Art for Fanfiction 5,180 members · 213 stories
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Greetings whoever is reading this, I'm an artist on this group for almost 2 years and I must declare that what I'm about to say is all just my own opinion, our group admin has already posted a wonderful guide on how to do this but I feel like I should add a little to it. That being said I am here to guide you on how to use the [Requst] tag and get your art. Here are some things you need to remember first before posting.

  1. The [Commision] tag exists and it will gain way more attention and that's a almost guarantee chance of someone taking you up for your offer.
  2. Artist are humans too who have spent a lot of time and effort perfecting his/her craft
  3. We have other things to worry about, other than your work.
  4. Credit does not pay bills
  5. Will you be willing to write a story/ do something that's time-consuming and hard for free?
  6. Artists can't read minds, post what you want IN the thread, don't PM for details. it's annoying.

I am sorry but this is the cold ugly truth, it may be hard to swallow but please consider that art is not easy to make. Now I am not saying that artists WON'T draw anything with a [Request] tag on it, far from it most of you are on the younger side, we get it. But the chances are less likely to happen if we get squat out if this deal. BUT do not fear for here are a few things to consider that could increase your odds of getting a piece of art for you.

  1. the complexity of your artwork. (the simpler (like the pic you see above), the higher the chances)
  2. the time it might take. (the less time, the higher the chances)
  3. what will the artist get out of this if they draw your artwork. (the more, the higher the chances)
  4. the skill level of your preferred artist. (the lower, the higher the chances)
  5. are you willing to trade the art for something like a story? If so, congrats! It's a [commsion], not a [request]

I hope this helps you find a good artist that could help you make some good art. have a good day.

P.S. I am sot sure if I can post a [PSA] tag, hey Verbose Mode, can I?

Group Contributor

hum, I feel that trading art for story would could work better with [trade] instead of [commission] but that's just me.

I like this alot, big fan of this. Ive also been here a good while though kindve in and out but i know how you feel.
Id also like to tack this on:
I know and understand that alot of people here (in my personal experience) are on the younger side, around high school age and maybe dont have the funds or means to transfer funds for a commission, (i even price low to accommodate for this.) But I get it, that makes perfect sense. And it sucks, for both parties involved, you want an original piece for your story and i want real money. But for the amount of posts i see that are just presumably free request posts, then by all points this place seems barren to me, im not expecting to make bank here goodness no, but it has to start somewhere.

Also this is in the other guide for requesting and commissioning but if like to reiterate:
When you want art, at least TRY to tell us what you want, dont just put "dm for details" your coming to us for art not the other way around.

I hope i havent come off as an angry ranter on an otherwise very nice post. Im just passionate about this. Im willing to sound mad about that second bit tho, that mess ruffles my feathers so hard.

made the changes in the thread. thanks. :twilightsmile:
(I am very passionate too on this subject)


Question: How do you tag things? Is it just putting it in the title or what? I do art commission ads and I'd like to garner more attention if I can.

Also, thanks for this! It was nice of you to do this PSA, even tho not tagged :P I'm pretty opininated and passionate about things regarding art, too.

The "tag" is just putting whatever is most relevant to your post in [ brackets ] in the title. Like [request] [commission] [display] etc.

Cool, thankie!

Would you happen to know where the original admin-written ‘How to ask for commissions’ thread is? Can’t seem to find it anywhere.

Why this isn't pinned, I'll never understand. But it's all truth and nothing but the truth you speak.

  1. Credit does not pay bills

This needs to be said more often honestly. Though always credit the artist in the description anyway.

I forgot this post even existed... Sry but I can't help ya 😅

No idea but it's written by a 2 Year old artist, I have grown now, matured.

Group Admin

yall really wanting this pinned aint ya

Group Admin

Still very good as a source of information lol.

it pinned now.

i wish it was easier to get digitl and abse edit oc art. i dont want Degenrate pencil and apepr art

ive been trying to get digital and abse edit oc art for the pats 6 years with nos uccess all ebcuase of those greedy artists and i dont want degenerate pencil and paper art ebcuase only a deadbeat in extreme poveryt would want it

Group Admin

well that's a bit rude ain't it

it isnt rude if almsot no one in the fandom ahs or wants pencil and paper art

Hello! Sorry if I’m being intrusive, but I’m new to this site and am curious about something.
I know you can add images in stories here, but is it just limited to one, or can you put in others?

Group Admin

You can add as many as you want, but make sure that you do so in a non-intrusive way! I've seen plenty of stories on Fimfiction that opted to use embedded pictures in place of actually telling the story or describing a scene, and despite that one quote, there's a whole lot of work that you need to put in if you want to replace a chunk of text with an image.

I....Im ashamed to confess this...but Im unemployed and therefore have no way of paying for art. Im sorry.:ajsleepy:

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