Unrequited Love 24 members · 3 stories

Love is a complex emotion. You feel absolute joy and happiness when it occurs, but when it’s unrequited, it absolutely stings.

The theme of this group is basically talking about Unrequited Crushes. Where Character A feels romantic feelings for Character B, but Character B does not feel the same way.

The rules are simple:

1. The group is called Unrequited Love for a reason. No matter what, Character B must not be in love with Character A.

2. No illegal pairings like incest or pedophilia. Anything else is fair game.

If these rules are broken, I will not allow the story to be in the group.

Also this is not really a rule but more of a recommendation. I’d like both of the characters to be on good terms, but I will still allow it if that isn’t the case.

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