Twilight Sparkle 4,770 members · 12,352 stories
Comments ( 99 )
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Welcome. There really isn't that much of a format you must follow for submitting a story for inspection. Just give us the name, author, completion status and length of the story you are submitting.

Please reply to this comment so that I am notified of your submission.

Also reply to me as well, since all of the admins will be involved with the submission. If at least two of us disapprove, then we'll consider it dropped.

Group Contributor

Might as well have a post for people to reply to that sends me a notification.

Group Contributor


Well then... I guess I'll have to be the first (I hope you guys don't mind a self submission).

Name: Everypony's Gay For Cake

Author: AgonistAgent (hi)

Completion Status: Done, barring minor grammar corrections.

Words: 1,215 words.

Description: Twilight loves Celestia, and has conquered every obstacle between them. There's just one problem - Celestia only has eyes for her one true love - cake. So Twilight does what anypony in her position would do. No, not move on - she’s going to turn herself into a cake! What’s the worst that could happen?

Notes: Just a random comedy one-shot - sacrifices all sanity for humor's sake. There's even a collab reading of it! Don't expect beautiful characterization, intricate plot, deep thoughts or sensory detail, do expect everyone in the room to be staring as you laugh and rupture your lungs.

437119 Ehhhh.... While we didn't say you couldn't I am going to say that that is very, very egotistical of you to do. HOWEVER, we did say we would check it out. So, I'll read and consider.

437119 Okay, so I've read it (I assume you were aiming for epic one-shots since it is a one-shot), but it is definitely not Epic One-shot material even if it made me chuckle once or twice. One of your comments says it all for me:

Pretty much - I had writer's block working on the plot of my serious story, so I decided to relax a bit and write one of the comedy fic ideas I had.

It's just that: a quick fic written for the lulz without any serious effort put into it. You just took a bunch of random junk, added Twilight and Celestia, threw in some forced memes and quick, pointless dialogue, then coalesced it into something with few truly humorous happenings.

Now, don't let my harsh whatever-the-heck-this-is dissuade you from writing more stuff or submitting again, but I can't just approve everything that comes through here or else we'll hafta rename the folder to 'Seemingly Important and Awesome but Really Just Whatever Folder. Which would be silly. Anyhoof, you still have two people to go through, so let's hope democracy is on your side.

Group Contributor


Allright then - I wasn't sure if it was what you guys meant by one-shot.

To be honest, I prefer working on serious fics myself it's just that comedy gets a better response.

437217 Well, the story is a one-shot, don't let that confuse you, it just isn't epic. It doesn't have to be serious, nor does have to be nonsensical, but it has to captivate the reader either by touching his/her emotions, leaving them writhing on the floor in laughter, or holding them on the edge of their seat wondering 'What's gonna happen next!?'. If it doesn't do any of those three things, then I won't even consider giving it my vote.

Still, you have two other mods to go through, so 420494 420561 get to work, you lazy bums!

Group Contributor


I think not.

An example of a comedy / random story that might be considered an epic one shot would be A Perfectly Ordinary Day in Ponyville.

The biggest differences I can point out between them is the example I linked has are:
- It has something to make all the random events fit together (satire of silly stuff in fan fics, in this case) that makes each less jarring.
- It because of how the story in presented (the characters taking oddity as being painfully normal serves to make it all more humorous), rather that just throwing fun occurrences at the reader.


All things considered, if someone really wanted to they could make another account to submit it from so having a rule against it is not really practical anyways. Encouraging authors to only nominate their best work would be more likely to yield positive results.

437362 Aye, but still. When you submit your own stories, you already have a bias since they are your stories. Even authors with stories that outright suck will say their stories are the best things ever because it is their story and, unless they have low self-esteem, they will always put themselves upon a pedestal. But what you said is true, and I don't want to enact said rule cause it'll discourage people from submitting. We really don't have enough SG/EOS in the group.

Doesn't mean I still won't frown upon it though. It is egotistical.

Group Contributor


Allrighty then, I'll keep that in mind next time. Oh well - thanks for explaining!


The interesting thing is that overconfidence seems oddly inverse to effort to some extent - if an author's had more time to write, they have more time to think and worry about it.

