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The original voice of Wallace and Norman Clegg is now no longer with us.

5975999 That’s a darn shame.
I guess we won’t be seeing anymore grand adventures from the dynamic duo. :ajsleepy:

He also voiced Rat in the Wind in the Willows stop-motion British animation series. I grew up with it, being sadly deprived of Disney in my youth.

These things do happen. Great actors with long and very successful careers suddenly, at last, passing on. It’s always such a shock because they’ve been around so long and we find ourselves thinking they’re going to be around forever. It is as inevitable as it is, ironically, shocking when it occurs.
But in a way, they do live forever. It is indeed sad and upsetting that their lives and works come to an end but the legacy they’ve created will never end as long as we, those who have enjoyed and been inspired by them, remember their finest hours.

I will never forget Wind in the Willows (You can find it on YouTube last I checked) and I am certain few will forget Wallace and Gromit or Last of the Summer Wine or any of the moments when Peter Sallis’s talent brought a smile to our faces.
That’s what it’s all about in the end.

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