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So it seems the conservatives have lost their outright majority and strengthened their rivals in the process. I, for one, am happy to see some tory weakness come about once more. :twilightsmile: what are your thoughts?

Well, I knew the results would be anti-climactic when it didn’t appear on the Wikipedia Homepage News Section.:ajbemused:
But a hung parliament?:unsuresweetie::duck:
Meh, I’ll take it. It could have been a lot worse. :ajsmug:
Denmark’s had one for over thirty years apparently.
Might get them to finally shape up, reach a compromise and actually get something done around here. Though that could be wishful thinking.
It seems the more Theresa May said, the less likable she came across.
Let this be a lesson that sometimes less is more.

For me, I’m not a UKIP voter, I voted Tory in my home election, but most likely the Brexit deal that will happen now means will have to conform to EU laws while having now say in them.

I voted Remain in the EU Referendum but I feel that that is unfair.

I'm somewhat concerned about this as this could severely impact the right of the UK to set its own laws without having to go through this federal bureaucracy that's established itself in Brussels. On a more positive note I can't see how Corbyn could get into Downing Street even with four other parties supporting him.

Well, I've always been highly conservative myself. However, I do not favour May. She's too...disconnected from the people.

The things Corbyn offers are very tempting, you know? Investing in the NHS, housing and giving students free education at University.
Despite this, he has been an IRA apologist for years and cannot explain in-depth how he manages to pay for all these benefits that his government offers. I do not wish to see the country throw itself into debt like the 1970's Labour government. We're still recovering.

Either way, I think we can all agree that a hung Parliament is always a disappointment.

I just think it's hilarious that this is the exact same foolhardy bravado that got Cameron in so much hot water and got May into office in the first place. :P He, too, called an election that he and everyone else knew he couldn't win, but was going to push through and prove his point anyway. Idiots, the lot.

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