437587 That's not entirely true. It's very random in how it works, generally. I've seen authors whose stories are good, at best, call them amazing. Authors whose stories are good say they suck. Authors whose stories are good admit that the story is just that and nothing more. Authors who have amazing stories say that the story sucks and also some that say their amazing stories are just that or mediocre. Then you have the ones with shit stories that admit that their stories are shit or put the stories on a pedestal. All of it happens, but the crap stories made out to be amazing and the amazing made out to suck are typically most common.

462265 I'll give it my vote. Been following it since the start, and love it. You can't have a perfect story, but it's damn good.

Group Contributor

462379 462283 2/3? Well then, let's get this party started!

463504 The funny thing is, 'feeding' Octavia plot would make it fat, but in an entirely different way.

Group Contributor

Woooooowe! I'm in the Epic One-Shot folder!!! When the BUCK did that happen? :pinkiegasp:
I missed it completely! Thank you guys I'm truly honored!!! :twilightblush:

And as always… Have a nice one!!! :derpytongue2:

Group Contributor

420496 Might I be so bold as to ask what the standards are for getting into a solid gold folder?

501809 It's hard to explain it, but I'll give you a few things that I take into consideration. First, it has to be something that I really, really enjoy. Now, typically, that would mean that I would be extremely biased against most things submitted (such as M/F shipping), but with this I give such things a few extra points due to any bias I may have.

Next, it has to be well-written. It needs to be able to flow, and capture interest. If it doesn't pull me in with good word-play, then I'll drop it quickly. Also, this includes grammar. It doesn't have to be perfect, but if there are spelling and other various grammatical errors strewn about it, then I'll drop it.

Finally, it just has to wow me. Kinda goes along with #1, but with a bit of a twist. I can really, really enjoy something and just not get much impact from it. Like, take romance as an example. If it just goes through the basic romance routines, then I'mma overlook it for the folder, but if there's something in there that deviates from the path, something unexpected and not often used, I'll be much more likely to pop it in here.

As for the other two? Jekyll is particularly lenient towards romance and Gwen I'm not sure about.

Group Contributor

Just because it's my favorite second favorite Twilight story:
Inner Demons
Author: SapphireLibra3
It's complete, but really long; 33 chapters plus epilogue. I believe it's a good read, just hope the author doesn't mind me posting it here.

508416 Hoo boy! This is gonna be a long haul! I'll get started post-haste and reply with my answer when I'm finished. Not looking forward to that SpikexBloom though :trixieshiftleft: *gag*

Group Contributor


Read some of it before. The writing is okay, but I am not touching that plot again even with a ten foot pole.

508522 I now understand what you mean. I didn't even get past the first half of the intro chapter :facehoof:

Anyhoof, 508416 I, unfortunately, disapprove the submission. The intro isn't even interesting enough to grab my attention. Perhaps next submission will work?

Also, kudos for not trying to self-promote and trying to add somepony else's story. Most submissions are typically self-written stories. :raritystarry:

Group Contributor


I was more referring to Twilight going over to the dark side and using the Nightmare's power to get in bed with Shining Armor. And Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo being given Cutie Marks via magic. And Applebloom being the one to save the day by being the Master of Harmony.

509117 Oh wow. Wow. Glad I didn't get that far

Group Contributor

509078 Well, I can't say I'm not mildly disappointed. I didn't get into the story for the plot I'll tell you that. As a writer I would love to get my work in this someday, but as a fan of Rarity, (don't quote me on this) 'It's doesn't hurt to let someone else shine before you do. Hold your head high and if you're as good as you think you are, you'll out sparkle everyone when the time comes.' I'll make it here someday, or eventually, but for now I willing to stand on the sidelines and wait for my moment.

509137 Perhaps, we shall see when the time comes. As for now, though, I already had your second story on my 'Open tab, waiting to start reading list', so, perhaps if I enjoy it enough, I may look to try and get it added :raritywink:

Only time shall tell.


Before I forget, this should probably be in the Solid Gold

The Immortal Game
Author: AestheticB
Status: 289,068 words, Nearly complete, waiting on its epilogue.

Edit: oh man, I don't think its even in this group.

Group Contributor


What?! Well now it is in the group.

