash Sentry!

so like, i really hated the first Equestria Girls movie for so many reasons, and one of the biggest was the forced romance between Princess Twilight Sparkle, working librarian and savior of the world many times over, and a... high school boy?

but it's not his fault that the movie he was introduced in was so badly written! in fact, he never did anything wrong in his life! and it took the works of some great Flash Sentry writers to get me to see that there are so many more possibilities for his character than the one-note role that he was introduced with, and to love him for it.

and one of those authors, daOtterGuy, has graciously agreed to judge a contest all about the precious blue-haired boy!


the contest can be of any genre, as long as the story is E or T-rated and has Flash Sentry (pony or human) as a central character.

the contest ends on 2023 Jan 29 8PM ET. entries should be complete and placed in the contest folder before then. if you're running close, make sure to PM me the final text of your story before the deadline in case anything happens with the queue. no exceptions!

the judges will be daOtterGuy and myself.

the prize pool will be at least $80 in total, with distribution to depend on the stories. more and better stories will result in more placements and money in the prize pool.

all prizes will be sent by Paypal. if you do not want to or cannot accept a cash prize, we may come to an agreement on donating it to a charity, or a commission.

the winning spots will include at least one shorter and/or at least one "lighter/fluffier" entry, if applicable.

you can write as many entries as you want, with a total limit of 15kw.

good luck!

a few more Flash Sentry pics because why not

he has a dog? what???

hehe Sunset's face here always cracks me up

join the server to talk about this and other contests, and writing, and such!

Does it matter whether we are writing Flash Sentry in a canon setting, as opposed to an AU or even a crossover (a crossover that the judges understand, though?)

I do like the freedom to write unusual and even bizarre things. :twilightsmile:

Also, how many entries (stories) per author?

Is there a (quite reasonable imho) limit on the total number of words per author?


As many entries as you wish so long as the total word count of all entries does not exceed 15 K (ie 15 1K stories, or 3 5 K stories are acceptable)
In terms of crossover, that would be a Bike question

Group Admin

feel free to write unusual and bizarre things! though the judging will be limited to the judges' ability to understand the story, of course

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