And I support the motion to add it to solid gold.

509312 509361 Done. It'll be added in like, ten seconds.

Group Contributor

509147 Well, you are my hero, right up there next to Aegis Shield, so hearing you say you'll give my story a read is a dream come true. I'll never be as good as you when it comes to... certain things, but I got a chance. That's all I could ever ask for.

Group Contributor


Do stories have to be complete or near-complete to be added?

511430 It's preferred that, if they aren't complete, they are somewhat far along. With some stories it's hard to tell how they'll be with just early submissions and with others it's plainly obvious. Any will work, though. Preferred, but not mandatory.

Group Contributor


Ah. Okay then. In that case, I've got a few I think you guys should look at.


Fixing Up Miss Smartypants and it's sequel, Three Magics.

Both are written by Arkensaw Pinkerton. The first is about 50k, the second 38k, and both are complete.


Next up is On Wings of Change by Kobalstromo.

It's currently at about 29k, and is only starting up, but personally I think he's one of the best authors on FimFic.


I'm surprised The Moonstone Cup isn't already on there. It's complete, 61k, written by Cyanide, and is pretty damn epic.


Next up is Aurora by PonyholicsAnonymous.

It's almost complete at 43k and is, in my opinion, really awesome. It's rating as of this writing is also crazy high at 640-7. Seriously, I can't help but feel that Aurora is a bit under-appreciated. Needs more views. (Although PA needs to hurry up and write the last chapter, dangit!)

That's all I got off the top of my head. Sorry for burying you guys in submissions there, but I felt the folder could use some additions. :twilightsmile:


511609 Sweet Celestia's nipples that's a lot and, while I'm not looking forward to reading the first two, I'll be giving them a looksie in the near future.

Group Contributor


It is a lot, and I feel kinda bad about that. Still, I felt that those deserved a look for a potential spot. Since my own fic has been growing in popularity bit by bit I like to help highlight other fics, even when they're also fairly popular. Networking, kinda. Get to know others in the community, and somewhat contribute every now and then in ways I can be reasonably useful.

511719 They all seem pretty good from the description, and a few of them I have in my read-later list, so that's a bonus (except for the first two again :rainbowlaugh: I absolutely hate Mare x Stallion ships and especially any ship that involves Time Turner, Big Mac, or Braeburn, but I'll ignore that for these since it shouldn't be biased.). Plus, the amount isn't really a problem. We need more in the list :pinkiehappy:

Group Contributor


Well, I hope that whenever I work up the nerve to submit my own story you'll overlook the fact that there are a couple of mare/stallion ships. :twilightblush: I will say that they are definitely not a focus. Not by a long shot. It starts off stating that Big Mac and Fluttershy are married, but they don't even get any lines. At that point in the story it's there to establish how much time has passed. The most front-and-center romantic relationship is Shining Armor and Cadence, and, well, that's not a ship, that's a canon couple literally made for each other. And I've already stated that Twi will *not* be in a romantic relationship at any point in Rites. I just cannot write Twilight in love, it doesn't work for me.

511964 I can easily overlook Shinig x Cadence cause canon :rainbowlaugh:

Group Contributor


Sure to those last three. I guess I will need to read those other two some time, likely after finals next week.

511609 Read all of what's there of On Wings of Change and that will definitely be added post-haste. Moving on to the next one.

511609 Aurora = added. Next.

517824 The Moonstone cup is awsome:pinkiehappy:


Hopefully you'll allow me to be totally forward in suggesting myself, I almost feel guilty, almost. :twilightblush:


Author: myself

Status: finished

Length: 6517 words

Note: the comedy is intended to be light, and not 'coughing up lungs' funny. I doubt I'm that funny anyway. :raritywink:

Also, if you feel the fic worthy, you can put it wherever you feel is best; I don't particularly mind. :twilightsmile:

Group Contributor


I think it could stand a bit more editing first. I listed a few errors in a comment on the story itself.

No point in adding it when it is not at its best.


Is it something you would consider once the minor amendments are made?

Group Contributor


Yes. Though getting someone to act as an editor and look it over would be a good idea.

656085 Who is involved in the romance in Soothsaying?

Group Contributor


Twilight and Celestia.

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